In short Cold will now freeze and Blast makes guys go boom!

    • @S_H_KOP
      211 months ago

      The frame build will remain mostly the same all weapon and mostly the ones that have radiation and or not slash will surely change a lot.

  • KaynMA
    211 months ago

    I’m really curious to see how this will end up feeling.

    And slightly worried about the amount of Forma I might need to adapt all my stuff.

    • @S_H_KOP
      111 months ago

      Same here I’m starting to get worried about what will work and what will not. Personally I fell that catalysts are a bigger loss than forma. Maybe cause I’m using all my nightwave cred to get that fuckken hammer… If only I where to have come to the realization that I could have famed it in the 10 year aniversary…

  • Keegen
    111 months ago

    The streamlining of damage types against factions is a fantastic change, it was always a confusing mess with some enemies using health types from other factions. Armor changes are much needed as well, Grineer are the one outlier faction that pretty much requires you to bring some form of armor strip or bypass in order to face them once you get past a certain level. Making 100% armor strip no longer a necessity while evening the playing field with other factions is great.

    The one thing I would really like to see is an easy way to switch weapons load-out from the mission select screen, or if I’m allowed to dream a little, ability to assign a load-out to be automatically used whenever you’re fighting a certain faction. That would actually get me to finally start using the Bane mods!

    • @S_H_KOP
      111 months ago

      I have NS and I can switch loadouts easily with Y but that also accepts mission so if I want to switch loadouts when doing party and one firend already put the mission promt in I have to get out and go to the arsenal. And there is this bug that plays the last mission complete then I open the arsenal and I’m in a party.

    111 months ago

    Really don’t like the looks of this, mainly because it doesn’t seem like DE really understands just how many statuses are useless. Like, no changes to Puncture or Impact? Any change to Magnetic is pointless because Toxin will just cut through the shields? and I would say Current SP Grineer should be the baseline tankiness for all SP enemies, instead they’re massively nerfing Grineer HP and then they’ll slightly buff survivability on the Corpus in a way that still won’t matter against Toxin.

    Simplification of a system that’s really only complex fo the sake of complexity is a good and noble goal, but the answer can’t just be “massively nerf the survivability of enemies,” because enemies are already complete chaff. The article doesn’t even address Infested though, so maybe they’re still evaluating things.

    • @S_H_KOP
      111 months ago

      It’s very hard to grasp what they really want to do besides an overall goal. As you said magnetic would not fare better than rad or toxin so what would they do? I guess they will streamline the system to the statuses doing “something” more than being a “counter” to certain defenses.

  • @Halasham
    111 months ago

    Hm, it’s… interesting but I’m not sure I like it.

    Internal homogenization of the factions doesn’t feel like the right way to go. Although it is nice that it allows for a clear recommendation of damage types on Navigation to help newer players learn what damage works best in each situation.

    I’m really pleased to hear that Cold is getting a secondary freeze effect. It felt like it was a missing natural progression for an effect that was missing it. I wonder if this’ll make Frost more viable.