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I feel like BG3 had more bugs for me than Starfield, but BG3 is the better game by far even considering that.
Understandable to have a few more bugs when you have 20x the content lol
BG3 is a much smaller game than Starfield overall though. There aren’t systems like ship-building, base-building, and the scale is much smaller as well.
Only in the sense that a hollowed out costco with a 1/2 isle of stuff to sell is a bigger store than a target.
Larian and owlcat for me. I have enjoyed pathfinder WoR and Divinity original sin 2/Baldurs gate 3 far far more than fallout 4 and Starfield.
Owlcat has released Rogue Trader now too!
I know. I’m getting it for myself as a Xmas treat and I know nothing about Warhammer but I’ve loved both Pathfinder games.
Gross, Larian
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it’s like AAA games are only early access these days
In two years they can get the award for “best ongoing game” then, just like Cyberpunk :D
God, what a dick sucking award. Cyberpunk may be playable now, but it did fuck all to deserve that.
Better games launched excellent and got better with age. Launching to get removed from online stores and taking years to reach playable is not the best ongoing anything.
It truly was a Great Gamer Gaslighting after that anime was released. Suddenly, cyberpunk was a work of art and everyone wanted to revisit it to see places from the anime. They hadn’t even done much to fix it yet at that point, and may even have still been dealing with legal stuff from all the stuff they promised that wasn’t in the game.
The PR turn around with that game was wild to watch, it happened almost overnight. And Gamerz TM did it to themselves.
To be fair, it was a bomb-ass anime
Haha I have heard that. It’s on my to-watch list for sure
Thank corporate morons forcing devs to the door to meet ridiculous timelines, they don’t give a fuck if it’s ready or not.
I’m a SWE and my manager would tell me shit like “even Apple pushed out the iPhone with some bugs”, “at some point you have to wrap it and ship it”, etc. Mgmt uses this bullshit to feel better about their (or their bosses) poorly balanced priorities and decisions.
It’s all about announce early, bag as much interest and money as possible and then ship it regardless if it’s reached the definition of done or not (you better believe mgmt will throw those goalposts around as they see fit)
Pre-ordering morons hold some blame here as well as they play right into the bullshit I’m talking about
why the surprise? as long as people keep buying they will try to squize more money for less effort.
The worst part is that I’ve played early access games that have more shit going for them than Starfield
Glad to see they’re still improving it. When I get the Ultra Game of the Year Turbo Deluxe edition for $20 in years to come, I no doubt will enjoy it.
I’m gonna wait for the Ultra Game of the Year Turbo Deluxe edition Complete
Can’t forget the Ultra Game of the Year Turbo Deluxe Complete Anniversary edition, now with built-in mods.
For TheComputerV2
i didnt play new vegas until the ultimate edition was 5 bucks at wal mart. thankfully avoiding the horrid bugs it had on launch
At the same time, I’ll be spending my $20 to buy Skyrim again so I can run it on my toaster.
oh boy, now i get to enjoy… basic features that should have been there at launch?
seems this is a recurring thing nowadays. i pray to god fable 4 doesn’t suck the big one.
Putting your faith in a fable game to live up to expectations is a terrible move.
Peter Molyneux is not involved with the project or studio so there’s actually a chance we might have both reasonable expectations and promises delivered. I had to google around to make sure; initially I was going to link some stuff about how trusting Molyneux is really dumb.
Instead it’s a title made by a studio that’s about 3 levels removed from the original creators.
When a city map is a luxury.
Insane that wasnt in the list of “must ship” features
Nakey Jakey recently did a super indepth video on what is wrong with Starfield. And suffice it to say, I’ve removed the game from my wishlist. There’s betterr games to spend my money on.
If you too have an unhealthy relationship with absurdly long video essays, I’d point you in the direction of PatricianTV’s Starfield analysis.
I for one absolutely do, thanks for the rec
You’re very welcome. If you get the chance, let me know what you thought of it.
I desperately want to watch his 8 hour analysis of Starfield but am scared of the commitment.
Advice for consumption Patrician himself posted on his 24-hr Skyrim analysis:
- Use the YouTube chapters.
- Play it in the background or on a second monitor.
- Don’t rely on YouTube accurately tracking your progress through the vid. Comment a timestamp to use as a bookmark instead.
Commenting a timestamp is a nice way to get “engagement” for the algorithm.
Absolutely but it is also far more reliable than however YouTube tracks your progress. A win-win.
I agree.
It’s almost always better to wait on Bethesda titles and buy the goty/complete edition a few years later.
Maybe it’s time to just stop giving Bethesda money all together. Or until they start releasing games when they’re finished.
Guess that could be said about any AAA company though
Man, if they release a “pokemon emerald” version of starfield and slap a goty title on it, that just confirms the company only breathes in order to try and blow smoke up our asses
Yeah yeah, wake me up when AI modders recreate Daggerfall in the ES6 engine.
I think people would hate it again, seeing how they hated Starfield that is also procedural.
You’d have to change Daggerfall so that you can’t run, only fast travel, between dungeons and cities to truly mirror the Starfield experience.
Are they doing a new engine for ES6?
Yes, Creation Engine 3
Still not buying that garbage.
Honestly I let my Gamepass lapse and was considering re-upping it to play Starfield. And now I am for sure not going to re-up it for Starfield. Maybe I’ll visit it in a few years, but it sounds like not a great time from Nakey Jakey’s review on it.
He provided so many examples of how it’s worse than Skyrim 😅
Just the fact that the ship combat is awful AND you don’t get to fly your ship TO other planets makes this a pass for me.
Until I can navigate in space like I can in FREELANCER…which BTW is from 2003…
I want nothing to do with it
Friiiiick I miss freelancer so much. Best space sim to date.
It’s free to download mate! Plus there’s a huge mod that turns it into an MMO that is still being worked on
It’s abandon ware now
I’d say “i will pick it up on a sale in a year or two” but they’re just going to release the enhanced / special / anniversary / superspace edition down the line too, so why bother
The main feature I want is better optimization. It’s really not good still and I’ve played with the settings more than I wanted to
Last months patch did a lot for optimization, especially on the cpu and non amd gpu builds, seeing double digit gains.
Pro tip: finish game first, THEN release it!
Enhanced loading screens?
Loading screens inside your loading screens! Now with extended ultra HD loading times
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When will game companies learn that they could be doing so much better if they just released their games AFTER they’re finished?
Reminder that Todd wanted to release this last year, imagine the state it was in lol
Didn’t he also say in an interview post-launch that they still hadn’t nailed down a fun core gameplay loop until a few months before it shipped?
C’mon Todd, what are you doing?