I don’t think anyone can sue him over using X. It’s too generic of a name/icon to trademark
So why post about it? Just making everyone else see more Elon crap
this is truth, ppl just need to stfu about him
It’s also not a very interesting comic. It’s just grandstanding about Elon bad.
And I’m guessing in your spare time you’re calling people who call out racism racists.
That was about the dumbest thing you could have replied with. Impressive.
Except… You don’t call out racism by posting more racism? This is just a post about making fun of Elon Musk masquerading as a post complaining about posts that make fun of Elon Musk.
At the end of the day it’s just more Musk.
Depends on whether you believe all PR is good PR or not.
Reminding the world the Muskrat is a garbage person boosts his recognition but it also attacks his reputation. And if nothing else it has become very clear he both hates criticism and is terminally online, so he might even see this and get some bad vibes.
At the end of the day, isn’t making a billionaire slightly unhappy worth it?
The problem is that an increasing number of people don’t give a shit. I don’t want my social media to be filled with some rich snob because “it makes him slightly unhappy”, especially because Musk also more than likely doesn’t give a shit. We’re all just circle jerking over the same damn guy that we can’t seem to stop talking about. He’s like the new Justin Bieber.
Then downvote it and don’t engage?
The only way to beat the cycle is to ignore it.
It’s just very silly.
So many people complain abiut constantly reading about musk, so then they make posts and communities centered around musk. It’s dumb as hell.
You’re confusing the people who want to criticize Musk with the people who don’t want to hear about him. These are very different things.
No, I’m not confused in the slightest. Often the criticizers are also complaining about hearing about him…while making subs and communities around criticizing…therefore they see it all the time. Rage bait and complaining is what these people want
I sure do, bunch of monkey lovers
that bird is caught in the Matrix
This would bother me if I used twitter.
Elon Schmucks