I had this ex who was deep into D&D and really keen on similar movies to The Princess Bride from the same era, but hadn’t seen it. I suggested it for a movie night while we were sharing movies that were a big part of our childhood and got “it looks stupid, I’m not watching that”. Unironically might have been the straw that broke the back of that relationship, I ended things not long after.
Straw? That’s like dropping a boulder on your back.
Yeah, but there were a lot of boulders already being carried 🙃
This may be the most apt application of this meme I have ever seen, lol
Someone hasn’t seen the Robin Hood episode of TNG…
Robin Hood: Men in Tights release date: July 28, 1993
Star Trek: The Next Generation “Qpid” original air date: April 22, 1991
Oh shit, Mel Brooks dun goofed.Edit: never mind; I dun goofed.Mel Brooks dun goofed.
Probably not since Patrick Stewart plays King Richard in Men in Tights. Mel Brooks probably added it for the absurdity.
Nah, he said “unlike some other Robin Hoods…” emphasis added.
Notably, a dunk on Kevin Costner
Yeah, it had recently come out, and he’s the only Robin Hood I can think of that spoke with an American accent. Many years later in 2010, Russel Crowe would portray Robin Hood with… an accent.
Oh no, I’ve been bamboozled by inaccurate parent comments.
I have zero idea what that is from.
You poor soul. To think there’s people out there that don’t know a Dungeons and Dragons existed since the year 2000.
No, I saw that movie in the theaters when it came out, but it was so bad. I guess I just blocked most of it out of my memory. What I mainly remember is being mad. I skipped school and got grounded to see it.
Yeah this one of those movies that is like designed to be memory holed. I remember it being the subject of a bad movie night with friends, but all I remember is Jeremy Irons hamming it the fuck up. Literally nothing else about the movie.
Jeremy irons and John malkovich
Just a total fucking hamfest
Wait didn’t those same two guys costar in Eragon?? Lol what a trip!
If you think this one’s bad, you should check out the other D&D movies. I watched them all in release order once. I was impressed how much worse each subsequent movie could be, until we get to the breath of fresh air that is the most recent film.
The girl on the right is clearly Will Wheaton.
I was genuinely hoping it would be “the gamers: dorkness rising” but princess Bride is okay.
Yeah, exactly my thinking! THIS is the real D&D party!
Quick! Hide behind the pile of dead bards!
Well I know what I’m watching after I finish the rings of power tonight (I’m a sucker for all things lotr), after I watch dorf goes fishing, and task master nz s2e10
Three wonderful movies. All five of them. Great fun. All perfect DND parties.
What is the first screenshot from?
The Honor Among Thieves DnD movie that came out last year I think. I liked it, a fun movie that actually got some laughs out of me
What the other comment said. It was surprisingly entertaining and worth watching.
This! This was the real perfection.