Game on!

  • quacker
    52 years ago

    I started Dead Cells because it came with PS Plus Extra (I think).

    I played for three hours which I guess is a good sign. Actually my first run was probably unusually good. I picked up a fire blaster from a gold statue and that weapon pretty much one shot and burned everything up to the first boss, but I died in the next area.

    My main gameplay complaint is fuck those bombs that explode into more bombs.

    My other minor complaint is it’s a little too meta. I’ve already seen a bunch of obvious to blatant references to other indie video games, which detracts from its own world and identity a little.

    I don’t know if I like it enough to keep playing. The areas can be pretty long. I made it past the second boss and into the castle area, and those enemies were just annoying. The clock tower was annoying enough. Even cheesing through them with repeated frost, I took a ton of damage from just a few enemies. So it is challenging, but I’m not sure how much I want to grind up to that skill level. I was sort of more frustrated / bored than having fun unfortunately. There are ten million things to unlock so maybe I’ll circle back to it at some point.

  • Errant
    2 years ago

    Making some serious progress in Tears of the Kingdom and finishing up Final Fantasy XVI.

    Trying to get things squared away, Remnant 2 come out soon and I’m excited about that.

  • djc0
    52 years ago

    Still playing my first run through of Elden Ring, almost 250 hours in Have explored almost every corner, just finishing up now. Am having a blast!

    • forgotaboutlaye
      22 years ago

      Since the Starfield gameplay showcase, I’ve been really itching to download Fallout 4 again. I might be a minority, but I absolutely loved the combat in it. Are you playing with any mods?

      • Gutotito
        12 years ago

        Just the unofficial patch and some player homes that I haven’t gone to see yet. Still building settlements, and loving it.

  • vewave
    42 years ago

    Getting back into Alien: Fireteam Elite for some causal fun before making my 4th attempt to complete Tales of Zestiria.

  • StereoMike
    32 years ago

    Finished Getting Over It which was gifted to me by a friend as a joke. He assumed I’d never finish it. He was wrong!

    While it’s super frustrating I did find it to be really rewarding as well. First run took 8h. I did it again today in 40 mins.

    On to DOOM!

  • tonamel
    32 years ago

    Just finished Grime, so I’m diving into Oxenfree 2. I’ve also got Amnesia: The Bunker waiting in the wings for whenever I’m feeling brave enough.

  • ∟⊔⊤∦∣≶
    32 years ago

    Burnout 3! After so many years it still is so fun and the emulator improves the graphics so it feela modern. Its a perfect game. Except there are no loot boxes so i cant satisfy my gambling addiction, or online play that is full of hackers so i cant feel like playing is totally pointless

    22 years ago

    I finished Pokemon Legends Arceus a few days ago. I started New Pokemon Snap and Temtem right away. Marvel’s Spider-man aside for when I need something more nervous.

    22 years ago

    Exoprimal, power suits vs dinos plus time travel and evil AI, topped off with sexy Russian and sexy robot, what’s not to love

    22 years ago

    Still putting time into FFXVI, didn’t get much time in the week, but hoping to make some good progress this weekend.

    Still enjoying overall, but feeling the lack of loot and equipment setups from previous FF games.

  • MelenHirren
    2 years ago

    It‘ll be Mario Kart, Animal Crossing New Horizons and Yes, Your Grace.