It’s a crate for server-authoritative networking. We use it for Project Harmonia, but it’s general-purpose.

Notable changes

  • Connected clients are now represented as entities.
    • All related APIs are now component-based.
    • Entity is used to refer to a client everywhere, but ClientId is still present as a persistent identifier across reconnects.
    • Fast iteration and O(1) lookups.
    • Users can insert their own components or even replicate these entities.
    • Simplifies messaging backend integration.
  • Switch from bincode to postcard.
    • Better varint serialization to save bandwidth.
    • Opens the door for no_std support after the 0.16 release.

I also rewrote the quick start guide. My recent talk at Bevy Meetup #9 helped me with this. It now contains much more information, including details on how to write a messaging backend or implement client-side prediction. I also tried to make it as user-friendly as possible. Feedback about it is highly appreciated!

📜Full changelog 📦bevy_replicon