Why do people hate raisins? They’re chewy little sugar bombs. What’s not to like?
Same this comic does not resonate
I have found my kin.
I love raisins by themselves, or sometimes in food like Tagine
Raisins in baking are almost always a disappointment
Exactly. I love raisins in trail mix, but any cooked or baked raisins are disgusting little bugs that pop in your mouth when you bite down on them and omg it makes me wanna hurl just thinking about it
They’re fine as long as they’re inside the baked good. Won’t get roasted too much there.
Those burnt one on the surface are terrible.Someone who cannot appreciate the joy of a Fly Cemetery Biscuit smh
To the American palate natural sugars taste like sour lemons. The rest of the world goes crazy for sultanas or raisins in things because they are such a sweet little surprise. To Americans raised on a steady diet of factory brewed high fructose corn syrup, they seem to offend and overwhelm their senses.
I hear so much raisin hate on American podcasts etc. I’ll never understand it.
I’m from Europe and I don’t like raisins. 🤷♂️
You’re not far wrong, but the corollary is it’s really hard to avoid unless you’re fairly nutrition aware. After moving away I lost several kilo in a year by accident. Eating normal food and living someplace walkable does a lot.
ed: typo
Even the pastry in the meme is a “pain au raisin” which they’ve just put… icing sugar on top of 🤢
Lol that’s absurd hahaha People have different palletes and culture and socioeconomic history. To just slash out us little Americans for a quick jab is ignorant at best. Everyone loves fruit in America. Everyone on earth loves fruit. Put that pet theory to rest.
For what it’s worth, I love raisins in bread, cereal, salads and cookie and I’m American as they come.
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Raisins are fine until you eat a cookie expecting chocolate chips and get a raisins instead.
Chocolate chips are fine until you eat a cookie expecting raisins and get chocolate chips instead.
Yeah, oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are trash.
I respectfully disagree and look forward to each one of them.
Also: this Comic makes no sense. Raisins are awesome (if done right in baking)!
If they don’t have worms in them.
Except I don’t want to live my life expecting raisins in my cookies.
The best have both
Someone gave out little boxes of raisins on Halloween. I poured them into my mouth. They had worms in them. To this day I’m suspicious of raisins.
Damn it, man! I just bought a big pack of those little boxes of raisins for my toddler yesterday. Now I’m gonna remember this and instinctively check the damn box before I give them to her. Thanks a lot!!
Well I hope you do! Just pour the raisins into your palm, see that they’re fine, put them back in the little box for the kid to pinch out one at a time. Meanwhile, put all the little boxes in a ziplock bag to keep pantry moths out. If you want to be extra sure, I think if you froze them for a day or two you’d probably kill anything that was already in there.
Protein candy
Nah your previous piece of candy had a powerful hallucinogen in it.
They look and feel like I’m eating little roaches embedded in my food.
That just makes them better! Like when you eat lo mein and get to pretend the pieces of cabbage are little grubs. It’s the best part!
They taste like stale air, in my opinion.
I love raisins on their own. And in raisin brand for some reason. But I strongly dislike their texture in baked goods such as cinnamon buns or cookies.
For me it’s the texture that causes issues. I love grapes, but dry them out and suddenly they make me nauseous.
I like the golden raisins, take them when I hike and camp usually.
They taste like nothing to me. Feels like I’m chewing used gum or something.
I love raisins, especially in cinnamon rolls and carrot cake!
Carrot cake should be called something else if it doesn’t have raisins or currants in it. They are so damn good.
I like raisins.
I especially like raisins baked into pastries.
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U monster!
Me monster.
I have a hypothesis that all the raisin haters out there are super chocolate lovers. And they are just mad that it’s raisins and not chocolate. I’m not saying all chocolate lovers are raisin haters, but that all raisin haters are chocolate lovers.
Last I checked raisins aren’t harvested with slave labor and deforestation, learn to enjoy raisins they are amazing
One of my absolute favourite candy that’s common in Germany is raisins in chocolate:
This one even says “Jeden Tag” (“every day”) on the packing!
Heck yes. Those are amazing. It’s been forever since I’ve seen them.
That shit slaps. My dad ate them at the lawn at a lake laying at a towel. He ate one that fell down. It was a rabbit poop 💀
I can add my sample size of one to your research. I don’t mind raisins but I love chocolate. Chocolate covered raisins are acceptable, for instance. The disappointment is what really leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
To add my sample to your research, I absolutely love both chocolate and raisins…
I honestly am not sure that there is a more perfect confection than chocolate covered raisins, not even kidding.
While I certainly do like chocolate chip cookies, where cinnamon buns are concerned, I don’t want to replace the raisins with anything. I’ll pick them out and eat just the cinnamon bun. So it’s definitely the raisins, with their unquenchable evil.
Nah, I really dislike raisins and, despite liking chocolate, I am not a super chocolate lover.
Not much of a sweet tooth at all.
I do love fruits though, but am not a huge fan of dried fruit which is what raisins are.
I feel like raisins are always in the wrong place, and for everyone this place is different. But when they are in the wrong place, you immediately notice and and go “WHYYY”. Hence raisins bad. Also chocolate sucks.
I love raisins. Hmm, I, probably, will buy them when my shift end
Hey, people that hate raisins, I’m curious how you feel about fresh grapes. Is this an issue with the whole thing, or just dried fruit?
Raisins are delicious btw I could eat golden raisins in particular by the fistfull
Raisins in particular have a mouthfeel like bugs for me. Fresh grapes are mid but nice when it’s hot out. I like dried versions of most fruits I like the fresh version of
I’m not the biggest fan of raisins. Definitely wouldn’t put them in any pantries.
Fresh grapes are amazing.
Not really big on dry fruit. Haven’t really been that adventurous with that stuff though.
I think raisins in pantries is more about a random sour or texture rather than the actual raisin being bad tasting.
A cinnamon roll tastes amazing without raisins. Putting sour chewy landmines in it does not make it any better.
Wait a moment, raisins taste sour for you? You sure you’re not confusing it for cranberries or anything? Don’t wanna discredit you or anything, I’m genuinely curious, because to me raisins taste as sweet as it gets.
I mean, it’s been a while since I have had a cinnamon roll with raisins
But I do feel like they were tangy and not as sweet as the cinnamon roll
There are probably sweeter raisins and more sour raisins, just like grapes.
Just dried fruit. I love fresh grapes.
I think it’s about the combination of sweetness and gummy texture. I dislike gummy candy as well.
Raisins in cinnamon rolls are delicious!
I don’t think I’ve ever had cinnamon rolls without them
They tell you that having a kid changes you but I was not prepared to freaking love raisins from literally one day to the next. Ever since I popped out that kid I fucking love raisins. Didn’t like them in pregnancy, didn’t like them before, one day plopp and goddamn raisins are the best.
Also happened with nuts and marzipan.
I don’t mind raisins. I typically don’t seek them out but for the most part they’re a happy surprise.
I must state that raisins in cereal is a terrible fucking idea. They get hard and gummy.
FFS, what a bunch of babies.
According to the webcomic Adventures of God, there is a special place in hell for people who give out raisins instead of candy on Halloween
No no, you put one raisin in, just to fuck with somebody.
Raisers are fine on their own but I don’t want that change in consistency when I’m eating cinnamon rolls, cookies, whatever. Also expectations are big, have you ever taken a sip of a drink that is different than what you thought? Usually not a pleasant experience
This consistency difference is why raisins are great in a chewy oatmeal cookie, but not so much in a crunchy or soft butter cookie.
Not my jam but I ain’t mad if that’s what you like, just warn folks before they dive in right?
I could ask for a “some may not like this” disclaimer with your chewy chocolate cookies too, by that logic.
Never go to a Christmas Eve in Brazil. People put raisins on everything! (And I love it!)
Used to not like them as a kid. But love them as an adult