Just found the one linked, I like it but I can’t find the high resolution version, so I was curious to see where people get theirs.
Hell yeah I love this one! Thanks so much for sharing <3
Good to see the Roci again.
Found on reddit one day and I love it.
It’s somebody’s cat pic they posted to Reddit a couple years ago. This cat is my spirit animal.
That is whopper. He looks just like I feel.
A fellow Sync user, nice!
This one. I think I found it on a wallpaper subreddit, back at the time, before the fire nation attacked.
Thanks for this! This is how I’m going to refer to the reddit incident from now on!
This is my phone one. I’m pretty sure I got it from the Amoled wallpapers subreddit a few years back.
My laptop wallpaper is a picture my wife took of me walking in the park holding hands with one of my kids. It’s taken from behind and it looks like I’m guiding her on a journey, which of course I am. :)
I wasn’t going to post it but there’s nothing overly dox-y in it so here is a heavily scaled down version:
Really awesome view in that park!
Yeah, it’s a beautiful place. The sea is off to the right and out of frame, I’d say a bit less than 2KM away and there’s a great view of it from where I’m standing in that pic which is high above it. It’s one of my favourite places in the world.
edit: I’m going to try to dig out a pic of the view I’m describing there…
As promised. This is from a different part of the same park. Much closer to the sea but you get the gist. It’s a beautiful place.
Absolutely gorgeous — thanks for going to the trouble and sharing!
You’re very welcome :)
This is an extreme close up of a painting I liked in the National Portrait Gallery in DC.
I have a steam summer sale 2021 picture right now, i think it looks nice. I sort of forgot it was from a game a while.
I don’t think this needs any clarification.
One is my lockscreen other my background.
where was the second pic taken?
Yellowstone National Park on top of Purple Mountain.
Alright, I’ll bite… “Feed the fish and chips”, British rock band?
I keep aquariums and have shrimp in with my fish. I named all the shrimp ‘chips’ so I could make this joke and get this reminder every other day.
No, what that needs is a link to the file. Please!
Not sure where I found it anymore lol.
But here’s the one I have saved:
Thank you!!!
That reminds me of a Miyazaki movie. Is there a name for the style?
“Rural landscape cell shaded”
So, it’s my turn to be that person. It’s not “cell” shading but cel shading.
Do you happen to know why? I assumed they were identified ‘cells’ that had a flat color inside.
“Cel” stands for celluloid, which was used and painted on for classic animation (which popularized the simple flat color painting style that you see imitated in modern cel-shading).
I just thought this was cute
Ask the fish if he thinks if this is cute
Maybe they are practice partners!
Shot I took at a local park
Well done, totally stealing this.
I generated it using Midjourney. I like the flowers :)
Oh and the wallpaper on my work laptop:
My cat:
Picture from a ski holiday in the Dolomites in Italy. The weather made for bad skiing but great photos. They built a restaurant on that view a few years back unfortunately.
Oh that’s a beauty.