alt text: a manipulated image portraying the alleged killer/controversial folk hero re-envisioned as a saintly figure, wearing Christian religious garb with a sun-like halo shining behind his head
Source: someone said this image hit the front page on reddit before being “censored”.
Apparent credit: @gedogfx (IG). Title source: “Inkl”. 💩posting for meme archival and commentary purposes.
Pope Francis has the opportunity to do the funniest thing here
I was ready to point out that this was not possible because canonisation requires the person have performed two miracles, but then I found out that there is actually a pathway without that:
Very rarely, a Pope may waive the requirement… if he, the Sacred College of Cardinals, and the Congregation for the Causes of Saints all agree that the Blessed lived a life of great merit proven by certain actions.
I’m not sure they can waive the requirement that a saint be dead however, it’s sort of part of the definition…
I think there is an inbetween where you not declared saint but basically are declared somewhat holy ready to be sainted once you die.
But he’s already so beautified 😍
Oh, my. What are you doing with this AI pic you found in the internet?
Praising His Name
Venerated, Beatified, Saint. At least that’s what I remember from Catechism beginning some 67 years ago
Doesn’t one of the charges carry the death penalty?
That way they can’t fuck up their legacy like so many public figures do. It’s better to have them die first before giving them sainthood, statues or other long term praise
The miracles are going to be people praying to him to have their claims accepted.
Well, the Popeis the absolute sovereign dictator of Church dogma, so if he says tomorrow that Luigi is a saint, then all 1 billion Catholics worldwide must listen
Kind of. He is the leader of the church but the congregation of Cardinals also holds a lot of political sway over the office as well and advise the pope on all kinds of matters.
Papal infallibility basically only applies to the interpretation of doctrine and scripture by the papal office.
Yeah and there’s still ecumenical councils and tradition.
There’s a reason the pope that gave birth didn’t lead to female priests, sexusl activity permitted among priests, or transmasculine priests, just a genital inspection before being confirmed as pope
Martyrs get a pass on the miracles BTW.
Not quite. They get a pass on miracles for beatification, but wording to this page’s “Since 1983” section two miracles are originally required for canonisation. In fact it is the non-martyr blessed who get a pass, since their miracle to become blessed counts and they only need one more.
The miracles are relatively easy in his case, considering his connection to healthcare. Get enough people with terminal diagnoses praying for his intercession, and some will happen to make a statistically unlikely spontaneous recovery.
‘In nomine Patris et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Mora, abnegare et deponere. Amen.’
He can’t become a Saint until after he dies, unfortunately.
Sounds like the government wants to do just that if he loses.
Pope could always talk to the big man and get that rule changed. Who’s gonna stop him, the pope?
He was arrested for US healthcare’s sins.
And on the third trial he was freed again.
And he sits on the throne with the father and the holly spirit… Wait hold on…no, actually this works OK, I remember the other two did in many more than just one asshole. The temple for example, someone must have been crushed there right? And what about the big ass food! Leaving only one of each dinosaur and two fish! Anyway, what I want to say is free Luigi. The guy is clearly crazy out of his mind. He probably had mushrooms as he was in pain. He took the wrong mushrooms and the rest is history. What is real is all of us asking that his life be spared.
When you come own again you should reread that word salad.
Additional trials can be avoided through Jury Nullification. Which is what I’d be doing were I empaneled onto the jury that will decide his fate. What would be even better would be that multiple members of that jury engage in Jury Nullification.
I wonder if he could be found guilty of terrorism if his murder trial is nullified. I mean how could he have done terrorism if he didn’t do murder (I’m sure they’ll find a way)
Print it out and put it in your wallet to ward against high insurance rates.
Maybe it will also ward against extra scrutiny from law enforcement. Maybe.
It’s almost going to be disappointing if we find out he was framed
You mean that what appeared to be a meticulously planned and masterfully executed assassination, such that there was little to no usable camera footage wasn’t likely to be undone the perp wandering around with a written confession and the murder weapon days later?
I’m shocked there haven’t been more conspiracy theories on this.
Agreed. I always wondered how two different backpacks came into the picture.
And it would explain the drones in the tristate as they could be useful for finding the suspect.
You need a second such incident for the conspiracy to work. Because the implication is that the real saint is out there working his miracles.
It would be the worst kind of mindfuck for him if he was just some radical centrist tech bro who got framed of a crime, sanctified in the public opinion, and then proven to be innocent. Like that’s the shit therapists’ accountants dream of
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You know, I feel like the thousands of people thirsting after him would be a pretty good ego boost at least. Enough to make up for the psychological torture of being framed? Probs not, buuuuuutttt…
Looks great. But it’s a missed opportunity to not have this symbol on his chest: that’s a caduceus, symbol of commerce. It’s often confused with the similar Asclepius’ staff, without wings and sometimes with a cup.
You’re telling me the Greek symbol for profit is easily confused with the symbol for medicine?
Wow, the Greeks really were advanced!
Asclepius’ staff
Here’s a link for anyone else trying to remember the correct image.
Image with load, just black
Huh. I think it has a transparent background. It’s fine on dark mode in the web browser.
Yep, my phone’s shitty dark mode was the problem haha
No akshully needed, that’s exactly the kind of information that’s important. Thank you
It’s funny with reference to the Wikipedia entry for it. A symbol of commerce, often used “inappropriately” by the health industry
Paraphrased, quote marks are mine, added since I think the health in general is more about commerce than health
Achtually, I find the Sacred Heart iconography quite apt given the circumstances. It’s about self sacrifice for the love of humanity.
The image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is rich with symbolism. The exposed Heart, often depicted with a crown of thorns, represents Jesus’ suffering and his immense love for humanity. The flames emanating from the Heart signify the transformative and purifying power of his love, while the cross above the Heart is a reminder of his redemptive sacrifice for the sins of the whole world.
(Finally, my many, many fucked up years of religious school has paid off.)
Yea, but a burning heart also works well as a symbol for Caritas
That’s the Caduceus depicted above, the symbol of logistics Which is often but improperly used these days as a medical symbol in place of the Rod of Asclepius, which has only one snake and no wings.
Are there any more images? This one looks pretty good, but the title promised me multiple images.
If you download this image, then that’s 2 images.
The copyright industry believes in this one weird trick
Holy cow, how long will this go on?
For me as a European, it feels like I’m observing some kind of weird tribe that just sacrificed one of their people to the gods and celebrating it for weeks…
That’s really fucked up take on this. First, Luigi is innocent until proven guilty. Accordingly, he’s very much alive and not “sacrificed”. Also, you seem to mistake a wave of support (I am afraid our filter bubble suggests there is more support than there is in the average DS citizen) for celebrations. Also, by trying to ridicule the movement, you do propaganda for the establishment. So please get lost, troll.
he’s very much alive and not “sacrificed”
The CEO is the one that got sacrificed to the gods with the hope that the system changes…
I’m totally on your side when it’s about fixing your broken and also very expensive healthcare system… But I dunno… Maybe electing a president that supports your interests (instead of one that does the opposite) or going on the streets with Millions of others or a nation wide strike would actually change it…
And what exactly is the movement? Getting rid of more CEOs? I don’t see any movement here. Maybe, I’m biased… I’d love to see a movement that actually leads to change, but I don’t see it.
Well, I guess, I have to deal with a few more weaks of memes about this…
Best regards The troll
didn’t we try the whole elect a president that would bring the change, like twice now?
In fact, looking towards history, the only time we really had change for the better is when the working poor threatened the super rich
didn’t we try the whole elect a president that would bring the change, like twice now?
yeah… some of you tried it.
But an actual majority voting for the Orange one instead of progress after progress after progress can also be interpreted like a part of your population wants a much worse healthcare system and/or is very stupid.
and/or is very stupid
Yes. We have a rigged system with propaganda and a poor educational system by design. This is very powerful and possibly unstoppable at this point. The main reasons our stupid populous vote against their own interests. They are stupid, but it’s not necessarily their fault. Again, propaganda and education.
This is not an easy problem to solve. Mercing CEOs might be the only option… The whole voting and playing by “the rules” isn’t working. The rich are getting richer, poor poorer, and corruption is becoming even more acceptable and in our faces.
If 50% of the population stop working for weeks, this should be a lot more effective than “mercing” anyone.
Yes, let us all just starve and get evicted. Most of us are barely scraping by while we are working 40+ hr weeks. Forfeiting our meager incomes simply isn’t an option if we want to, you know, survive.
oh ya, I too forgot that black president existed. who in an act of pure bipartisan appeasement decided to create the Affordable Care Act that we have today instead
“There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, and cartridge (or ammo). Please use in that order.”
They’ve all but taken the soap box, we have “free speech zones” to “safely” protest out of sight, and when we ignore those the media either doesn’t cover it, or gives the most unflattering description, taking the side of corporations (see: Amazon strikes framed in "how will this affect your Christmas delivery. A.k.a: be mad at the employees)
They’ve taken the ballot box with Citizens United literally paving the way for what Elmo Muskrat is doing now: buying elections. We can’t elect the people we’d want to elect.
They’ve taken the jury through the elimination of the teaching of the concept of jury nullification (but also doesn’t apply in this specific situation) and have taken the Judiciary through ratfuckery (see: Mitch McTurtle refusing to seat any SCOTUS judges when it’s a Democrat picking them)
So all we’re left with is the “cartridge” or, ammo box.
They force this on us but “thankfully” at least some of us won’t just let us keep getting steamrolled. :/
As to how this could be a “movement.” It isn’t. It’s one person choosing the ammo box because like the rest of us he felt hopeless and took the only action he felt could achieve anything at all. (It did: see blue cross blue shield reversing their anesthesia charging plan right after the shooting) There was also the “renewal” of the conversation about healthcare which all but vanished. Check the “issues” from exit polling, healthcare barely showed up. Whenever healthcare was discussed previously it was in the framing of “people love their private insurance!” that being told to us by the media. Now the discussion is “maybe there’s a larger issue if people from left to right are all supportive of what Luigi did.”
The CEO is the one that got sacrificed to the gods with the hope that the system changes…
Moving the goalposts much? No one in support of Luigi would dream of considering that CEO mass murderer as “one of their people” as you put it. And since you know that, you absolutely did not mean that mass murdering shithead.
Strikes only work against corporations when it’s that corporation’s staff striking, and those people seem to prefer to have a job over becoming unemployed
For America to elect a Parliament and President that would regulate the health industry such would have to be put forward by one side or the other. Perhaps this assassination will bring such regulation to the fore in future elections
Everyone on lemmy celebrates the murder openly. This isn’t “a wave of support” this is literally deification.
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Is that wave of support outside social media?
Removed by mod
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Unfortunately when you exploit the people of a place for too long they get backed into a corner and lash out.
That’s a horrible take lmfao you miss the point completely. Get outta here troll
Fuck off then
Not quite, in America we always think of the sacrificed as belonging to the other tribe.
Unhinged and I am so here for it. Peace be with you.
We are all cringe on this blessed day.
People are unironicaly going to use him in religion in the future.
If he is a catholic then I pray that he becomes a legit saint for what he did.
If Dorothy Day is still just blessed don’t hold your breath
Why not? Sainthood is an inherently political process. No person becomes a saint without intense lobbying and political pressure. You think Joan of Arc got her sainthood without politics involved?
And while the Catholic Church likes to claim a monopoly on sainthood, it really has no right to that claim. Most early saints were simply individuals that people in a community loved, respected, and later revered. A lot of these early saints were simply canonized officially by the church after they had already been venerated as saints by their communities for generations. There’s one saint that is likely just a misremembering of the Buddha. So people could absolutely start venerating him as a saint unofficially whenever they want.
And in the long term, Luigi could even end up an official saint of the Church if the circumstances are right. After conviction and sentencing, he could meet with a priest and confess his crimes in full and formally ask for absolution. And in the doctrine of the Church, that would result in him being fully forgiven for his crime. It’s the same way the Church recognizes the sanctity of warrior-saints who spent their whole lives killing. As long as they confessed their sins and asked for forgiveness from God, all is forgiven.
So let’s imagine Luigi did that. Suddenly his sins are washed away. Now we just have a man who is effectively a martyr for the thousands of victims of Brian Thompson. If that doesn’t a saint make, what does? Sainthood is meant for people who give their lives in the service of others, and that’s exactly what Luigi ultimately did. If it weren’t for the whole murder part, everyone would consider him a hero. And in the eyes of the church, confession washes away the sin of killing. Now he’s an absolved martyr dying for the service others.
Now, for official recognition from the Church, there would need to be some miracles attributed to him after his (likely) execution. But that doesn’t seem that hard to get. Tens of thousands of cancer patients praying for the ascended Luigi’s intercession? Some of them are going to make a statistically unlikely complete recovery. Won’t be hard to get the requisite number of miracles.
I don’t imagine the Church would officially recognize Luigi’s canonization within our lifetimes. But the Church thinks in centuries. If he decided to make a religious turn and really lean into Catholicism, he absolutely could end up saint, maybe in the 2100s sometime.
If he dies and confesses as you put it, and the situation gets bad enough he could be canonized a lot sooner. Saint Maximillian was beatified barely 30 years after his death and canonized 41 years after his death.
Saint Maximillian Kolbe was a Saint who died in the holocaust during ww2. His story is fucking incredible. The Nazis were gathering people and had a set number of people to take to the death camps… one guy was terrified and begged for mercy, and then Saint Max came in to step in his place. Since the SS officer involved was only concerned with the number of people and not who, he accepted and left the guy alone and took Maximillian in his place.
You basically have someone who willingly sacrificed his life for an absolute stranger he never met before… and you know what is even better? The guy who Maximillian saved not only survived ww2, but also lived to be over 90 years old AND he pointed out at the war’s end who was the officer who took all those people to their deaths. The officer was hanged for his crimes in 1946.
We need people who can make that kind of sacrifice. Luigi threw away a promising life to have a shot at the system. He isn’t much of a leftist, but that is just a small detail.
What an absolute badass - thanks for sharing
It’s important to keep in mind that much like how politics can slow sanctification (Joan of Arc probably would’ve been canonized before the 20th century if she hadn’t been executed by the catholic church in part for her faith) it can also speed it up. St. Kolbe is a great example, he was unambiguously heroic and noble, and he was rushed to sainthood because he was obviously headed there and the catholic church had not behaved heroically during the holocaust. Sanctifying Maximilian Kolbe was, alongside the change in doctrine to no longer blame the Jewish people for the death of Jesus, an attempt to reduce the odds that catholics would try that shit again as well as to clean their image up.
It’s not that sainthood can’t proceed rapidly. The issue is that Luigi’s case is fundamentally different than someone like Kobe. Luigi is a much more complex figure, more akin to a John Brown than Kobe. What Luigi did was heroic, but he still shot a man in the back. Absolution or not, his act was not the unambiguous act of noble sacrifice of Kobe. Kobe gave up his life, Luigi took one.
Under very particular circumstances, Luigi could get actual sainthood. But it would be so controversial that it would likely only happen after the lifetime of anyone currently alive. In the grand view of history, maybe history will find him worthy of actual official sainthood. But there’s zero chance the Catholic Church would endorse a murder like that while anyone alive now still lives.
I love everything you are saying, but fuck the official sainthood shit.
Let’s start putting this pic on candles and selling them now.
They already is happening. You don’t need to be an officially recognized saint for someone to sell a candle of you.
He’s more sainty than most christian saints. St Benedicts “miracle”:
Book 2 of the Dialogues of Pope Gregory is about St. Benedict, and chapter 1 is titled “How he made a broken sieve whole and sound”:
It fell so out that his nurse borrowed of the neighbors a sieve to make clean wheat, which being left negligently on the table, by chance it was broken in two pieces, Whereupon she fell pitifully weeping, because she had borrowed it. The devout and religious youth Benedict, seeing his nurse so lamenting, moved with compassion, took away with him both the pieces of the sieve, and with tears fell to his prayers; and after he had done, rising up he found it so whole, that the place could not be seen where before it was broken.
So Benedict fixed a collander by crying on it and earned sainthood for it. Clearly none of us is worthy to behold such holiness as that. You couldnt make this flaming garbage up if you tried.
It is impressive I guess. Even if that’s his only superpower, and yeah it is a lame super specific superpower, it’s more than you or I can do and if I watched someone do it I’d be impressed because I did not believe it was possible
A good glue job takes skill, its true. Well …ok. Sainthood.
weird misinformation?
if you actually read any biography or even wikipedia article you will find a whole host of reasons including healing miracles, exorcisms, and completely non-miraculous things like founding monastaries and writings that also played a role in his sainthood.
so your citation, while true, is just drastically misleading by implying this colander thing was somehow the only reason the dude gets to be saint. in the end i even agree with your rhetorical goals, but there’s no need to lie to get there? i’m not even a theological scholar i just… know how to read wikipedia.
tell me more
That’s a halo, not the sun. Because he’s a saint.
Thanks updated!
on a personal level this is hella cringe but from a social perspective i love this so much
Merry Christmas Luigi!!!
🎄 🎁 🙏🏻
This is actually pretty cool in the frame of Folk Saints, maybe I’ll write up a chaplet or something 🤔
Lemmy was so much cooler before it was a cult. All this murder worship is the lamest shit ever.
I mean this genuinely, why not just filter the words: Luigi [depending on how much you want to talk about Mario], Mangione, UHC, and depose?
I filtered “game day,” Linux, and all of the moe communities, because I don’t care about it and it will eventually wear on me to see a bunch of stuff related to those topics.
moe communities
He’s honored!
That’s fair, that’s a good take.
But letting thousands die through selfishness is totally cool, right?
Don’t bother with them. It’s not worth your time. They either won’t be convinced or they’re looking to upset you.
The latter has been happening more frequently. Probably because reddit banned any talk about luigi and now all the high horse trolls migrated to lemmy to get their fix. Not saying that person is one(dont know, dont care), but I find being aware of that sort of activity is helpful.
No, believe it or not, also quite bad. Not sure how you even came to this conclusion.
If peaceful means of bringing about change have fallen on deaf ears, then violence is inevitable and arguably justifiable.
Like if this act brings about positive change in the industry when nothing else did, is Luigi really the bad guy?
I’m glad you at least admit the possibility that this act does nothing or makes it worse. “IF” is the key word here.
If peaceful means of bringing about change fails and you resort to violence, that’s the definition of terrorism. It’s not justifiable. We have a democracy and the reason it is failing is because voters are stupid, easily mislead, and uneducated about issues.
Our chance at Single-Payer to permanently solve all issues with Healthcare funding came and left in 2010 when the Senate Democrats (58) came up 1 vote short of the 60 needed for supermajority. The only thing we’ve tried since then is to elect more Republicans. You will be fighting an uphill battle against the vast majority of Americans if you join any sort of revolution over this charade, and the people you think you’re saving don’t want or deserve it.
Would you say the same about the civil war to end slavery? It’s not always as simple as “violence = terrorism & bad” as you make it or to be
The Civil War was STARTED BY THE SLAVERS because the peaceful democracy was ABOLISHING SLAVERY WITH LEGISLATION.
And was it wrong to respond with violence back?
Take another example then, if you’d prefer. Was it wrong for anti-fascists to be violent against nazi Germany in the pre-war period?
When you share an opinion with Donald Trump, it might be time to reflect and reevaluate your opinions.
I don’t care if you defend mangione, I dont care if you want him to get a low sentence or have his charges brought down and commuted, but yall are literally unironically worshipping thats my fucking problem.
And by the way thats a shit test, Donald Trump says he wants clean air and water (hes full of shit) does that mean every environmentalist is a nazi?
This is a shitpost community. Of course we’re unironically worshipping, that’s what should happen with this post in this community.
If you want to see what people actually think find similar posts in straight communities
“literally unironically”
u gotta pick one homie. we were literally unironically worshipping beans and jeans here just a matter of months ago.
Quick, someone make a meme of Luigi eating beans out of a denim bowl! “Luigeans”
Read the comments.
i have, i guess ur not picking up on the subtext at all lmao
Didn’t you make your account 4 months ago. How do you know that the average Lemmy user either does or doesn’t believe that political violence is acceptable?
Right so theres a front page on every instance, if you don’t set up filters then you will see what people have upvoted for any federated instances that the instance your on has not blocked. This fucking Saint of Homocide bullshit hits every 6 hours, it seems. Some posts are selling candles, stickers, and shirts. I’m sure crosses and altars are in production.
Beyond fucking stupid, I really expected more from this demographic, but clearly it’s still the same shit-smelling apes who walked the plains looking for blood trails 20,000 years ago.