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Hence the double quotes I suspect.
If you don’t know him, that person is a ytuber called Vaush - having only a couple of videos of him he strikes me as one of the most untruthful people on this planet.
He is a radlib who tries to argue on the basis on marx’ and lenins work to “vote blue no matter who”. I’ve seen him claim Marx today would’ve been a Biden staffer for example. He also is unable to see the programmatic imperialism behind neoliberal concepts such as free trade agreements like NAFTA and defends these conceptually. He effectively hordes socialist leaning youths back into supporting the status quo so I wouldn’t wonder if one day it is revealed that the FBI secretly funds him
I think he is said to have pleaded for the legalization of consensual sexual relationships with underaged children, hence the reference.
Edit: No idea if he actually defended pedophilia. Personally I wouldn’t think that he meant it. I am not an expert on Vaush (luckily) I only mentioned the accusations bc it is what tripped up the commenter.
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Unfortunately, that user is not lying.
On top of everything else, Vaush engages in ableist, racist, transphobic, and sexist language, unapologetically.
He’s a genuine piece of excrement
It’s pretty well known and easy to verify, but I have no interest in googling this reprehensible being. If you’ve listened to him in the past, then I do wish you a swift recovery. Cheers.
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I did the Google. He apparently used child porn and pedophilia as rhetorical devices in arguments about other topics, which have then of course been taken out of context and weaponizsd by people who hate him.
It’s a good example of why you shouldn’t use certain topics to score debate points and why no one should be live on the internet for multiple hours a day.
Oh get off your high horse. You’re well aware that everything I said is accurate. I simply don’t respect you enough to engage with you further.
Not only do they not have a source, Vaush has actually addressed basically all the controversies about him in a long list of ways.
Here’s a link to a GitHub page that has a large collection of Vaush’s responses to his various controversies over the years.
And if it wasn’t clear Vaush is a staunch trans ally and anti-racist. Any honest viewing of his content on either subject would show that to be the case.
I just don’t trust people (like the person above) who […] casually go “I think they’re a pedophile”
Oof, dude you make me feel bad for giving you a good faithed response after your first comment.
For someone who urges to be careful with accusations you are pretty grossly misrepresenting my comment here
non-ironically throw around terms like “radlib”
I don’t throw it around like Vaush throws around “red-fascist”, “tankie”, “antisemite” and every other slur , I use it specifically for someone who draws upon radical aesthetic in the abstract but supports the capitalist, imperialist status-quo in the specific.
You can chose to be offended by that, but Vaush is the definition of a radlib
Honestly I have only ever used it for him. Thinking of it I might use “Vaushite” in the future which has the added benefit of visually representing the fact that his disingenious output is nothing but a thin layer around “shit”
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I understand getting tripped up when others chime in with varying intentions. Also my initial comment should have been clearer and did leave more room to read a pedophilia accusation into it than I intended.
I can see that you argue in good faith and I apologize for some reddit impulses that I haven’t unlearned yet.
Personally I don’t see the equation of leftism with defending CP in OPs post though.
The way I read it OP groups “meat-eaters” into categories with each being a drastic exaggeration (the “lvl 5 bloodmouth” is a straight up cannibal) so I think none of this can be taken seriously.
One “group” is the The “Leftist” meat eater. I expand the quotes to something like The pseudo-leftist meat eater who is then represented by Vaush. To me this is basically a 1 person group that might as well just be called “Vaush” but calling him The pseudo Leftist is just one more swing at him.
I am definitely both a leftist and not a vegan and I don’t mind the post in fact I found it quite funny (but obviously very few ppl agree). I agree though that slapping the CP stuff under Vaushs pic is unfair to him, as some people will take it seriously, I have to say that humor was also not lost on me though
I guess I should have made it more clear, that I was only trying to summarize sentiment about Vaush for you to understand the reference, I was not making anything up
To be clear: I do not remember nor care what exactly Vaush argued for in that video people point to as I have no interest in wasting more time with Vaush. Personally I don’t believe he would defend pedophilia and just wants to be edgy.
When I said “It is said” I meant it to be understood like “people say that about him” not that it were common knowledge. I apologize if my English was not on point.
I think your accusation towards me making something up isn’t fair but I agree with your notion of being careful with the topic in general so I will edit my original comment to reflect that I can’t and won’t weigh in on the debate on whether he did or did not defend pedophilia.
That’s fair. I did come in a little hot, but I am just very tired of watching people casually throw around “pedophile.“ I understand that is not what you were doing, but this post set up a very specific situation that it looked like you were building on. I over interpreted your intention, and I apologize. Still, this post is total rage bait, and kind of messed up ultimately. It’s an absurd, shoehorned attempt to try and equate liberals with pedophiles. It should be removed frankly.
It’s from a clip of that steamer taken out of context.
Or more accurately clipped in such a way to make what he said be the opposite of the point he was making.
Basically he was debating someone and was saying that the exploitation of children is wrong in all aspects. He phrased his point poorly and it was clipped.
The streamer (Vaush) is actually pretty based on a lot of things.
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I know nothing about Vaush, but I do know abut Aaron Swartz. In this archived page he argued for legalizing the possession and distribution (not sure if that contains production) of child porn since “We don’t arrest everyone with videotapes of murders, or make it illegal for TV stations to show people being killed” and all you need to get arrested is click on a download link or join an online group (no matter whether or not you delete it or if you knew it was child porn). He also says something about it not being abuse before arguing that.
Honestly I’m not sure what to think about that, but it still makes me think OP’s meme was put out to slander groups through strawmen. It does not help that I can’t figure out which parts of OP’s meme are satire.
That wil convince many people and help them accept that you are a fucking idiot and should rethink your life choices
Missing the all important - don’t care option, which I feel the vast majority of people would fall into
I find it amusing that people’s obnoxious desire to be a White Saviour extends even to animals. It is now doubly funny that vegans appear to be cozying up to fascists in their mad quest. Definitely paints veganism in a good light.
nice casual erasure of all non-white vegans
Idiots who think we’re somehow Above Nature can exist in any people, but the core of the philosophy stems from the same vaguely-biblical colonizer origin. I have nothing but contempt for you.
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The fuck are you talking about? Did you forget to take your meds?
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I would have been torn between leftist philosopher and scumbag, but I really want someone to refer to me as Bloodmouth. That’s metal as fuck.
Anyway, it takes five seconds to google what happens to a dairy cow if you stop milking them. The answer may surprise you /s
The fun part about that is, if you just let the calves they birthed drink the milk, nothing happens to the mother!
Just a quick reminder in case anyone didn’t know: no such thing as a dairy cow. Mammals typically lactate after giving birth. Doesn’t matter if it’s a cow or a human. If you intervene in the calf (or baby) in order to harvest the milk, there can be complications if not milked regularly.
Additionally, cows don’t continue to make milk (just like humans). They need to give birth each time, however you can pump them full of hormones to prolong the lactation in order to maximize the profit.
That’s part of the reason “dairy” cows only have a life expectancy of 4-5 years in an industrial dairy farming setting vs a ~20 year life expectancy at a sanctuary or in the wild.
The question is: what happens to the calves? The answer may surprise you /s
Well, they grow into happy cows because I don’t like how veal tastes.
Less reddit answer, I will concede that milk production comes from repeated breeding and is intentionally exacerbated by removal of the calf. And also that we could just…not do that. However, I would like to correct this and say that dairy cow is a breed.
Beef cows are bred to be stocky for the meat. Wagyu beef, made famous and expensive for its texture and marbling, covers only four breeds of cow, all specifically japanese. You’re not getting wagyu from a dairy cow in Kansas.
Regular breeding cows produce around 1.3 gallons (5 liters) of milk and gradually dry out over the course of a year as their calf grows and stops drinking. Dairy cows have the same time constraints, but produce eight gallons (30 liters).
They’ve been altered intentionally to far overproduce as a breed and while tapering off would be possible, they would need to be monitored every time they’re lactating so they don’t live in significant pain or die somehow.
It would be disingenuous, I think, to pretend every cow is the same cow and we can just stop and everything will instantly be fine. I suspect if they had no dietary use, they’d require so much care they’d be a niche thing and quite literally all of that would be dumped on the ground or something.
Perhaps we could give it to the homeless or to starving bear cubs if we cared about those things. But giving it any purpose would encourage further monetization.
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It doesnt, its pretty normal to be vegan. Do what you know feels right.
I think some of it is people Know it is the right thing to do, and veganism aligns better with their moral stance, but they are not ready to try it. Or they perform mental gymnastics as to why its okay and you are wrong. When people give you a hard time about veganism, its really them having an internal battle with themselves, and you just happen to be the one triggering it and thus its your fault.
The “self righteous vegan” stereotype is, in some cases, real. It only takes one encounter to start generalizing - and sometimes not even that. People really don’t like feeling morally inferior.
Scumbag checking in.
Same, but I really do think I should make the switch. I’ve been afraid to do so due to malabsorption related to celiac, but I think I may be past that and ready to give it a go.
Scumbag. Fuck you.
None of the above.
I’m the humble contrarian.
You might have a good point, but you’re being self-righteous and smug. I’m ordering a turkey sandwich because your lack of humility irritates me and I want to piss you off.
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Back where?
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I eat whatever taste good.
I’m totally fine with murdering animals for utility/convenience.
🎶 It’s the circle of life 🎶
this is so over the top, it would not surprise me in the least if it turned out to be a straw meme someone made to make vegans look bad.
Does it make anyone look good? I’m trying to see who is portrayed as good or normal here.
Nobody, this is just next level shitposting. So many contradictions it doesn’t make any sense
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What amuses me is that there are people who will take it seriously, and either feel attacked or justified.
lmao everyone in the comments running to defend throwing babies into gas chambers just to make 1 ingredient for an otherwise vegan meal.
Baby meat is the tastiest part of the meal
Why is this reminds me of that vegan teacher
I’m the “unknowing”. Except I’ve seen the animals being born, fed them, seen them being transported 2.9km to the Butcher and even plucked the chickens. Either they sell it there or give it back to the farm to process it.
I herded them to the grassland early in the morning and brought them back at the end of the day. Or watched them, since they and the dog knew the drill.
We even have two sheep in our backyard. 20 are - more than enough - of nice lawn, with two sheds.
The meat I eat IS from happy animals. I know because I knew the animals.