I’ve been playing with the terralyst lately and found out that a mediocre velocitus as a call down and on a necromech will take huge chunks off it’s health. The necromech is even better because it isn’t bothered by all the knock back and stagger.

As I don’t have any of the meta frames for eidolon hunts, this has been a bit of a game changer for me and has me wondering how this would stack up with meta options. I’ve got a Lanka and it’s nowhere near as effective even at double the fire rate.

Has anyone else played with this? I’d love to hear other stories on how the new deployables work with hunts.

  • @HipsterTenZero
    33 months ago

    wish I could, but I don’t have the game installed atm. I remember the Rage, Flow, efficiency, and health regen mods were critical on the mech, and Radiation / Cold were critical on voidrig’s exalted turret tho. I didn’t try too hard on the mausolon, since that 4 pops joints in an instant when fully forma’d