Story goes that it was only up for an incredibly brief window (heh) and that tools were disallowed for all of the pre-screened participants of the competition. Supposedly, even with all of these measures in place, something still went wrong with the glass, causing the competition to run short.
Source pls
This was a good reminder to check a link before to click
URL check saves me once again. I can’t believe how many people just raw dog links.
I like to think of myself as a teacher first, prankster second
Thank you. It was quite an interesting read
Why even participate in online discussion
Takes just about as long to type a query into Google as it does to type “source please” and wait there with your hand out
See my previous comment
Good name. You’re doing good work!
so who won
Some marketing agency
Who’s next?
Not the glass, the metal frame was being slowly destroyed though.
I wish they did this right now. Breaking through bulletproof glass is easy with the right tools. A flying dropkick is not one of them.
The gimmick was you couldn’t do it with tools.
You can’t use anything at all if it’s effective actually.
Fuck the rules, it’s 3 million, I’m going to do whatever is necessary to smash that glass 😎
The images are made to look like CCTV footage of a bus stop, but there is zero chance they left that much money in there unprotected. You could just ram it with a car and haul it home. Either it’s fake money or it was only there for a day with a crew for filming.
There was a contracted security guard there at all times, a rule that you couldn’t use any tools, and they called it off after a day when the bus stop frame started to weaken. Only $500 of real money was placed on top of a bunch of fake money.
There isn’t any actual money inside.
Define tools. Does a .50bmg SLAP count? Because there’s no way that glass is rated to take anti-mat rounds.
Of course you can’t do it without tools, I wouldn’t want to break a regular window without tools, get my hand all cut up again and shit (last time was an accident). “No tools” makes the contest meaningless.
Yeah - without tools would be impossible.
That being said, for that kind of cash, I’d accept getting my hand cut up and shit.
Well fair and even if you could one punch man that shit the glass should act differently due to the lamination so you prob would get less cut, but also do gloves count as tools?
Wanna bet?
You couldn’t as you weren’t allowed to. It was a bad marketing campaign because people think “omg why it’s so easy”.
Yeah, not allowing any tools shows a lack of confidence in their glass.
The CEO that stood behind his company’s bullet proof glass while an employee shot it with an AK or something knew how to do it.
Walk up with steel stilettos and a practiced kick and you might have a shot.
I think they limited you to only being able to kick it
What is the point then. I’d be pissed if someone was able to break a regular window by kicking it. If you have to prove that your bullet proof glass can stand up to kicks I’m not going to be confident in your product. Let people bring their own shit and show what it would take to get through it. You know, unless it sucks, which I assume to be the actual case here.
Proving the strenght of the glass is only their secondary goal. Their primary goal is marketing, getting their name out there, and having people talk about their brand.
And hey, they sure succeeded, as I’ve seen this exact image way too f-ing often.
Go kick a window in your house right now. If you don’t live in a highrise, you can almost certainly kick it out.
Please don’t. Chances are high that the window is not made of security glass and if you kick the glass in, you’ll get serious cuts in your leg. That’ll range from a flesh wound to life threatening damage in a blood vessel.
That makes sense. When I read that, my immediate thought was: demo saw.
Are you gonna tell the guy who shows up with a .500 Smith and Wesson revolver he’s not allowed to shoot it?
I call BS. There are still tools and ways you could easily break through it. Plenty of which are far better than just kicking it.
There was a guard. It was only $500. People were invited to kick it, but it was monitored.
Ah, I’m going to miss Snopes in the post-truth society. :(
Dremel with a diamond drill bit would make quick work of that
Bus stop.
Pretty sure if the bus went at it fast enough backwards it would do better than some clown and his size 11s
Pretty much any tool with a cutting surface made of tungsten, high speed steel, or industrial diamond.
But one source I found says they only let people use their feet.
And nobody thought to install some glass breakers on the bottom of their boots?
Edit: Hell, I’d even consider wedging a nice sharp piece of quartz into the tread of a boot.
Bullet proof glass is plexiglass/polycarbonate, so I don’t think a glass breaker would help.
What about spiked cleats?
Oddly enough having lots of spikes hurts your chances by spreading the force over more area. You’d really just want a single small spike.
It’s like an inch thick plastic, so I doubt that would help. I think that’s what they make the overlook sky balconys out of, so it’s pretty resilient. Maybe you could whittle away at it with metal cleats over time? But I think they would probably kick you out first.
This isn’t plexiglass, it seems to just be laminated glass
Hmm, bullet proof glass is plexi/polycarb, so I wonder why they’re advertising it as such.
I don’t think they were advertising it that way, the label in the picture says security glass. The reddit post is just poorly titled.
If they’re only allowing kicking, you should use a 50cal shoe!
If it’s 3 million dollars, my car at 30mph should handle it.
No no no. Chop chop master onion head taught me everything I need to know.
Kick punch it’s all in the mind, if ya wanna test me, I’m sure you’ll find, the things I teach ya are sure to beat ya! Nevertheless you get a lesson from teacher! Now…
Step on the gas.
You guys are all coming at this like they put real money in there
thanks for the article, it seems there are rules that you can only kick the glass too, that’s why everyone is kicking it.
Ya for sure. No rules and a true $3M prize will have a group of us with jeeps and winches pulling it apart in 30min
The marketing stunt came to a halt after just one day when the security guard noticed the metal frame of the glass case had been weakened from the constant barrage of physical pressure.
Why not just let people keep going until someone breaks the frame? Still makes for a good marketing blurb - “the iron broke before the glass did!”
Because they didn’t actually want to give away any of their money. We’re toys for them and they made us dance
The planet broke before the guard!
i ate the onion
Bulletproof glass, but they didn’t allow tools? Is this the company that made glass for the cybertruck?
That’s the point.
They didn’t want anyone to be actually able to get the money.
3M bulletproof* glass.
The marketing stunt came to a halt after just one day when the security guard noticed the metal frame of the glass case had been weakened from the constant barrage of physical pressure.
** Kickproof™ is a trademark name of 3M Corporation. all kicks are performed by trained professionals; not resistant to kicking; consult with your doctor before trying
I think bullet proof is only part of the urban legend piece of the story. It says security glass and snopes did not use the term bullet proof either.
PR, only installed for the photoshoot, if that.
If it was done in Australia, I reckon the 3 mil wouldnt last 24 hours. Possible tools I’d say would be used are :- 1) Ute 2) Bobcat 3) Backhoe & 4) Bulldozer, not necessarily in that order…
This was a marketing gimmick, they had guards to make sure no one actually broke it
Well that changes things. Then probably some fluro vest wearing people (one carrying a clipboard) would unexpectedly turn up from the ‘council’ and want to take the exhibit away early cause they got the call there were some ‘thieving bastards’ about and you couldn’t trust anyone.
5 ) Boomerang
They should’ve tried doing this in Romania, the entire bus stop would have disappeared overnight…
Half of Europe: Romanians steal everything!
Otther half of Europe: Czechs steal everything!Yeah, it was unfair of me to propagate the stereotype (speaking as a Romanian myself). We have a lot of good people around here, who’re just doing their best to be decent and get by.
But it’s not easy being an honest citizen in a country where the most prolific thieves are the people who’re supposed to govern it… Corruption has been the main thing plaguing these lands ever since the Revolution, when the profiteers saw an opportunity to sell this country for parts…
To be clear, I’m not siding with the former “Communist” regime, which was a Totalitarian cesspit all in all, but I sure as fuck don’t agree with the mockery of Democracy which came after that, either…
Edit: thank you so much for the article! As far as I’m concerned (and I’m sure this applies to a lot of my fellow compatriots), everyone on our lands is a Romanian. That has been one of our greatest virtues as a people, we accepted everyone among us. Sure, not everyone has noble intentions, but people are just people and they deserve to be given a chance. Too bad we’ve grown so hostile and closed-minded over time… God damn it, this hurts… We have such a rich history of persevering through oppression, only to be pushed toward being oppressors. And it’s not the citizenry’s fault, our “leaders” have pushed us to the brink…
I was so certain the link would lead to the website of the British Museum.
You’re right, systemic theft (corporate and institutional) is way more damaging than petty theft and people don’t talk about it nearly enough. Both occur at different rates in different countries but mostly based on opportunity, not culture.
Yeah… doesn’t matter who we are… Romanians, Czechs, Germans, Americans, whatever… All of the same flesh.
We’ll just keep returning here, over and over again, as long as we let greed and hate drive us. The tools are not to blame, it’s the hands which use them that are.
Pwffft they’re trying to break it with their feet, so cute.
In Brazil they wrap ATM s in chains and rip them off using trucks. Then take the ATM to a safe house and bust it open. That is happening since 1990s.
I was surprised when I saw someone doing the same in Australia, with a constructions site digger. I think it was last year.
Conclusion: Brazil exports crime 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That’s the standard practice in most countries- if you take the whole unit you can break into it later!
Unless your partner in crime is a SKANK!
we had a rash of people doing that to ATMs in the US, too.
Can’t you get like, a diamond drill bit and just give it a light tap? Tempered glass breaks easily if the outside layer is compromised.
Bullet proof “glass” isn’t just tempered glass in fact it never was the original was just glass layered with plastic but the new stuff is made from multiple layers of different materials each specialized to cover the others weakness, think fascism literally means to fassen together like a bundle of sticks that is harder to break than one stick(I don’t know why my mind went to fascism in retrospect a yin yang would be more accurate anyways)
Laminates are pretty common in many applications. Lots of things built from wood use several layers glued together. Or think of a lasagna.
Or an ogre?
Laminates are pretty common in many applications. Lots of things built from wood use several layers glued together. Or think of a lasagna.
They didn’t allow tools. I wonder if those metal sole insert things could be used to help go through this.
Just embed a tip in-between the ridges of a boot.
Hey it’s bullet proof, not foot proof
foot clan operations intensify
Not on our watch!
Why didn’t they just open it with a screwdriver and pry bar? Or steal the whole bus stop?
Man steps into bus whole bus stop on his back. Bus driver doesn’t even flinch. Happens every day.
Find a spark plug, crumble, embed in shoe sole by stepping on it, jumpkick glass, become legend.
That helps with the glass, but bulletproof glass uses multiple polymer layers and tempered glass layers alternating.
So you would only get through the top glass layer and do nothing to the polymer layers or 2nd layer of glass.
aren’t there any methods, like some big hammer to smack it after you break that layer. you have all the time in the world, i wonder if it pays out to travel there smack the glass and take 3mil$
The problem is that glass absorbs energy to break, polymer deforms to absorb energy. So you have something absorbing energy in two different ways that robs kinetic energy very well.
Even just a normal household double pane window with one thin layer of polymer on both panes will take a long time to bust through with a hammer if the outer polymer is bonded to the frame appropriately. If you put paper tightly between both panes top to bottom, you would be in for a task because the paper reenforces against the deflection the hammer imparts.
You aren’t allowed to use tools with the money case, but ignoring that, you could shoot it with a .50 cal AP round towards the top and almost certainly make it through and then you just hammer and crowbar down to get the cash by peeling away the glass.
The other way you could attack it is to just drive a car at the far side from the support and hopefully peel the glass away from the frame enough to get in.
Even taking a hammer to it would be a laborious task to make any meaningful progress in a reasonable amount of time. A pickaxe would be useful, a framing hammer face less so.
an angle grinder would be a much better choice than hammers
Yes, with a respirator.
well, better as in more effective.
Just don’t forget to engage the safety squints.
Hammer drills are basically “small” jack hammers that can also operate as a drill. Put it in hammer mode and repeated chisel at it. it’ll take some time, but eventually the glass will be broken and you can then deal with the polymer layers by yanking.
The ceramic edges of broken spark plugs are really good at breaking tempered glass, but tempered glass is on a certain sense the opposite of bullet proof glass.
This sounds like an absolutely terrible idea. Aside from the people that will hurt themselves trying to break that glass, it’s a public bus stop. People will hurt bystanders and damage the bus stop and make it in general a place no one wants to be because of idiots constantly hurling stuff around or kicking it while you’re trying to wait for the bus.
If I was driving the bus I would just brake a little too late when arriving at that stop.
Get a long industrial chain, tie it around the display, drag the whole thing away with a truck. Drag all the way out to the middle of nowhere and then take your time figuring out how to break, take part, cut, burn, explode or destroy the glass.
Box truck with Faraday cage for blocking gps.
This reminds me of that breaking bad episode.