Fueled entirely by lemmy users after this month
No shit?
…I’ll see myself out.
So Greg is just trying find a cure after all.
You really want this to be your reddit moment?
Would you rather it be two broken arms?
Wait. What are my options?
- 3 day no poop
- cum in a watermelon
- idfk…something that ends up with incest
- Jolly rancher
I can live with it.
I can live with it.
Good luck, @Greg@lemmy.ca
Lmao you guys are hilarious, so now we are having our first insider stories, this is great.
They might be outsider stories by 2030 if we’re luck.
Unblocking the money spigot.
That’s a shit load of money!
The western diet sure does wonders for pharmaceutical companies’ bottom lines.
And just in time for you know who!
Another side effect in a world that eats too much meat and dairy.
The chart: slava Pookraini 🇺🇦
Chinese constipation futures? Buy, buy, buy! Who knew we needed a DD on constipation medication, but the signs are here!
(Note: If it wasn’t obvious, I’m joking)