that fucking tiktok one. you know the one
i, in fact, do not
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
Last Christmas. I hate it with a furious passion.
I’ll give it to someone special, special
Baby shark
do, do, do-do, do-do
Do do. Dodododo.
Baby shark!
The Radio, like the whole thing. They always loop the same 5 songs for decades. It’s maddening.
Anything that has to do with straight up wet vag with no metaphors or insinuations.
So pretty much all of half of women rappers including Cardi B
I’m gay as shit and half of Lady Gaga makes my ears bleed.
Anytime you hear her music you really gotta keep a good poker face eh?
…I’ll see myself the fuck out.
I mean, it’s a advertisement jingle, but:
WE BUY ANY CARS!omfg, I shut the radio off completely.
dot com
It’s fucking manic lol
The Kars for Kids jingle was made by satan himself.
This might be unpopular, but anything by Bruno Mars. I’d rather listen to nails in a blender
Don’t stop believing - Journey
After 5 years of hosting karaoke, everytime I hear the opening bars my eye twitches and I just want to kill the radio like it’s a life or death primal situation. Words cannot truly convey to depths to which I despise and loathe that particular piece of music. It is the bane of my existence and I firmly and fully believe that if there is a hell, that song will be blasted at max volume, on repeat, 24/7. An endless slew of drunk, belligerent college girls remaking that they “can do it better”, their boyfriends threatening me because I dated to “let someone else do (their) girl’s song”, the dozen or so singers who either tried to deep throat the mic or just vomited in it when trying to hit the high notes…
I have a deep seated hatred for The Killers - Human. It was on heavy radio rotation while I worked at a gas station, a job which I despised, so I suppose, I psyop’d myself into associating that song with that time of my life.
Italian trap “music”
I’ve never listened to Italian trap music but your comment made me laugh. You’ve got me curious: why is Italian trap music specifically is so terrible?
I am Italian, so I get subjected to it constantly. It’s currently the most popular genre here.
The “melodies” are blaring, poorly autotuned lyrics (and EXTREMELY autotuned, literally one of the defining genre characteristics) speaking a cringy half-Italian, half-English gangsta type of stuff, pretty much anthems to consumerism, bigotry and general stupidity. Which would be OK if it had any artistic value (I do like rap music), but effort put into the lyrics (and the song in general) is just about 0, you’ll hear words rhyming with themselves and even grammatical errors in the songs.
The “base” is so generic you’ll probably hear it several times throughout popular songs, and is extremely repetitive and basic (sometimes 1-2 tunes repeated in loop).
I literally listen to everything else. Country music? Check. Nickelback? I’ve listened to some, didn’t mind it. Weird avant-garde stuff? Got some in my playlists. Heck, noise music? I can appreciate some. But Italian trap music specifically just has something that makes me annoyed to the core of my being. It feels like listening to a foreign version of 6ix9ine or Lil Pump, except it somehow manages to sound worse.
(I may have created a copypasta. Feel free to share it lol)
Lmao that sounds hideous, thanks for sharing!
International: title of the post Local: atemlos by Helene fischer
we fancy like apple bee s
Overplayed country music. Now I’m not saying country doesn’t have it’s bangers (Devil went down to Georgia of the top of my head) but anything by Blake Shelton makes my ears bleed
Anything i heared in an ad and more than a few time (i love adblockers)
You still see ads?
But srs just adblock everything, i havent seen ads in years except for bilboards
well to block the last few %, i’d have to wear an AR headset and way too many battery packs to support the PC in my backback that is muting the audio passthruough to my in-ears and blanking out TVs billboards phones of other people whenever it spots an ad