Gun fetishisation really do be the wildest shit
What about tacos?
Just be sure to wash your hands before you eat the tacos: Heavy metals bad, safety first!
Shoot jacketed and use cold water to keep the pores in your skin closed.
Even jacketed rounds don’t keep everything off your hands. Never eat or drink at the range and wash your hands as soon as you’re done.
Wait wait wait, there are people who eat at the line?? Lmaoooo
The only time I seen someone eating at the range was when they had like a designated seating area
We grill out at my range…but that’s after we are done shooting…no one wants greasy hands on firearms.
Firearms before food!
- ❌ greasy hands on firearms
- ✅ heavy metals on your hands while you eat
I didn’t say to use jacketed instead of washing, I said to use jacketed in addition to washing.
Hilary Duff is such a MILF
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If you can’t eat tacos without getting a stomach ache, I feel bad for you
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If you can’t eat tacos without getting a stomach ache, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems but a tummy ache ain’t 1.
While I generally agree with the sentiment you are expressing regarding some gun owners who absolutely have let themselves be brainwashed into fearing for their lives every time the doorbell rings, I do not think it is reasonable to apply that sentiment to all gun owners, particularly those who have legitimate safety concerns for themselves as she undoubtedly does.
I give her kudos for this. Instead of being some brainlet celebrity who preaches banning guns while having a fully armed security detail, she takes matters into her own hands. And as you stated, being a celebrity carries significantly more risk than your average joe.
Most gun owners. Most.
I don’t even agree that it’s most, keep in mind a lot of the times when we hear about a gun owner doing something incredibly stupid it is a statistical minority based on the known number of gun owners.
I’m not saying we don’t need to do more to restrict or enforce legislation on gun owners, we absolutely do, but even saying half means upwards of 200 million in the US. I think we’d be hearing about a lot more issues if that many were existing in that level of day to day fear.
Imagine not liking fun
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You’ve just never had good diarrhea
Most gun owners I know live in serious fear. Must be exhausting.
Maybe the strawmen you saw on the internet do. Considering 32% of Americans own a gun, I suspect you only know about the ones that make it their personality.
Well, if you feel the need to walk around armed at all times, even at home, you must be afraid of something.
You remember that mention of “strawmen?”
Or do you work with some guys that stay strapped?
I mean, I just found out one of my buddies was concealed carrying basically every time it wasn’t illegal so they certainly exist, but I wouldn’t characterize him as living in fear. A former Boy Scout who takes “being prepared” a little too seriously, sure, and a raging woke liberal who just happened to grow up in a rural area, sure.
Imagine getting dommed by Hilary Duff lol
Oh don’t worry, I am.
The #4 also known as the “I wish a motherfucker would” combo.
And I thought she couldn’t get any hotter, prove me wrong again
This is some seriously good shit
What is the point of carrying it around like that?
Looks like she just bought it and the finger is whatever, maybe the slot wasn’t comfortable for her whole hand.
that makes sense, i was thinking self defense purposes but wondering how effective that would be if you have to deal with the case first
If you were carrying for self defense you’d have it in a holster and preferably concealed.
She probably just bought it.
probably not an open carry state, and the finger is probably muscle memory.
Glock a doodle doo it’s time for taco!
Glock a doodle doo it’s time for a feast!
Eat a 90 bucks taco, you can tell,
She’s been to Glockin’ Bell!
Glockin’ Bell: The Second Amendment never tasted so good!
i don’t know who this person is, but why is everyone in the comments simping for them?
She’s an actress that I haven’t seen anything about or even remembered existed for years and years. The zero fucks given of walking around with a brand new Glock and tacos is rather awesome though.
D’you think she got the gun, then got tacos, or went and picked up the gun, tacos in hand?
Hopefully the glock first. Fresher tacos.
Cheaper too
Indeed. Glocks and tacos are different in that you only want one of them to be hot.
More insane and dangerous than awesome.
She’s sexy
Glocks are sexy
Tacos are sexy
TIL I would like to date Hillary Duff.
Captain Obvious, where are u?