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wdym “getting”
Depression week got real heavy at times.
Always has been
This could only have been posted by someone who’s seen like 10 C&H comics tops.
Oh child rape funny? I heard one of this too!
I like my girls like I like my wine
10 years old and locked in my basement
I like my women like in like my coffee.
Ground up and in the freezer.
Even better
Black, bitter, and preferably fair trade?
Also yes.
I like my women like I like pussy. I don’t.
No rape jokes are funny. None. Especially child rape jokes.
C’mon now they can be a little funny
You might want to spend some time in introspection if you think so.
Dark humor has always existed, part of what makes it funny is the pearl clutching
there’s dark humor and then there’s fucked up humor.
I’m sure there are plenty of people who make edgy racist jokes and THINK they are dark, when in reality they are just racists glad to have a label that lets them express their vile attitudes under the guise of ‘It’s just a prank bro’.
It being fucked up is why it’s funny. Loosen your grip on those pearls and have some fun. It’s a lot more enjoyable than getting offended all the time.
Why don’t you go find a victim of rape and ask them how funny they think it is.
The only reason you chudmuffins find it amusing is that you have been fortunate enough not to have you or one of your loved ones experience it.
I’m not trying to be mean, but if you think that then my advice is that you should probably block this community. S&C is an extremely cursed webcomic, and the people who read it usually believe anything, no matter how horrible, can have a joke made out of it.
I think it’s personally reasonable to be put off by that kind of humor, but you shouldn’t go around telling people what they can’t enjoy when they’re not hurting anyone else.
e people who read it usually believe anything, no matter how horrible, can have a joke made out of it
And look where that got 4chan…
Where? Where did that get the hacker known as 4chan?
Over 9000 pictures that will make you bleach your eyes and purge your web cache.
Why the fuck are you on this community then? Do you realize it’s about a cursed webcomic explicitly made for people who like fucked-up humour? Just block it
Necroing a thread just to gatekeep. Classy.
Get all manner of blocked.
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Never has been. That’s why its called dark humor.
The thing you seem to misunderstand is the difference between a joke, and the subject of a joke. The latter is of course not funny. But no children were harmed in the former.
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“Ya know, the Nazi’s had pieces of flair… They made the Jews wear them”
‘jokes’ about rape certainly harms rape victims by making it easier for society in general to dismiss their claims of suffering.
Just like back in the 50s to 70s where wife beating jokes were so normal they were said on family TV. In fact the ENTIRE premise of the Honeymooners TV show was about the implied threat of spouse abuse. Because it was considered ‘normal’ and joking about it was ‘normal’.
No rape joke is funny, and harms rape victims by making light of their suffering.
I get what you’re saying. But I also don’t think it is as clear cut as what you’re making it out to be. There has been cultural acceptance for things that shouldn’t be acceptable at. That’s still the case now. The nuances for jokes in this role, I’m sure are subject for more than one doctoral dissertation.
I also stand a little bit corrected, because I don’t mean that all jokes are OK. I think however that all subjects, are. When the premise of the punchline depends on the controversial subject being OK, it fails at doing so, and I would agree with you.
For example, there is a huge difference between a joke that is funny because it predicates and reinforces a stereotype that “black people are X”, vs a joke that makes fun of the stereotype itself that “black people are X”. The latter is OK. Doesn’t mean everyone should find it funny. But it can certainly serve to ridicule the stereotype itself.
Which brings me to this:
No rape joke is funny, and harms rape victims by making light of their suffering.
Why do you think all of them “makes light of their suffering”? I would argue that it depends entirely on the joke, the context, and the punchline itself. The joke in question in the comic here, does no such thing. The joke is the classic “set up a expectation => subvert it”, and what it does, if anything, is bring attention to “rape happens”, and “rapists exist”. Awareness of that, is a good thing, no? Isn’t it more harmful to make rape tabu, almost as if pretending it doesn’t happen, and that rapists don’t exist?
Which is why I’d like to argue the exact opposite of what you suggest. And this to say that comedy is an extremely important mechanism, if used right, to bring attention to problems that should be talked about. Especially uncomfortable subjects. It can educate, bring awareness, and challenge stereotypes or established societal constructs. All subjects are therefore OK. It doesn’t mean all jokes are funny.
Tl;dr: context matters.
Why do you think all of them “makes light of their suffering”?
Because that is what rape victims have told me when they are forced to be exposed to rape ‘jokes’.
Did… you simply just downvote my comment, not address anything in it, and answer the hypothetical question? Did you even read it? No one is “forcing” anyone here. If you don’t understand a basic concept of human language and interaction… you won’t be able to identify what the actual problems are, which undermines efforts to improve the situation. Your complaints would be rightfully ignored.
It’s the same type of argument that suggests “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” should be banned, because it “forces” people who experience systemic racism to be exposed to it in a literary work. Again. Context fucking matters. People who don’t get that and complain, are either virtue signalling or attention seeking (or both), in either case, ignored to the benefit of all.
There is nothing meaningful to address in your comment, and it does not contribute to the discussion. You are trying to normalize a disgusting practice and all of those things deserve downvotes.
Your arguing that sometimes jokes about child rape are okay, and I disagree. In no circumstances, in no context are they ok. None.
There is literally no argument you can bring that will change my position on this.
And every argument you DO bring just convinces me more and more that your reasons for trying to justify this are deeply personal.
It’s the same type of argument that suggests “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” should be banned, because it “forces” people who experience systemic racism to be exposed to it in a literary work.
I don’t know if you’ve actually read the book but it isn’t a comedy, you are making a comparison between a serious examination of an abhorrent practice and people using the suffering of others to make people laugh.
If you really don’t see the difference between the two then you have no business on my internet.
Imagine feeling so strongly about this, yet not understand why if anyone actually cared and listened to your opinion, it would make the very problem you want to address, worse. I’m not trying to convince you of anything either… I’m explaining the function of humour to address difficult to talk about topics. And you’re going “no! No one should talk about it in any other way than in the seriousness of which it is” lalalacanthearyou. “… well, people simply don’t talk about it then. Is that what you want?”. lalala.
You do you.
Whether or not you want to be wrong about this, is entirely up to you. It has no effect on me. I’m just trying to help you out here. Seems it really it’s of no interest to you, which means I’m just wasting my time. You might as well just move on. I certainly will. Have a good one.
I think this is definitely true, but it doesn’t just blanket apply to any joke that mentions these topics. Jokes where people “pretend” to say sexist or abusive ideas, but the joke is that “I’m actually a nice person, I obviously don’t really mean this” (eg “no means yes, and yes means harder, amirite guys ;-)” or “if there’s grass on the wicket, it’s ready for cricket, lol”), can definitely be harmful even if not many that way. It normalises those attitudes, and can make abusers feel like they have more support from society than they really do. But in this comic the character comes across as a psychopath, proudly announcing something that is clearly wrong, and the other one calls the police. I don’t feel like anyone is getting some message that actually it’s totally normal to have sex with ten year olds…
It doesn’t matter that the representation is bad.
American History X is a very anti-nazi movie, portraying the main character’s growing realization of how horrible a person he used to be.
Yet neonazis of every nation consider that movie a rallying cry, again despite explicitly portraying the main character’s past as abhorrent and brutal. Or maybe because of it.
So while you may THINK portraying the pedophile as a psychopath may be good story and representation, a portion of people ‘laughing’ about it are because they are pedophiles and they enjoy the representation regardless of the context.
Wordplay is funny.
Go do something with your angst like defeat Voldemort or join the dark side.
What is funny? Jokes are weird to think about, but it generally relies on setting up an expectation and then surprising us in some way. Here it’s that when he uses the phrase ‘a perfect ten’, we assume he’s referring to a highly attractive (adult) woman, then in the next panel we see he means ten as an age, which gives our brains a little stumble, a mismatch between the pattern we were expecting/predicting and what happend. For some reason, this little thing of setting up am expectation then subverting it tickles our brain in a way that makes it a joke. Having the reveal also be a topic like child rape that is so taboo and so unacceptable just increases this effect of how unexpected it is, this is generally what ‘dark humour’ is going for (works for some people, for others it just takes it too far, to where their emotions/associations about the bad thing far outweigh any humour, and put them into a state where they’re not really able to find anything funny). Anyway, you don’t have to like it, but it seems pointless to try to argue that certain subjects are not suitable for jokes. Some people like these jokes, you don’t, and that by itself doesn’t make either of you bad people.
People that like jokes about child rape need to be psychologically evaluated.
Do you make a distinction between people who “like jokes about child rape” and people who happen to like the joke in this post?
Funnier than the 10 year old girls locked up in my basement for sure. They truly have no sense of humor.
My girlfriend told me last week that I was a pedophile.
I told her that that was a big word for a ten-year-old.
I had sex with this gorgeous German girl the other day, but I couldn’t get into it, she just kept screaming her age over and over.
Okay, that one’s actually funny.
It’s funny to me that this is down-voted more than the highest up-voted comment.
Not to at least two of us.
Don’t bother, being ‘edgy’ is the thing now.
No rape joke is funny, none of them, not even the ones where it is the ‘evil other’ getting raped.
All it does it make actual victims’ suffering less socially impactful.
But the internet doesn’t care, because edgelads will edge.
People who make jokes like this always end up being child molesters.
I fucked this girl the other day.
She gave me herpes.
How the hell does a nine year old get herpes?
I think my sister has been spending too much time with Dad.
(I’m not a child molester, but by your logic I’ll end up as one)
You already are. Normal people don’t think like that.
Directed by M Night Shamallamadingdong
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