Gen X here. Couldn’t buy a house until I was 35.
I’m 41 and we are two families crammed into one house.
My next door neighbors are in the same situation
Millennial here. Over half of my friends will never own a house. And we are in the cheapest part of Canada to buy houses in.
Well. At least we both will never get to retire!
Spent all of my retirement savings to buy 1/4 of a house that will take 30 years to pay off. If I’m lucky I can start saving again when I’m 65.
I work union. I will be able to retire. But only because I work for a union.
I’m a millennial but I was gonna say this meme would be more appropriate if you replaced millennial with Gen X, you guys got the shit end of the stuck just like the rest of us unfortunately.
They got more affordable housing than we did though. Young millennials have to deal with $500K+ houses, but genX had $100-200K houses throughout the 90s and early 00s during a booming economy.
Nothing like boomers though, with their cheap ass sub $100K houses.
There is no genx community on Lemmy and the sub was interesting. Does anyone want to make a community for it?
That would take effort. Does anyone from GenX really wanna do that?
Dammit, would it be wrong for this millennial to make it the?
As someone in that weird space of end GenX/too early to be Millennial, I support you.
Do it. We all watched Field of Dreams.
I was wrong. It exists, my instance jus hadn’t federated with it yet. I should have checked
Will do. Unfortunately my instance temporarily blocked immunity creation and I don’t want more centralization on I kind of like the idea of genx being on so I’ll just wait.
Another Gen X-er here… this was before my time, too.
not so much crying. just profuse sweating, dreams of falling, freezing cold or getting burned or just waiting in an afterlife room like beetlejuice, or punching the air and the pillows
We zoomers are no little kids to you.
I know! You’re voting and shit and actively taking part in kicking societal norms in the junk. As a millenial I’m
sootingrooting for you to keep it up.We are going to be the ones to suffer and hopefully fix the climate change your generation didn’t fix enough… if anything can be done from south America.
I definitely feel the resentment. Myself and much of our generation blames the gen xers and baby boomers for destroying the planet. But, climate change has been an inevitability since the industrial revolution. It’s simply an inevitability of capitalism. That being said, it’s not like the resentment isn’t completely without warrant. Baby boomers at least got to prosper while the planet was plundered (at least here in America). They got cheap college, affordable housing, liveable wages, etc. us millennials grew up during 9/11 and the subsequent wars for oil in the middle east, we entered the job market just in time for the housing market crash, we’re now in what’s supposed to be our prime money making years and well… We all know how that’s going.
And the zoomers, you all were born into a techno-hellscape. You were subjected to toxic social media from an early age (yeah you can definitely blame millennials for that one). And then fucking COVID, and now once again, entering the job market at a horrible time.
I guess the point of my rambling is, millennials, zoomers, we were both born into late stage capitalism, it’s dystopian, and you’re right to be angry about it. But maybe hopefully not all of that anger is pointed at us millennials, because I promise you, many of us are also angry with the same sad state of affairs.
Hang in there comrade.
It was already too late thirty years ago.
Brother why are you being a piss baby about some dude being nice to you
I’m not trying to be mean haha 😅
English is not my first language.
What do you mean? I don’t think they’re acting like Greg Abbott at all!
Don’t worry, I’ve built up decades of frustration over the handling of the climate crisis. It would be great if we stopped voting the status quo into office.
Bro are you for fucking real w8th that comment?
People still talking about Zoomers like they’re children while the oldest of gen Alpha are 13.
Sometimes, but it happens very rarely. The last time was from an unrequited love
Sucks that she didn’t love you back, but it was nice of her to still get you a good deal on the condo 🤷
I cry in the day time, too.