The girls in the class will figure themselves out eventually
i scrolled down waiting for a joke like this, but this completely exceeded my expectations!
Do you like Rust? Are you enjoying distro hopping?
Boydo I have news for you!
You could go gay. That would open up a lot of back doors
Shitty jokes aside. I’m actually surprised the projector says 2020. There were quite a few girls in my class in 2019
America is a weird place, Europe is more balanced in general. Back in 2000 we had more of a 60%-40% split in computer science.
I’m guessing this picture wasn’t taken in America, given what looks like Cyrillic text on the projector. Could be wrong, though.
Nah, it’s definitely a thing in the Netherlands. I got my degree a couple years ago and we only had a few girls.
It’s super obvious to me as an American that this is somewhere in Europe. If this were in America over half the class would be Asian or Indian.
I’m from Europe (and studied CS there). My classes for some courses were about a third Indian, a third Chinese, with locals and other foreigners combined being the final third.
Of course, I’m pretty sure this photo wasn’t taken anywhere near me either. For me, the clue to that was the Cyrillic on the slides.
Tbh I’m not supprised I graduated in 2015 with a networking degree and there were 3 girls in my class group (3 or 4 courses with a lot of the same classes) which was about 150-200 students.
Conversely the nursing classes that were in the same building those numbers were flipped
The same happens at my uni but with cs vs mathematics. For some reason these courses have completely flipped demographics.
Did you go to CSUN?
Glasgow Caledonian
Weird. I thought my school was pretty unique/weird for having comp sci and nursing in the same building.
The campus has a few buildings. Some specialised some for general lectures and old skool classes.
We what classes were spread around most of them during the week
I am gay and have a master’s in computer science. Believe me, there wasn’t much for me in class either.
we need more gays(/bis?) in cs
And for me, as one of the few women in my CS program: plenty of opportunities, and plenty of douchebags.
Back in my day the saying was: The odds are good but the goods are odd!
If they were just odd they’d have a lot more success because you kind of have to be odd to be good at CS.
It’s more the rapey, incely, tendency to see women as a different and incoherent species that has the women in CS either walking around with their hackles raised all the time or quietly slipping out the back door.
And just like programming: I’m going to copy this line and pretend it’s mine!
It was like this in my CS department a decade ago, too. There was me, one other gal, and for a while a German exchange student who wanted nothing to do with either of us in the entire grad program. I learned to talk a lot louder over the course of that program.
Who on earth decided to leave the projector on while they took the group photo?
And why did no one in the group think to turn it off, like the guy in the middle who appears to be staring directly into the projector light.
I’m sure he thought about it. Probably thinking “how does no one realize this is awful. Someone should do something”
You racist! They are ogars!
enhanced photosynthesis
Girls don’t wanna work in CS because CS boys always be treating the class like a hookup scene. And it’s not every boy, but if there’s 2 girls and 20 boys in the class, and 10% of the boys are being creeps, then you’ve already got a problem.
Parents have gotta stop teaching their sons to see class as a dating opportunity. On campus, sure, but not in the classroom.
And now you know why programmer socks are a thing.
Go to Yoga and dance classes.
I see plenty opportunities!
Yo that guy’s shirt looks like the pornhub logo
I work on software that you’re probably using right now, and my company is like 60% women. It’s wonderful. We spend a lot of our (very few) meetings talking about our feelings, discussing hair and skincare, and gossiping about each other’s love lives. The inter-team drama sometimes gets pretty funny though. We’ve been in a passive-aggressive fued with another team since some time last year.
It’s also extremely gay. Everyone always says they love working with me, but all i do is go around flirting with my work crushes and having fun.
Hell yeah! Do you need any Rust engineers and where can I apply?
Sadly no, but we’re writing tons of go!
that sounds awsome and cute!
You realize there are other departments, right? The archaeology and art history students are just as nerdy and horny.
Too many dicks on the dance floor (too many dicks)
Flight of the Conchords, 2009
Ryan Stiles, center, white t-shirt. Where’s Colin Mochrie?
You could get a boyfriend, at least