Russia has shown rising animosity toward Western social liberalism, particularly toward legitimizing nontraditional sexual relations and gender identity.
Sure, let’s promote Russian values. Values like invading your neighbors, murdering political rivals and oppressing queer people.
And then there’s the priests blessing nuclear weapons.
All sorts of fine values.
There’s also swindling, cheating, bribery and corruption. And don’t forget bigotry.
Hacking, disseminating propaganda, attempting to influence other countries’ elections… so many values!
Don’t forget the military rape culture!
But enough about the US Army!
I’m ultimately pro western leadership, but everything they’ve accused Russia of in this thread so far could have just as easily been said for America…
And then there’s the priests blessing nuclear weapons.
Seems some Americans are well on their way towards that already.
Yeah, but at least that isn’t state-sponsored.
The order did not specify the values that would be promoted, but Russia has shown rising animosity toward Western social liberalism, particularly toward legitimizing nontraditional sexual relations and gender identity.
Sounds like they’re still working on the values, but they’ve nailed the prejudices
Sauron Calls For International Scheme Promoting “Orcish Values”
I assume this is a reference to The Last Ringbearer?
For those who don’t know, The Last Ringbearer is an alternative (and anti-Western) account of Lord Of The Rings, written by a Russian author. And either as a cause or a consequence, a lot of Russians think of Sauron as a hero and Mordor as a down-trodden land that was ruined by the forces of the West. It really sums up the resentment and self-loathing sentiments many Russians have.
We already have vodka and alcoholism.
Russian values? Rape, Pillage, Torture, Murder?
You forgot Lie, Cheat, and Steal.
You both forgot the most important one: drunk
À man’s got to cope
Lie, Cheat, and Steal.
MAGA Republicans seem to have no problem embracing those.
Yeah, they’re Tools like that.
So … propaganda? I guess he really wants to push those troll factories to their limit.
He’s all in
Well the USA just had an attempted political assassination so we’re getting there I suppose. We may have gotten the details a little un-russian but I’m sure we’ll figure it out.
yes, that was all completely wrong. If Trump had been the one on top of the building and had fallen down (maybe accidentally hitting a stray bullet on his way down)… now THAT would have been closer
And there weren’t even any windows involved.
I always figured Russian values were 9.8m^2
you know … terminal… velocity from falling out of buildings.
Not sure about Russian units, but in the west, the acceleration towards earth aka gravity aka what happens when you stand to close to a window while not cheering for Putin is 9.81m/s^2.
Not sure what 9.8 square metres is…
The splash zone
haha you’re right. i meant nine point eight meters per second per second
No go away
Russian values? I assume he means rape, murder, theft and rape.
You said rape twice
Shhhh let him cook.
He likes rape
Russians really like raping.
You forgot of being drunk af
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Suck a dick, Poutin.
Illegal in Russia! Straight to Siberia with him!
Russian tourists are notorious everywhere for their “values” so thanks but pass.
Seems to be working. Kursk oblast just had a bit of a ‘special military operation’, iirc.