It’s now explicitly against Disney Plus’s policies for Canadian subscribers to share passwords outside of their household.
Netflix had it, lost it due to a more competitive landscape. Now they all have reached about peak saturation and are struggling to hit those massive numbers where people are doing it willingly, they they think they can strong arm people into it. Streaming is all about convenience. Can I sit on the couch and put on something relatively engaging for a few that seems relatively reasonable? Ya? Cool. The further you move away from that model the more people start to look elsewhere. Pirating has gotten a lot, and I mean a LOT easier, and that arm is only so strong.
I used to sail the seas with great passion about 10-15 years ago. Then music, and video streaming came along and was fairly priced and I happily became a landlubber. Over the past year I’ve begun sailing again because all the services want a slice of a pie that’s just not that big. Sailing is better than it ever was. The boats are much larger, faster and even look and sound better.
The best part is the boats just drive themselves these days as long as you use proper equipment like sonar and radar
Add in prowlarr\jacket, bazarr and gluetun (with desired torrent\usenet client) containers and you’re bulletproof.
Please can you post a link to such instructions for an old sailor who is back on the boat?
How would a sailor get started readying his ship?
I started with qbittorrent, and the built-in search engine. I just activated all of them using the automatic settings and it was great. But the search engine named Jackett never worked, so I wound up going here:
and after a bit I had it sorted out and working. Just make sure you follow the instructions step-by-step, and pay attention to the API key part. You don’t have to go anywhere to get a key or pay anything, it’s generated automatically.
Then I started looking into Sonarr. Since I had Jackett working, and Jackett will export Torznab links, transferring them over to Sonarr was pretty easy. Just copy the Torznab link and the API key into the Sonarr indexer settings, for each Jackett indexer you want to use in Sonarr. One thing I had an issue with was setting the content for each indexer, it defaults to some strange “5200”, “5400” tags for some reason. If it can’t detect the correct content, it won’t pass the test, and you can’t save the settings. I just opened up the content menu and clicked the box for everything, and then the test passed and the indexer was set up. It should be pretty straightforward after that. I had a few problems figuring out which settings and tags to use for each show (I like 4k UHD, but some shows are only 1080p, etc.) but I had things working nice after about a week.
Thanks sailor
the fact that they keep making these shitty greedy moves is undermining their core business model: how am i ever supposed to trust them to maintain a decent library and give me decent access to it when they do shit like this?
even look and sound better.
Disney Plus limits video quality on Linux to 720p.
The seas give you 4k and 5.1 audio with better convenience.
Guess it’s time to increase the range of my sonar
And radar.
Begun, the pirating has.
I’ll try pirating, that’s a good trick!
This is where the fun begins.
It never ended for those with brains.
Why pay for something you can get for free? Lol.
Unless you’re a sucker.
Personally I value my time above money, as it’s the one thing that you get a finite amount of.
With the ease of streaming going down, and the ease of pirating going up, I’m now back to pirating.
EDIT: now not NOT
I’m not back to pirating
Not or now?
Schrödinger’s pirate.
Yeah, the only reason you’re in a position to do that is because so many others are not.
Also, it’s faster to stream something for free here than to add credit card information and create a new account for each streaming service that has something you want to see.
Like I said, people with more money than sense.
Anyone know if there is an easy way to cast using this with chromecase, rather than screen share? I know there is a way, but I always forget how to do it.
want to upvote but at 66
You can stream pretty much anything for free here:
Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.
If you ever have issues, do an internet search for “free streaming sites reddit” and try one of those.
In many countries downloading stuff is not illegal only sharing, do with that information what you will.
Or if you don’t want to give reddit any traffic, here’s a couple more you can check:
Especially this one. This is an open source front end for many movie piracy sites. It has no ads and works perfectly for me.
Wow that’s crazy.
This old sailor used to sail the open seas with nothing but a few old logs lashed together with some rope, now you just showed me a nuclear powered super yacht.
See you on the high seas matey!
Torrenting go brrrr…
If only there was a brrTorrent to add to the *arr stack.
I never found my way to a port. Been out on the sea for so long I don’t remember how land even looks like.
*arr stack is too easy, I couldn’t pay for a better experience if I wanted to.
Keep the black flag flying high!
it’s just so obnoxious they’re pretending they get to charge more for using a website somewhere else. simultaneous streams, sure - at least that makes sense that it’s something the company would know and reasonably suffer from. but the idea that you’re formally tethered to somewhere is so fucking invasive and fundamentally wrong. it’s the INTERNET you sick fucks. it’s not like they’re paying extra shipping because someone has a family in alaska.
All studios had to do was follow the path of music streaming. It’s practically rid of piracy on a mass market because most streaming service has practically the same content. So it’s a matter of user experience they’re competing with, not the content they host.
They’d be losing even more money.
Netflix is profitable, Spotify never was. The differences between the realm of movies and music are so numerous that I won’t even bother listing them. Music and movies studios concerns are vastly differents, their economic realities are vastly differents, the product is too.
Do it like me: never subscribe! Ez gg
I cancelled my Netflix the moment that announced their new account sharing policy, which, looking back on it was probably too early for it to count as protest. I don’t personally share my account, but I knew that if they were able to pull it off that every other streaming service and probably other services would do the same thing.
Consumers can beat these large corporations, but only when they stand up for themselves. See Wizards of the Coast and Unity. Unfortunately Netflix subscribers did not, and now this is the new standard.
Canceled once they started enforcing the new policy in Germany. I will the same once Disney does it. I have kids in school that use it and when it is not for the whole family anymore it is not interesting enough anymore.
I am tired of especially Disney saying they are losing money on the service. Loosing how? It is produced and paid for. Then strengthen your brand by making every household with kids paying you a monthly fee instead of picking up dvds at a yard sale.
Beancounters telling you you missing out on sales you never had in the first place and never will have.
Exactly. It’s corporate privilege. Fuck these greedy sluts
Hoist the anchors, and man the sails! ❤️
Ahh, may they join Netflix in their journey to 0% then negative revenue. These corporations look at their subscribers with disdain and assume no matter what they do, subscribers will be dumb enough to be treated poorly and still pay them. Netflix is losing subscribers who pay $16 - $20 and replacing them with those that pay half as much. Then they shout from the rooftops that they are gaining subscribers. They’ve set their trajectory towards their doom. Watching them all burn will be great.
I first read the enshittification post during the Reddit blackout. It’s on point.
I’m usually skeptical of these pat buzzword that pop up every now and then in the various blogosocospheres, but this one does seem incredibly apt.
Where’s [1]?
Disney+ quality has been decreasing lately. If it weren’t for huge Disney animated movies collection there that the kids play on repeat, half of the people wouldn’t bother with Disney+.
Thank God I never bothered with their bullshit in the first place
May it go as well as the Netflix password-sharing crackdown (id est, followed by a flood of unsubscribes).
I hate Netflix as much as the next guy but let’s not shield our eyes from reality. Their move was actually very successful. A small percentage of people unsubscribed, but that number was dwindled by the number of new subscribers. Netflix basically proved that people for the most part don’t care and will subscribe just to keep watching. Of course Disney and others will follow suit after seeing that.
We don’t have the metrics yet to see if they stay subscribed. Look at it this way, Lemmy grows and shrinks by leaps and bounds every time reddit does something crazy. Same principle. This also doesn’t take into account people wanting to subscribe to finish a show and then unsubscribe afterwards.
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