I had a lot of interesting answers when I asked about everyone’s favorite non-gameplay thing in Warframe, so I am back with this one.

I have always wanted Mirage because she looked like a jester, the fact that she is a glass cannon was not on my mind when I got her (she is much stronger than I thought though)

Then came Hydroid, I know he is not so useful and needs a rework, but I love Eldrich horror and a Cthulu/Kraken had to be in my arsenal.

So what is yours?

  • @SabreWalrus
    22 years ago

    You shouldn’t really have any survivability issues with her 3. You’re only vulnerable to melee and special attacks like Eximus abilities or Thrax lasers, and since you want to be in the air for her passive that keeps you away from melee, and special abilities are things you should be dodging anyways

    Her 4 can also create stationary tornadoes by holding the cast button rather than tapping it. It’s true that their innate succ range isn’t too high (and modded range doesn’t help), so her 2 does help out with them a lot (where modded range does help)

    • @AuntieEeveeOP
      2 years ago

      You’re only vulnerable to melee and special attacks like Eximus abilities

      That is my only problem with her 3, the Eximus units. Although I would like to see OP try to stay floating far in the Kuva fortress.

      I use stationary tornadoes with 2 all the time, and it slaps, this is why I wanted to know what OP thought she wasn’t good for.

      • @SabreWalrus
        22 years ago

        Rolling Guard is a great safeguard against special attacks too - even in chaos where you can’t keep track of everything, the shield gate lets you know something’s got through and you can roll out of trouble with added status cleanse

        I’ve always felt like her 3 is a good iteration of the “invulnerability” abilities in higher level stuff - Revenant’s Mesmer Skin is a bit too strong, Rhino’s Iron Skin is a bit too weak, etc. Zephyr’s 3 having some vulnerabilities helps keep me engaged and moving around

        I agree her kit’s great, imo in most general gameplay she’s one of the best picks for pretty much everything. It’s only in niche contexts where other frames are a far better choice than her

        • @AuntieEeveeOP
          12 years ago

          Rolling guard is one of these things that feels like a legend, I hear people talk about it, but have never found one, I will wiki it and see if there is a farm I can do.

          • @SabreWalrus
            22 years ago

            Ahahaha, it’s well worth it! It’s bought from the Arbitration shop, so it does require starchart completion unless you trade another player for it

            • @AuntieEeveeOP
              12 years ago

              Considering how long it took me to get a non flawed continuity (I got it from the circuit) I expected no less from the primed version.