The rock, puncher supreme, 0% neck slider - Atlas!
Passive: Atlas is immune to Knockdown while in contact with the ground.
Landslide - Bash enemies with an exploding sliding punch, and repeat for a devastating combo. Petrified enemies take extra damage, and drop Rubble when destroyed. Rubble can heal Atlas and bolster his armor.
Tectonics - Summon a rock-wall, activate again to send the rocks crashing towards the enemy.
Petrify - Atlas’ hardened gaze will fossilize foes, heal Rumblers, and create Petrified Bulwarks. When shattered, petrified enemies drop healing Rubble for Atlas.
Rumblers - Summon two elemental stone brawlers to the melee. Summoning petrifies enemies in close proximity to Atlas. When finished, Rumblers collapse into a pile of healing Rubble.
Acquisition: Main blueprint is awarded after completing The Jordas Precept Quest. Component blueprints can be obtained from defeating the Jordas Golem on Jordas Golem Assassinate, Eris.
I’d say it’s tied between Excal and Atlas, Chromatic Blade + Furious Javelin is already a bonkers setup, and Slash Dash inheriting exalted arcanes is just… boy. Same playstyle concept, be invincible and zap your enemies.