Capitalists: Communism is when no phone
Damn I want a hammer phone now
If it were up to the lawyers and capitalists and not open source responding to it you’d still be paying to copy files. Imagine that? A subscription for basic utility, and removing it did not “impede competition” or “remove incentive”.
But hey, if you want to, I could rig your phone and computer to pay me a dollar every time you copy or move a file, ya’know, since you’re in to that stuff.
What phone did you post that with?
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Lol, “socialism is when capitalism” strikes again
Always gotta remember:
Ask a socialist why they hate capitalism and they’ll give you a dozen reasons.
Ask a capitalist why they hate socialism and they’ll describe capitalism.
Too fucking true, it hurts.
Every accusation a confession. Anti-communist propaganda is projection all the way down
Prager U is Christian propaganda masquerading as a school. It’s the opposite of a school.
Christian propaganda approved by the state of Florida to teach in schools
Christian conservative ancap propaganda to be more precise. The guy behind it was once recorded saying “Government is not the solution to our problems, government is the problem.”
Sure, now draw the stacks of coins to-scale, Prager-U, I dare you!
They’re obviously taking advantage of the fact that the average person doesn’t realize how wide the wealth inequality gap has gotten. Or, to put it another way, they don’t realize how badly they’ve been, and continue to be, exploited by the rich and powerful…
Also look at the slight difference in body language. While all blue figures and the big red boss are visaulized authoritative and defiant with their hands on their hips, the equalized red figures all have slumping shoulders showing meekness. I bet even people not actively noting this will still subconciously be influenced by the negative body language of the “communists”.
Wow, good observation! These people are evil…
And when the capitalism resembles the lower one, then “it’s not real capitalism”, “we need shock therapy”, “there’s too much regulation”, “um, ackchually, the rich person doesn’t hate minorities, thus they’re socialist”, and so on…
Yep, all that stems from lack of class awareness and lack of the study of Marxism
Socialism is when the government does stuff and everyone is poor!
And when everyone has nothing, it’s communism!Robot rock starts playing
A socialist foundation where every member of society has guaranteed means of survival, maybe even thriving so we uplift ourselves as a society…combined with capitalisms incentive for innovation and ambition.
Imagine what people could do if they were not exhausted by surviving, three jobs, etc. Yes there would be leeches, but that is a minority and a worthwhile sacrifice.
Socialism provides more innovation than capitalism. We would have the cure for cancer right now if profit incentive was not the drive of the economy, but to improve people’s lives.
I suggest you to watch this video for about why combing both doesn’t work
Quite the hot take. Make a claim, cherry pick one thing, and post a random YouTube video to back it.
Most of our tech comes from the military inventions of decades prior. Most of that from the US military and government. So if you think socialism would have brought GPS, cell phones, home computers, rocket technology, satellites, and more to the commercial market sooner… lol.
The entire factory industry, worldwide, uses the assembly line model invented by Ford, an American company. This system also brought prices down on cars, making them a staple of life rather than a luxury.
I won’t disagree with the fact big pharma could do more, but not with the idea it would have more incentive under a socialist system.
The entire factory industry, worldwide, uses the assembly line model invented by Ford, an American company. This system also brought prices down on cars, making them a staple of life rather than a luxury.
Right, but if you have the motivation to make things affordable for people, you can and will get to the same place. The profit motivation and the centralization of wealth are not the key motivators here.
They’re just the ones that made Ford rich and famous enough to aggressively publicize himself.
The motivation was to make a profit by making them affordable. Efficiency was the key Ford recognized as his means to success. If there is no profitability, he would never have bothered in bucking the current system.
You’re putting the cart before the horse.
Uh… Sputnik?
to the commercial market
Why is the commercial market important?
Correct, the Soviets launched the first basic satellite. They haven’t accomplished much since the 70s though and none of it translated to the commercial market. I won’t knock them for having a solid system that could fill the gap post-shuttles. Their adversion to solid fuel rockets also has merit.
The commercial market is the public market. Not sure why I’d have to explain that level of importance.
Not sure why I’d have to explain
You don’t have to, I’ve simply asked you to.
that level of importance
What level of importance? You haven’t explained any level of importance.
Yes we forgot how much tech has come from communist states. china totally invents it’s own stuff and doesn’t steal IP at all…and russia is the bastion of the science world…
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China is playing catch up. Once they steal enough IP to catch up, do you think they’re going to stop and wait for more to steal? Or do you think they’ll keep going and surpass the west? If they catch up I’m pretty sure they’ll keep going. Will they catch up? Only time will tell.
China used to be behind technologically but in recent years that hasn’t really been the case. They now publish more high impact research papers than the US. Their green energy sector is also way ahead of anyone else. If the trend continues you’ll probably see US companies trying to steal Chinese IP at some point.
Capitalist innovation is usually changing an existing product just enough to keep a patent or actually making something new but only if the government funds them so much they have zero risk. Most innovation comes from the public sector.
I believe you are mistaking research for innovation. I don’t fault you for that as they’re often talked about in the same breath in the media.
What it should be framed around is Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). And innovation can happen at any level and usually rapidly advances the technology up several levels.
So most public sector research and innovation happens around TRL 1, 2, 3, and 4. Large privately owned labs operate around TRL 5 and 6. R&D departments in private companies work in TRL 7, 8, and 9.
So what I read from there is the public sector creates the new tech and private ones turn it into a product to sell. That’s also pretty much what I said. Yea, I’m good with that part being handled by literally anyone other than the already rich.
Like my preference would be that any large company is collectively owned by everyone who works there. That would let the people who do the actual work to also keep the profits from said work. That would also not change anything about innovation, great or small.
I would genuinely suggest examining with yourself why you feel the need to cling on to a system designed to require and encourage greed and exploitation to exist.
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Denis Prager and everyone who works for him should be arrested and then buried in a pit in the ground
this one should work
“We have a pit at home”
I prefer capitalism
Oh cool, that’s neat. Wow. Personally I’m only socially communist. But in terms of economics I’m radically communist
Communism is the reason your ancestors didn’t end up in a camp while Germans enjoyed their room for living
Because I’m from a country where people know what communism is in practice, and I hate it
What things do you like about capitalism exactly
Communism has never been implemented
So how do you know if it’s going to be good/effective?
Because it is scientific and follows materialistic analysis? Whereas capitalism is an idealistic religion.
Every country that was touched by communism is extremely poor or corrupt, on the other hand all people I know including me want to live in places like USA or in European Union
Cuba has higher living standards than the US under a 60 year siege lmao
I wonder what happened to all those former Eastern Bloc countries that might have made them poor and corrupt.
Could have anything with US backed color revolutions and the neoliberal looting of their societies?
Nah. Probably socialisms fault
buddy, trust me, you do not want to live here in the USA. Unless you really love not seeing a doctor or dying in a car accident.
Socialism took the USSR from a late-feudal backwater that just lost the most destructive war in history (to that point) to the first man in space, and it did so in one generation and in spite of two subsequent invasions.
Socialism took China from a bunch of squabbling warlords dominated by foreign empires, where famines were regular and severe enough that people regularly sold their own children to survive, to a modern economic powerhouse, lifting a billion people out of poverty along the way.
Socialism took Cuba from a plantation run by foreign gangsters to cutting-edge medicine and higher life expectancy than the U.S., all while fending off a low-intensity war the most powerful empire in the world has waged against it for the entirety of its existence.
They made a graphic for it so it must be true!
I know right! As if there’s equality under socialism! LOL silly anti-socialist propagandists.
Well hopefully landlords and capitalists are offered equal prison cells and/or spots in the guillotine
Interesting, now this way
Oh hello Mr. Stalker!
When you’re a misanthropic debate pervert, don’t be suprised when people remember you for your bullshit
You’re not that important, don’t worry
ngl, I’ll be pretty happy to slack off for the same results. /s