Here it is, our 1.0 RC.
There are just a couple more Apple requirements we need to meet to ship but expect no more major features till after AppStore.
Eric has been toiling from a secret remote location to refine the post layout and bring you some highly-requested customization options. Check out the settings to see what’s new!
Weston has been polishing the voiceover and dynamic text features and implemented the first version of blocking users (currently done via posts).
Mormaer has been tweaking the session authentication and refreshing… you shouldn’t be logged out without warning anymore. Be advised, due to these changes you will have to log in again upon first launch.
He also built a new account switcher that now lives in the settings screen (we are planning to revisit this soon, we aren’t huge fans of the new location either but we needed it out of the home screen).
Darknavi and Jo have been helping out with PR reviews, bug fixes and lots of behind the scenes ops stuff.
Lots of tiny stuff here, not gonna add them all, but mostly just spit and polish getting ready for the AppStore.
Thanks to tht7 for a ton of performance work. Thanks to Sjmarf for the PR improving the timestamp component.
It’s super basic, but needed for Apple, will be our landing going forward. Links to all the important stuff like community, chat and TestFlight should be there.
For Apple we need to finish up some reporting entry points and get the about page updated to take care of license commitments. We are aiming to be under review my Friday, but that might change.
We want to thank everyone for participating in this TestFlight and providing feedback. We are still debating keeping it open after launch, watch this space for more info once we have it.
Thank you for your support. 🙏
EDIT: We are aware that you might have to sign in again with this update, but it should be the last time. It was necessary as part of the session fixes we put in. We apologize for this.
Test reply.
it worked
Despite some unexpected difficulties, Mlem has come a long way in a short period of time. Congrats to all!
I can’t save pics but I like this a lot more than Memmy aaaaa
Same, I think the only thing preventing me from using mlem exclusively is the lack of an image viewer.
We’re working on it–it’s been a bit slow because saving pictures and a detail image viewer is very closely tied to how we handle images, which we’ve been playing around with a lot to get the feed to scroll more smoothly. Picture saving and detail viewing should be out in the next major build.
Please make the image viewer behave like the native iOS behavior. Swipe down to close etc.
We’ve got a much better, fully-featured, smooth image viewer in the works–the current one is a quick-and-dirty solution to people not being able to zoom in on pictures. We hope to have it out soon, but it’s a complicated piece of code and we want to get it right.
I like them both a lot but mlem doesn’t seem to have a way to show larger images in the feed, unless I’m missing something. The issue with this is that there are a lot of image posts that I wouldn’t have otherwise opened because I can’t see what the image is clearly.
We’re working on a shiny image viewer–it’s been slow because it’s tightly bound to our image handling, which we’ve been tinkering with a lot to make the feed nice and smooth. It’s slated for the next major update, though, so stay tuned!
I’m really excited for it, keep up the great work!
Aww yeah. Let’s go!
Congrats team. Y’all have come super far in a month.
Great work congrats!
Congrats and thanks to the team. It is already pretty good imo and I use it daily.
Only 1 single feature I would ask is the ability to fullscreen, zoom and interact with images. I think I saw an open issue about it on github already but I guess it won’t make it to the release
Yea it’s killing us but we had to call 1.0 at some point, we capped out our TestFlight. We are aiming 1.1 HOPEFULLY before the end of the month.
On the test flight. Looks great so far.
Two things I would like:
able to swipe to change feed. Like Reddit.
Also having the number change color instead of a box for upcotes and downvotes.
nice update! I like how I can hide post and comment scores for a cleaner UI
would be nice if we could customize every button, especially the reply button on comments since I swipe to reply and don’t particularly need the button displayed
looking forward to the official release
we’ve been tossing some ideas around for 1.2 you will probably love then 🤐
Thanks for the efforts developing this app. It’s my favorite way to browse lemmy.
Are you guys planning to open the beta signups again? I’m on Memmy right now but would love to try Mlem out too.
Opened 200 more slots, get them while you can.
Sweet! Thanks! Just downloaded from testflight.
I like that you write the webpage is nothing special, but it looks better and shows more relevant info than a lot of other websites
Awesome app. Exited what’s coming next!
Looks great so far. Minor thing: The contrast is a bit too harsh - is there a gray background mode planned?
Or alternatively make the text less white 😉
My lemmy account has been deleted from the app after update to 1.0.0 version. I don’t know if it was intentional, jut to let you know.
That was expected, we apologize 🙏 it was related to some other session improvements. You shouldn’t get logged out all the time anymore if that is any consolation.
Is there are way to follow my own comment to the thread I wrote it in? I like it where when I click on my profile and click my comment, it takes me to where my comment is within the thread. 
Not yet, but it is planned.
Good to know. Thanks!