- 10 - Don’t humiliate women in any way, shape, or form
- 16 - I’m allowed to rape and violate you
Who the fuck is this toxic person?
The only person on this planet who cracks denuvo :_D
She is a misandric, homophobic, transphobic, extremely irascible, conflictive, psychotic, rude, narcissistic, paranoid, conspiratorial, liar and a long etcetera that probably includes schizophrenia and drugs. Oh, and she has a cult, she is multifaceted ¯_(ツ)_/¯
You seem to have dropped this arm: \
and imagines herself as a rapist, and is proud of it (per her posted content)
She’s the one
My m8y in pilfering, not even I reckon I could patch the holes in that bilge sucking wench
One of the most popular sources for game piracy unfortunately
Popular feels like the wrong word. If you’re the only game in town for a specific service, that doesn’t inherently mean you’re popular.
If you have no other competition in a specific service whatsoever, no matter how many people despise you, you’d still be the most popular by lack of competition.
Depends on how exactly you define popular.
If you use a definition that includes anything like “liked and admired” then she doesn’t fit. Her service is busy but as this thread shows, most people openly state they only go to her because they have no other choice for these cracks.
Using popular hides how many people actively want to jump ship if only there was competition. It’s like saying that Comcast is popular because they have so many customers who don’t have a viable alternative to using them.
Holy fuck go back to Reddit
I’m sorry for, pointing out how popular isn’t the best choice of word?
But no matter how you slice it, popular isn’t a great descriptor. Whether you choose the prescriptivist “the dictionary says x thus the word means x no matter what” or the descriptivist “most people use the word to mean y thus the word means y no matter what”, in this case they both agree.
Both groups agree that when I say “Jim is popular” it makes you think that people generally like Jim. It evokes some level of communal approval. The dictionary literally defines the word to mean likeable, and the general usage still seems to denote general approval.
So either way, it doesn’t represent the Empress situation. A situation where the majority of the community at best doesn’t care and at worst openly dislikes her as a person because of her behavior, but still comes back for the games. She has a monopoly, but that doesn’t make her inherently popular. Most people who know seem to dislike, and most who don’t will also have no bearing on her popularity.
He’s not saying she has a popular personality she’s saying her cracks are popular because they are, you pedant
The only person that can crack denuvo right now.
Clearly fucked in the head but there’s no other option.
I’m really really surprised nobody else has hunkered down to learn how to crack Denuvo just to give this toxic shit the middle-finger. I mean, piracy groups are full of autistic weapons, and nobody has taken up the challenge?
I think it’s more likely that there are others who don’t publicly share their cracks because they doesn’t want legal trouble/attention.
I don’t buy this. It’s easy to upload files anonymously.
Yeah but why take that risk? They don’t really gain anything.
They can’t gain recognition, uploading anonymously. But if someone purely wants the crack for the game to exist they could do it
Once again, why would they share their cracks if its for personal use?
Cracking Denuvo requires being there from the start, since with every new release new obstacles are added. If you try to crack denuvo now you’ll be completely lost, and getting copies of old Denuvo doesn’t seem this easy I guess. Empress had been there since Denuvo v1 so 🤷♂️
deleted by creator
Not can but is willing to. Denuvo’s legal team is going after anyone who reverse engineers any part of their DRM and they have gotten a lot of groups to back off. Empress is in Russia so she won’t face any consequences unless she pisses off any of the Russian oligarchs, which also means she probably will never crack Atomic Heart but then again she is crazy.
Obviously she only rapes and violates men
Imagine if you rounded up all the hateful, power hungry, bigoted misanthropes from the Warez forums of old and combined them into one. That’s Empress.
Imagine the absolute reckoning if someone managed to touch her with a blade of grass. The singularity would reverse the big bang.
The singularity would reverse the big bang.
Now that’s a funny comment, haha.
No gay content? What is this, Nazi Germany 1984?
She’s a huge bigot. Was on reddit as well to the point she got banned. Which is saying something.
I dunno, these days getting banned from reddit is more of a rite of passage.
I got banned for quoting a subreddit rule to a mod (as a reason the mod was out of line) after they posted why they banned someone. I may not be good at sports or computers, but I’m part of the team now!
The classic one is the code of conduct stating “Set reasonable rules and expectations” which most bans don’t meet.
I got banned from a subreddit for pointing out to the mod that their comment equating “receiving a poor-quality product” to “rape” was unnecessary and short-sighted. They then told me that they were a victim, thus it is okay.
Lol. Reddit moderation is a joke.
Btw that mod frequents lemmy too, now.
I once got tempbanned for making the joke “You live at”, but that may be the admin not knowing about localhost
“Hey I know how to access ur router, be spooked:” LOL
Is she really a bigot? To me she just appears to be someone who can not seperate porn from other aspects of her life. Does she really hate all these groups of people even outside this “Mother” persona?
deleted by creator
She’s apparently from Russia, so basically.
Gross lmao
Saw someone the other day say something like “she’s the only one who cracks denuvo. She’s insane but it’s best not to bite the hand that feeds you.”
My brother in christ the hand is biting YOU. I would not trust ANYTHING she cracks anywhere near my PC. Consider it all malware.
unless this is an extremely long con. I haven’t heard of any reports of her cracks being malware. in the case of RE village her crack improved performance vs capcom’s DRM.
Everyone in that Telegram group, including her, needs help.
Especially her.
I swear to god I can’t tell anymore if she’s actually insane or if this is an elaborate act.
It reeks of both.
Why u swearing things to me 🤔
Because I want answers, God!
Then God’s the last person you should ask.
No gayness? Count me out
a femcel
Do not ask about cracks or technical questions
So then what are you supposed to do on this Telegram channel?
Well you’re supposed to feed her ego by just being there and doing exactly as she says of course!
maybe some fetish rp channel? i dunno
Its ridiculous, dont know why people bother with that, just wait for the cracks…
True man I am wondering how little self dignity one must have to still stick around after this.
I don’t care about his “rules” or his attention seeking addiction. All I care about are the games that he cracks.
Straight to business. I like it.
Problem is the damage what this unstable person can do. She’s distributing binaries that are executed on windows PC with security measures disabled on purpose. If she went rogue and started inserting malware or cryotominers, tons of people would be affected.
Bet they are gonna complain that there were no signs. No one could have predicted this.
Whether that would be worse than running Denuvo malware is up for debate lol
Most sane telegram user
Do I need more context? This just sounds like a BDSM relationship to me.
Lmao what the actual fuck is this?
@gravitas_deficiency an insane narcissists fantasy world that people keep feeding into. End of thread.
More specifically: how is this relevant to piracy…?
Edit: also why the @ mention when it’s clearly me you’re replying to? Or is this how cross-platform fediverse content (lemmy <-> mastodon) works?
Empress is the only person that cracked denuvo games, and recently they’ve decided to stop cracking them and become a cult leader.
Holy shit, I thought this was supposed to be a list of cult warning signs in increasing escalation and was like this makes no sense. I didn’t realize this was actually rules for their cult. WTF.
I see. Of all the choices they could have made… that’s one of them, I guess…
@gravitas_deficiency I’m using mastadon over lemmy. Sorry. It’s a new thing. This person in particular was basically shaking the community down for crypto donations and when they weren’t getting what they wanted they decided to stop doing it and now they’ve resorted to a demigod complex I guess?
Cool to learn a bit how Lemmy via Mastodon behaves. I accidentally subscribed to a Lemmy community via my Mastodon account, but I just ended up unsubscribing and resubscribing via my Lemmy account.
No worries! I was mostly just curious - I had seen that comment pattern recently once or twice, and that was the best explanation I was able to hypothesize, which I guess was accurate-ish.
The rest of the dynamic seems… Eesh.
@gravitas_deficiency it’s a denuvo crackers private cult page filled with smooth-brained idiots who feed into their malignant narcissism. They were a member of CODEX, only person who cracks denuvo games properly at the moment. Led to their narcissist behavior. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I wouldn’t really call that “absolute power”, but it is definitely super weird, and somewhat comical to come across out of the blue.
@gravitas_deficiency the last 6 years has been the right wing community seething with anger and resentment. Were seeing a resurgence of strong-arm politics and a return of a cold war. Hard times are ahead my friend. This is a crazy time to be alive.
I mean, in the broad sense of “what’s going on in the world”, I don’t disagree, but how’s that relevant to this piracy community drama…?
@gravitas_deficiency if you read the original post, there’s a bunch of stuff relating to anti-lgbt comments, which in light of the recent controversy over the anti rainbow flag protests in the USA and abroad, it is relevant. It’s coming into the piracy community now, and I guess the point of this post was to make a decision as a community to continue endorsing this person, or conscientiously stop associating with them. Sorry if I wasnt clear. I will never use EMPRESS releases personally
yes mastodon clients automatically inject those username references (‘@’)
I can’t stand her. Wish people would just stop posting about her since she seems incapable of staying quiet and well-behaved like the rest of the scene.