I know TikTok is a punching bag, but this is quite literally every social media platform. People have died from YouTube trends, Facebook trends, Reddit trends, Twitter trends, Instagram trends, etc.
If Lemmy pops off, I am sure people will be posting stupid Lemmy trends, too. It’s just an internet issue.
Anybody who dies repeating something idiotic they saw on social media really isn’t much of a loss
The problem is some TikTok trends result in people causing others to die.
Example: Kia boyz car thieving joy riders have caused crashes that resulted in fatalities of people who were minding their own damn business.
I feel like this requires an age qualifier
Yeah, I worked in pediatric emergency medicine for a while and it’s really not the fault of literal children that they get hurt by these kinds of things.
I heard horse dewormers are good shit, you should try it some time!
Chase that ivermectin down with a nice bleach martini
Sounds like an American trend, not limited to any social media.
I plan on working in emergency medicine after med school, and I feel like I’m going to have to get a dummy/burner phone to put TikTok (or its future equivalent) on to keep up with what trends and memes will be coming through the ER.