Returning to the game and noticing our much Focus I can get from Thrax I decided I’ll do a little grinding and collect all the Way-Bound powers. In doing that, and nabbing the out of Duviri relevant intrinsics, I’ve noticed I really don’t need the Arcanes I’ve been using. Zenurik covering my need for Emergence Renewed & Vazarin covering my need for Magus Replenish.

I’ve heard pairing Magus Melt & Accelerant is pretty powerful but I’m not sure that I want to convert my damage types as I like the Void status proc & the stronger Overguard strip.

Also, how’re my AMP Arcanes? I think these are pretty good… doesn’t work perfectly when funneling all Focus into the Way-Bounds and have no actives in my current school for Eradicate.

  • Xuerian
    2 years ago

    I duno what the optimal solution is but it’s not what we have.

    The drifter/operator thing makes it even worse for me! Though at least you’ve figured out how to use it to your advantage. Tangentially, I’d consider using Drifter more myself if they had crouch/void dash animations.

    I think I would like separate loadouts that encompass operator cosmetics, amp selection, operator/amp arcanes, and focus school - then you can select which of these loadouts a primary loadout uses.

    Sort of like they did with Archwing, but that’s now a weird conglomeration of halfway functional slots that are/aren’t tied to an archwing loadout.

    I’ve heard rumblings that there is/was a complete arsenal overhaul partway done, but the spaghetti is extremely strong in that area.

    In Circuit, I think we need to at least be able to pick our school for every run.