Sooo…I’d normally look around the web to see if someone had something similiar happen to it but I am not sure how to put it in querable sentence…

Basically maps are out of wack when my partner plays. Lua infiltration? Some doors you need to unlock, she has unlocked from the start - the chandelier thingy you need to shoot down to punch a hole in the floor? It’s down at the start of the game for her. On the other hand on Zariman we found out she has some of the maintenance passages closed, even though they’re open for me.

I…am not sure what the heck is going on. Did someone had something like this happen to them? Her game updates normally so I dunno if it’s something in the settings or what.

  • Dystopia
    31 year ago

    If they’re on PC, they can try clicking the settings cog on the launcher and verify their downloads cache. (No clue how to do this on console)

    The only other thing I can think of checking is to make sure your Network Ports are set to different values if you’re on the same network. Warframe will usually pester you if multiple people on the same network are using the same ports, so this probably isn’t your issue, but you can find it under Settings > System > Network Ports. Any value is fine there as long as it is set to something different from the settings used for your game.

    If you still run into issues, you might have to make a bug report on the forums to let them know that certain dynamic/interactable objects, like the hatches Zaramin, are indestructible while your partner is playing as a client. Still no clue what’s going on with Lua but at least that one seems pretty minor because it’s in a vault where only used for that mission and it’s in the state for an alternate path rather than a state preventing completing the mission.