This works both for bullets and measles
Omigod. It really does.
See? The real joke is in the comments.
Why exactly are Americans not vaccinating their kids?
Because it’s now become a political identity to not vaccinate your kids. The conservative movement decided this during COVID.
No, those idiots decided that before COVID, because according to their independent research (conducted by watching youtube videos of fake doctors) vaccines can cause autism.
Oh the joys of government school defunding.
Decided is a strong word, more like ramped up cyclones of misinformation and continued to double-down, but you’re not wrong.
The wild thing is, much prior to the pandemic, I associate not vaccinating with the hippy dippy alternative medicine vegan crowd.
And freckles lol
The holes are an evolutionary adaptation that allows bullets to pass through harmlessly.
Life finds a way.
I’m dead 💀
So are the school kids
Stop, you are killing me!
Where have “when you see it” memes gone?
Where have all the cowboys gone?
Same place as the flowers.
When will they ever know?
Shot. Didn’t you look at the meme? Duh!
Hell. Where they should be
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Sanctimonious Americans really are holier than thou.
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Was there another school shooting or something?
An average of like 10-15 children die every day in US due to being shot. Sure there are more that survive but look like SpongeBob here.
Thats a pretty solid dark joke. Itd also be more realistic and darker if spongebob was black.
That’s probably true but not really an answer to the question. Most shot kids are victims of gang violence.
What do you think was meant by “or something?” The question was answered. Meme shows school kids shot up. Gangs or whatever shoots them up. Yes it happened today. Happens everyday.
Okay but it’s disingenuous. You can disagree. It’s a massive disparity between school deaths and gang violent deaths so I feel it warrants a little more clarity of communication.
I can see why you call it disingenuous but the point of the matter is that children are getting shot. You can break it down into as many catagories as you like, the bottom line is that far too many school aged children are dying violent deaths in a world that has enough knowledge and resources to know what the solutions are to prevent it. The only thing keeping that going at this point is political fuckery.
What’s this obsession with minimising school shootings while maximising gang violence? Sounds very much like a racist dog whistle.
Because they have different causes and different solutions.
Car crashes are killing X people; if you insist on treating all car crashes as though they were caused by someone intentionally driving into a crowd–versus inattentive drivers or driving drunk–then you aren’t going to be able to solve the problem.
Idunno, making guns a lot harder to obtain would help a lot with both and so would replacing a lot of cops in both poorer neighborhoods and schools with social workers and mental health professionals 🤷
I think you’re right in what you’re saying but not what I think you’re implying. The solution to one problem is mental health regulations, the solution to the other is improper use regulations. Which are different, but fall under the same umbrella.
Either way, taking about cars is exactly where I’d take the comparison because it’s the only other commonly owned (highly effective) weapon in the us. We require a license to use one and liability insurance to own one, then take that license away if you show that you can’t use it properly. That’s exactly what if like to see happen to guns.
Is it a massive disparity or is it a simple common demoninator of guns are far too easy to obtain in the US? There is an incredibly strong correlation between stringent gun control and less school and gang shootings of children in many other nations.
“Children” in that stat includes gang members and suicides. Still bad things, but don’t misrepresent what’s going on.
How is counting dead children misrepresenting what is going on? Dead is dead. When I say I want fewer guns it is because I want fewer deaths, gang members and depressed kids included.
A 17 yo in a gang that is shooting at other gang people and gets shot dead is the same thing as a 10 yo bystander?
Children in those stats are human beings under 18 years old.
Too soon.
Could we do it on a day there is not a shooting?
I really want a day without a school shooting.
Who is telling you we have them everyday?
Uh, the news. According to GunViolenceArchive (link here ) who are not themselves necessarily a reputable source but do gather their information from relatively reputable sources, mostly police records and government sources, they actually don’t have one listed for today! Hooray! But there was one yesterday in Florida and three more the day before that in Michigan, Indiana, and New Jersey.
Days without shootings do happen but are shockingly rare. Just take a look at the list there.
No they do not get their sources from gov and police records. They pull them from local news sites and blogs.
And 95% of the shit on here is gang/drug violence and most are not killed. It’s not just school shootings, which rarely happen. Even the AP says we have only had 15 mass school shootings since Columbine. And Motherjones even called these stats out.
Do we have a violence issue? Yes. Is it because of the gun? No. Our society needs fixing. There are a ton of things we can do that would have a way larger and more positive effect than trying to ban 450+ million firearms.
Just this stuff would do %1000 more to curb all our violence than banning firearms:
Ending the War on Drugs
Ending Qualified immunity
Properly funding our schools and not just rich white suburb schools.
Build more schools and hire more teachers for proper pay so the class room sizes aren’t 30-40 kids for one teacher.
Single Payer healthcare
UBI (at least start talking about it) once AI takes over most of the blue collar jobs.
End for profit prisons
Enforce the laws already on the books
Make sure there are safety nets for poor families so the kids don’t turn to violence/gangs to survive.
Increase the minimum wage
Recreate our mental healthcare so kids don’t turn to the internet for support. And to help veterans not end up as a suicide number.
Actively make a law to solidify Pro-choice rights. More unwanted children do not help our situation.
Banning Insider Trading for Congress
Term limits
Ranked Choice Voting so we can move away from a 2 party system
Nothing on that site claims that it’s “school” shooting. Just “Mass Shootings”.
I really want a day without a school shooting.
Who is telling you we have them everyday?
Insert source unrelated to SCHOOL Shootings.
The simple answer is that they don’t happen everyday…
Juvenile suspect arrested in connection to deadly shooting at St. Helena school; class canceled until Friday
What about weekends?
Good point.
Just searched for “Sept 10 2023 school shooting” and that appears to have been a day without a school shooting.
Looks like a person (not a student) was shot on school grounds, but from an incident miles away. I do not understand the school to have been in session (in fact I am unclear the shooting was on school grounds, versus the school being the nearest landmark.)
(Honestly, I am trying to emphasize what a shit pile of school shootings we have.)
For the purposes of my objection, I do not object to weekend posting.
There is a park in my neighborhood that is right next to an elementary school, and the parking lot for the school is right next to the playground part of the park, so on weekends a lot of people park in the school parking lot to go to the park, it’s conceivable for a shooting to occur “on school grounds” on a weekend…
As an aside, what’s more American than driving to your closest neighborhood park?
Huh, you’re right! Also that makes me think of a very good solution to school shootings that somehow nobody is talking about, why don’t we just ban schools? If kids aren’t going to school in the first place then they aren’t going to get shot there. It’s so simple!
What happened today?
Let’s see your memes bubba.
I have seen this exact same meme image at least once on here and multiple times on Reddit.
I don’t do Reddit, Reddit is for plebeians.
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American school children do have trouble walking after getting shot, that’s true.
Like Polio victims
Where oh where is GoodGuyWithGunMan to save us when we need him?
Last I heard, he was shooting at that escaped Pennsylvania inmate - but missed, while the inmate got away with another one of his guns. GoodGuyWithGunMan’s only weakness - more guns.
I know what you did last summer Steve
Oh no!
A case of mistaken identity! Are you the little old lady from My Cousin Vinny?
Haha what kind of a name is Stove anyway?
Just my name with a typo and then it stuck
I was just kidding, it’s a line from bridesmaids.
Haha ok!
Ironically, Spongerobert would be more resilient to school shootings since sea sponges can reconstitute themselves even after massive damage, such as being forced through a fine mesh screen.
Cartoon characters are also pretty durable.
A sponge that was a solid block of cellulose wouldn’t work as a sponge. So I guess that’s supposed to be BlockofCelluloseBob Squarepants?
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Ooh, another low-effort America bashing post. Bonus for joking about murdered kids. Slow clap, very impressive.
As an American, I think it’s poignant and clever. Maybe we should fix our shit if we don’t like getting called out for it?
I vote Democrat down the line, what other suggestions do you have in mind?
Recommend sending your kids to another country for schooling. Gun control isn’t going to happen in US. Vote all you want. The democrats are also afraid to make strong changes on this. It’s more likely the republican notion of everyone just having a gun all the time will catch on rather than real gun control. Sorry to sound so down. I would love to see gun control in US but they just aren’t going to to it. There is far too much lobbying and far too many people that view guns and cars as more valuable than their own children.
Lol, send my kids to another country? Most of us here live paycheck to paycheck. Real talk? I took my kid out of school. Besides the threats of violence, public school in the US is a joke. I was homeschooled and I still ended up better educated than most people I know my age, without even really trying…
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It’s the American way…
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Gun control isn’t going to happen in US.
This is false. We have a mountain of gun control laws in place already. Many of them are rarely enforced.
Maybe you meant that banning scary rifles is not going to happen in the USA? That would be an accurate prediction, based on the last few years of precedents set by our Supreme Court.
Clever? This is clever? Your standards are very low
So are your friends’.
I like how you used the correct form of apostrophe at the end of friends’ but your overall sentence is clear.
Truly, the cars of tomorrow will eat the orange cows of yesterday.
Careful, they have a lot of accounts, and they’re not afraid to use them!
Spare me, oh demigod(s) of Lemmy!
Wtf you smoking? Man people are fucking weird.
It’s not clever. It’s just stupid.
Anything to not have to talk about reality, no?
Not sure I follow.
The reality of life in the US. Instead of admitting that the US, though not bad in some areas, is a complete shit show in too many other areas, it’s easier to just say that any valid criticism is just US bashing
You think making fun of murdered kids is valid criticism?
Depends, but yeah it can be. Joking at something so dark might shame a few people in being honest about the problem. US gun laws are ab obvious joke pushed by politicians that don’t care about dead kids, they just care about votes. I find that much more abhorrent.
I think it’s Europeans on Lemmy who apparently think the US is a political monolith and they’re making some kind of point. As if any American on a site like this isn’t fully aware of the problem. I doubt it, frankly. If it’s an American posting it, they should probably know that already and find a more suitable platform. Kinda preaching to the choir here. The thing is, if there were an easy solution we would have found it. Again, people who really don’t understand the scope of the political and cultural problem posting snide and frankly ignorant comments doesn’t help anything, in my opinion.
God dammit