A wopping $8,675,309!
Nice reference.
Yo mamma’s so old her phone number is 1
Hello mister. I would have one money, because she has one phone number. Thank you for asking. I love you xoxo
Drat, got me!
Here’s your one money kind stranger: 💰
Significantly more than I have now
None, it’d be my mom’s money
Nice try, buster. She’s married.
Well, if that ever changes, have her call:
1+ (719) 266-2837
1+ (719) 266-2837
But I can’t go for that. No.
No can do.
I would have negative 8144.
Nearly 422 billions (with country code).
€ 32,168 isn’t THAT much, especially if you have to pay rent in Munich.
0118 999 881 999 119 725
it seems like an oddly specific question but i feel like i can trust Bruce Campbell. He only ever plays extremely trustworthy characters
I feel like the question is badly worded, because that would mean you add the money you already have to the phone number, defeating the purpose.
Around 2,484,345,508 whole entire dollars!
Oakland county native, huh