Absolutely not. One of the others can have it.
I don’t get these. Everyone else does and I don’t lol. Sometimes I see a flash of light in a spot. Pretty sure that’ll be an aneurysm in a couple decades.
These are more common if you frequently rub your eyes.
Right now I couldn’t see them even if I tried, from what I remember I saw them only when looking in bright light against solid color (white wall, blue sky, …) it’s not as solid as the image would suggest, it’s also WAAAAY smaller and more transparent
i got them a lot more when i was younger.
perhaps because my eyesight was better then? maybe the’re still there i and i just dont see them anymore.
i do wear glasses these days
They are a lot more obvious if you look at bright surfaces, such as the sky, so one factor may be that you’re not outside as much.
I don’t think they’re supposed to go away; rather the contrary, but who knows.
One thing I do know though: if the amount increases noticeably, it could be a sign of something bad, so get that checked out.
When I got my eyes checked a few months ago, they where looking inside and asked me if I see a bright flash from time to time. I said that I do. They then said that if it increases in frequency, duration, or strength, I need to come in ASAP. They seemed concerned, but didn’t want to elaborate for my sanity.
Bright flashes usually indicate a tear. Small ones can just be monitored but if you see a big flash (it’ll be sort of like lightning) and there is no environmental cause, it is an emergency. If you don’t get it repaired, you could go blind. This isn’t medical advice, just what I was told when I was younger. This article is basically WebMD quality, but gives a little more on what to look for.
oh wow! how could I have gotten a tear??
There are many causes, so possibly nothing you’d even be aware of.
You didn’t. If you get a retinal tear and then don’t get treatment you’ll end up with permanent vision loss. It’s a major medical emergency. If all you had was a flash and nothing else, it wasn’t a retinal tear.
Your doctors might be concerned about retinal detachment which can be just as serious though. If they think you’re a high risk for it it’s worth getting anything abnormal checked out.
Is this X-Men’s Cyclops’ origin story? Maybe they’re worried you’ll have laser eyes and will need to wear protective eye wear for the safety of everyone around you.
Really, though, lots of eye flashes can be an issue with your retina. For me, I suddenly had a ton of flashes, like shooting stars, followed by a dimness that lasted for several minutes. It turned out to be an ocular migraine, which was kind of scary not knowing what was going on at the time.
Ocular migraine? https://www.allaboutvision.com/conditions/ocular-migraine.htm
Me neither. Those other ghostly spermies must be like “eh, your life kinda sucks anyway. Let’s torment someone else”
Floaters, caused (I believe) by lensing of your aqueous humor (the liquid in your eyes) which is a viscous fluid. That’s why they show up more on bright solid color backgrounds (like the sky). As you get older, your eyeball fluid gets thicker and chunkier causing more of them.
mmmm cottage cheese eye
It would have cost you nothing to not post that.
But cottage cheese tastes good… (especially when paired with fruit)
Aged cottage eye cheese with a wine pairing
Or OP could just stop taking facials at the park at midday…
Just a thought
Fucking Puritans trying to take away our right to facials
Don’t Kink Shame brah
At least you don’t have visual snow syndrome and you don’t have to live your life recorded through VHS, unlike me
I was born with VS, never seen a clear image in my life. Ironically very into AV stuff and chase the highest quality picture. I often lament that I’ll never experience perfect quality and clarity because of my VS
Born with tinnitus too! The double whammy haha
I’ve got tinnitus too. Mine is not disturbing in the morning but gets really loud in silent rooms, so loud it sometimes disturbs my sleep. Interestingly enough, I’m interested in hifi
Both VS and tinnitus are not professionally diagnosed though and they are the least of my concerns. ADHD and asperger’s (both professionally diagnosed and treated to some extent) is what affects my life most
We might be the exact same guy!
Visual snow on a blue background is extremely common. It’s called the blue field entoptic phenomenon and basically everyone can see it if they try to
yeah I know, but mine is on every surface regardless of color
I have the same thing 😭 I’ve gotten used it it but it’s super noticable at night
I had that during my psychedelic phase but it eventually went away.
Those are so cool. They’re the only way (I know of) that you can see molecules with your naked eye. Actual molecules! That’s practically at the level of atoms, and you can see that microscopic stuff!
**Edit: they are not, in fact, molecules. See replies for more info. **
Also red blood cells. It’s pretty cool that if you stare at the sky (not the sun; please not the sun) you can sometimes see red blood cells move in the back of your eye. Single cells! Amazing.
Err, I don’t think that’s right. That’s physically impossible. Only electrons are small enough to visualise molecules and atoms, which is why you need electron microscope to see those.
Whoa, my optometrist told me that’s what they are and now I’m really disappointed.
Considering their shape and what you said about them being impossible to observe in visible light… I guess those branch-like pieces are cell organelle fragments instead?
Dang, and here I was excited to be seeing molecules.
You can see cells with the naked eye as well. Notably, eggs. Chicken eggs are also one cell. The largest cell is an ostrich egg.
There are amoebas that reach 5mm in length.
IIRC, there are limits on how big they can get based on how far RNA can travel after copying DNA.
Eggs are still bigger. I think you can actually see human eggs with the naked eye, as they are the width of a hair. Would probably need to be placed on a contrasting surface, though, and appear as a tiny speck
Don’t forget about Valonia ventricosa as well!
They are individual cellular organisms but they’re not molecules. Individual molecular structures are too small for light to interact with so no matter how much you magnify them you’re never going to see them.
That’s why things like electron microscopes were invented. You can’t just build bigger and more powerful microscopes it doesn’t work.
I thought they were cells
Looks like you’re closer to the truth than I am.
Hey I didn’t ask to be here, and I couldn’t have been asked for my consent to exist, so we’re all just gonna have to suck it up and trudge our way to Hell’s finish line like this whether we like it or not.
I loled at Hell’s finish line.
Acid rain is when they’re angry?
That’s your eyeball slowly detatching itself from its socket because your don’t spend enough time outside.
Thats not what they are or how they work EXCEPT incases where you suddenly see them all the time regardless of light conditions.
It’s interesting that the view isn’t horribly pixelated due to too much screen time. Anon must like books or something…