Minthara is about to come out of her shell.
I’m very glad Larian is polishing the game instead of taking the praise that the game is polished and dipping out.
That’s not their style, I expect/hope an enhanced/definitive edition comes in a couple years with new features and adding back cut content.
I honestly can’t believe what some of the reviews/articles from big media outlets were saying about the polish. Literally one a week into launch saying it’s “so polished, it puts other AAA games to shame.” It’s like they didn’t even play it.
Story? Great. Characters? Some of the best ever in a game. Action? Fun as shit. Polish? No. It’s kinda rough.
Sure would have been nice for it to be polished before it released.
Apparently a hot take lately.
It was polished. I bought it on launch and had zero issues. Polishing it even further isn’t a problem.
Really? I love the game but my partner and I are both dealing with tons of really annoying bugs. They’re usually fixable with a reload but it’s a huge pain. It’s things like enemy path finding bugging out leaving enemies frozen on their turns, items not working (eg. Lumps horn), random hit boxes in the world preventing me from moving through an important area.
I wouldn’t say the game is a buggy mess or anything but I absolutely wouldn’t call it polished
Apparently you’re missing out on a way to trigger 1500 fucking lines of dialogue, my dude.
im sure you have lot of experience developing complex software
Well shit… I had just started an evil run the other day (literally last save is about to go into the gobbo camp to snag Minthara and fuck shit up). But now I think I’ll just wait for the patch :/
Edit: Yay it’s here! Time to go be a bad bitch 😎 Damn Larian! I expected this to take like a week from the announcement. Love ya!
Ah, the perils of making my first run as a baddie. Hope I still see some of those lines in what remains of act 3. When is patch 2 dropping, I wonder?
Well good thing for me I surrounded her with fire barrels and blasted her across the room before her corpse burned to a crisp!