for people too lazy to type.
Ugh, why do I see your comments after I typed it. You are the hero we need.
- When I was young, I used to enjoy playing games involving pretending with other children.
Well my favourite activity is D&D, so forget the “when I was young” part
I guess children’s imaginations are autistic now? Lol.
The exact opposite. Autistic children have difficulty engaging in games with collaborative imagination.
I assumed the opposite. D&D is cooperative imagination, something I would think would be difficult for an autistic individual. If you strongly agreed with that, your score would be lower. The 40 is not the person’s score but the number of the question.
That’s fair, I don’t know why I assumed the opposite, but youre probably correct.
It’s just a potential indicator, that’s the whole point of the quiz
Normal childhood behavior isn’t an indicator, that’s my point.
Well I’d assume that the people who came up with the quiz have identified that it is an indicator
And clearly I’m voicing disagreement.
Fair enough!
The question is about kids on purpose because children play games of pretend differently than how adults play D&D. You can be VERY autistic and find D&D to be rewarding because it’s not JUST about collaborative imagination.
I was about to link it too if someone hadn’t already.
I got a 30/50.
I see why psychology tests are considered quackery so much. Being anti-social, or just not interested in other people’s life is not being autistic.
This test is repeatedly asking just two questions:
- Do you like numbers, the same way Hollywood likes to paint autistic people.
- Do you like talking to other people?
A test like that can only ever be a first indication. If you score high on this, it doesn’t mean you’re autistic. It just means you might want to talk to a mental health professional.
Sadly humans always want to boil things down to simple metrics (or maybe we just like numbers… wait a minute!) and people can’t be bothered to do the hard part after getting the number. The classic example is IQ tests, which just measure how good you are at that particular quiz (despite certain people obsessing over them like the number is your IRL intelligence stat).
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Especially when I login to my bank account. Higher the number, better I feel.
Lots of numbers have their own Wikipedia page (example) even the ones which aren’t also historical years.
I didn’t take this test, but another similar 50 question autism test, but I felt the same way. It reminds me of alot of the personality quizzes they give for the different business personality trends out there. Questions where there can be some nuance involved and I can answer the question either way depending on how I frame it, but the answers only allow for one answer or the other. I could literally flip a coin to pick the answer and not be wrong, but somehow one answer will make me more autistic than the other?
It’s a combination of answers that are used to give a score, not just this answer to one question = more autistic.
Numbers? Prefers a nice quiet night in? Certified autistic?! /s
Criticism of psychology tests aside (which is totally valid), do also note that this one is based on the work of Simon Baron-Cohen, whose theories on autism have been proven wrong one after another and miseducated a generation of psychologists.
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Someone didn’t like their result and responded by being super autistic about it.
It asked far too little about trains, Rome, and the color blue. 3/50
“Do people joke about you being a walking Wikipedia?”
What about spaghetti hoops?
Though, I had to put in semi random answers several times because the statements were not applicable. Some examples:
- I find social situations easy.
I do find them easy. I just hate them most of the time and try to avoid them.
- I would rather go to a library than to a party.
Definitely the library over the party. Though, I’d rather cut myself between the fingers with paper than go to a library. What century is this test from? We have the internet!
- I find it hard to make new friends.
Making friends is super easy. Keeping them is what requires effort which I’m not willing to invest most of the time. And I stopped making new friends, not because I couldn’t, but because I didn’t see the point.
- I frequently find that I don’t know how to keep a conversation going.
I frequently find that I don’t want to keep a conversation going.
- I don’t usually notice small changes in a situation or a person’s appearance.
Those are two very different things. I notice the tiniest of changes in “social” situations but am ignorant to changes in outer appearance or decoration that many would consider major. It took me like half an hour, after being prompted about a change, to figure out that an entire wall in a room changed from white to red …
- I find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face.
Reading emotions is easy. Telepathy/mind reading is proven to not exist.
- I am good at social chitchat.
I am. But I hate it and avoid it unless I see a clear benefit from enduring it.
- I find it difficult to imagine what it would be like to be someone else.
If anybody thinks they can really imagine what it would be like to be another (existing) person, they are delusional. Even getting a crude approximation right would be mere coincidence.
I can imagine a million fictions of what I could be.
- I find it very easy to play games with children that involve pretending.
I assume I’d have no trouble with it if I set my mind to it. But why would I want to?
Finally someone gets how I feel taking these types of tests.
It’s always me going: “I guess it’s X, but it depends on Y and Z”
Whatever score you got, it probably wasn’t high enough.
There should be an option for: “I’m to autistic to take this test.”
Fuck that, I’m not autistic! As long as I’m not tested positive, I’m not. I wasn’t, and I’m not going to be. I can be an exceptional software engineer with a direct wire to God without being autistic or otherwise crazy. And I’ll have no glow-in-the-dark shrink say otherwise!
For spending the time to write this entire spiel out, you should have 5 points added to your score.
Not to say I don’t agree with every single point you made.
I got 21 but feel the same as the examples you gave. I’m very good at “putting on a show” when it comes to socialising - I can easily be the life and soul of the party but it is so fucking draining.
Considering amount of arguments you made - you are autistic! 😅
Exactly, the difference between easy technically / exhausting emotionally is what comes to mind.
There are separate questions for enjoying social chitchat and occasions, and being good at them. So you can agree with being good at them, and disagree with enjoying them.
I’m not autistic enough to be hanging out with you guys. Sorry, gotta go!
Also 4/50. Get back here and enjoy some socialising! There’ll be time for your hobbies later.
I am fascinated by dates.
Dates are a very fascinating fruit indeed.
34/50 oh well, moving on
The phrasing of the questions is why I don’t trust it to diagnose me. I wish I could ask a human being giving the test “what does that mean? Like, I think coincidences are neat, but I don’t like have them marked on calendars and stuff.”
But then, I do have a notation cheat sheet on my phone that lists the names of every order of magnitude between 10^2 (one hundred) to 10^102 (one trestrigintillion), just so I don’t have to do any mental math to figure out what something like 10^12 is in word terms (it’s one trillion). I realize that is far from a normal people thing to do, but is it autism, ADD, ADHD, Asperger’s? I wish I could afford a real diagnosis so I could find a chemical that would make my brain act normal
A test like that can only be an indication, never a diagnosis.
10^11 is in word terms (it’s one trillion).
No it’s not, it’s 100 billion, one trillion is 10^12. These are simple, it’s always a multiple of 3, or -3, makes me wonder why you don’t care for small numbers.
Anyway I scored 36/50.
U right, that was a mistype
Apparently other disorders (like depression, anxiety, ADHD) can show up on this test too though XD
I also got 20/50. I’m not depressed or anxious. Does that mean I have ADHD :x
32/50. I’ve undergone an official diagnosis test and it came back negative. Don’t put too much stock in this online quiz - it’s not a substitute for real doctors.
Got 31/50. I know than I am different from friends and colleagues. I know that I excel in certain things and I do NOT in other things.
I am kinda enjoying of who I am. It feels like I trained myself to be social person. A lot of people around me simply likes me for being myself.
Haven’t done any official diagnosis, but I also do not give a shit anyway… 🙆
You put it very well, and I relate to this a lot. I’m definitely different than everyone around me, but it has allowed me to flourish in life and I’m thankful for it.
32 does not fall into the range of significant autistic traits.
33 to 50 is the autistic traits range.
So this test came out accurately for you. Same as your official diagnosis test.
Couldn’t this just fail for people with other mental health issues? I scored 35 but was only diagnosed with ADHD as a child (and again in my twenties).
I think the accuracy of the test depends a lot on whether something comes naturally or whether it’s learned. Like the questions about chitchat and meeting new people. I hate social chitchat and I’m pretty indifferent to meeting new people, but when I was dating I learned to be good chitchat and to enjoy meeting people(I had to learn to enjoy meeting people, so I would be interested in what they say, so I could have threads to follow for chitchat). Since then I’ve forgotten that mostly because I don’t really care, but I think the point stands. Would I be less on the spectrum if I’ve learned to be “more normal”? Would me not giving a fuck make me more autistic?
There were some other points where I’ve now learned to be better at those things and if I have to answer what would be the correct answer? I can’t say I’m not good at them because I’ve made deliberate effort to be good at those things, but I’ve had to made deliberate effort because those are things I’m naturally not good at.
26/50 but I think my social anxiety was triggering a lot of questions.
Same here. I’m pretty introverted but definitely don’t think I’m autistic.
Got a diagnosis when I was 17, and was part of an autism support program in college. Fun stuff; having to craft a boring, unoffensive mask for the public sucks.
25 / 50. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
24/50 here, so close to being balanced ahhhhhhhh
26, I beat you.
Daily double
41/50…. TIL I might be autistic
- Hah, same as my age.
Sir, bad news. Your autism is progressing at a rate of 1 autism per year. I urge you to go out and enjoy some crowded areas while you still can.
Too late. That ship sailed in my teen years.
12/50 damn i thought i was more on the edge. I guess it’s add only, reassuring.
I scored 42/50 too. Not surprising when I was diagnosed with Asperger’s as an infant.