Production, most likely
Production, most likely
I did. They reported $31.5 Billion in revenue for 2023.
Im not finding any concrete report on their expenses, but I did find some best guesses as speculated by users. This reddit thread from 7 years ago, is estimating about $2 billion in expenses.
Let’s assume that since this was 7 years ago things have gotten drastically more expensive for YouTube, and throw an additional buffer on top of that since we can’t be 100% sure. Let’s pentuple their proposed operating costs, and, hell, let’s also be VERY generous and say that they keep a work force of 5,000 people who each make… Let’s say $120,000/yr?
That would come out to about $10.6 billion/yr in business expenses. Even if you factor in the payments to top earning YouTubers, those only measure in the 10s of millions… Okay… Let’s be reeeeal generous to YouTube here and assume that this guy from r/theydidthemath 7 years ago was WAY off. Let’s assume he was off by half of YouTubers actual expenses. Following our (absolutely ludicrous) estimates of their expenses going up by a factor of 5 and their 5,000 employees averaging out to $120,000/yr salaries; YouTube would still be reporting under $21 billion a year in expenses. That means they are net profit $10 billion a year even with the insanely expensive operating costs we assigned them here.
$10 billion. Let me put that into perspective. 10 million seconds is about 115 days. So 10 million seconds in the past was just about the new Year. 10 billion seconds however was 317 years ago.
This idea that YouTube isn’t profitable is equal parts ridiculous and hilarious. I just sat here for 15 minutes waxing accountant at you, but none of that was even necessary. YouTube is a business (technically it’s Google but you get the point), if it wasn’t profitable, it wouldn’t exist. Period.
Old series that has a decent following of mostly niche dedicated fans is left to sit without a new installment for many years.
New title is announced. It’s sells gang-busters and flips the community on its head.
Corporate Executives prioritize short term profits and begin planning a quick and easy cash grab. !
Second new installment comes out. It is a shell of the previous title with the soul sucked clean out.
Fans are dissapointed and outside of a small niche following the game series falls into obscurity.
! we are here right now
Look… Maybe BG4 will be good. But after watching this exact cycle play out over and over again for the past decade I’m not sure how you can expect anything else.
Don’t… Don’t give me hope…
I’m a Windows user and have bwen for many many years. I recently started learning Linux so I can hopefully one day be competent enough to justify never having to buy Microsoft ^TM branded lube again.
My partner, and much of my friend group, are a Mac users.
I am a programmer so I know many many Linux people.
It is Shocking how accurate this meme is LOL
I have some opinions about 4, but nothing like the vitriol you feel towards it lol. Could I get an example of some things they removed in your opinion?
My complaints mostly boil down to how mediocre the story, world, and characters are. But I can’t think of anything they removed necessarily, just poorly implemented
Oh shit, there’s a working open source switch emulator out there? Thanks Nintendo!
Aaaaaaaand downloaded the source code, Windows Installer, and Linux installer. Thanks again Nintendo, I really can’t express how thankful I am you brought attention to this!
You can get away from snakes with a brisk walk, and they would never challenge you unless cornered … Also, you can fight a snake with a stick …
Black mambas move at like 15mph (much faster than you or I) and are absolutely capable of killing a fully grown human if they feel threatened. Fighting them off with a stick is a great way to get a one way ticket to ground town lol.
My point was that the risk of accidentally meandering into one’s nest is enormous. I guess the answer is just stay in large open areas, but I was thinking more like a post apocalyptic “look for food and survive” kinda angle.
But yeah, I 100% agree that the Silverback is the more dangerous option here by a huge margin. I just think given a situation where you could avoid it long enough to find a hiding place it can’t get into (like a restaurants freezer). I’d rather the hulking gorilla that I can hide from over the deadly snake that might have made it’s home in my rudimentary shelter.
I mean if we’re gonna take this goofy post at face value and get addmitedly WAY too into the breakdown…
The context of if they are agitated or otherwise hostile for some external reason is actually kinda critically important here lol.
In a situation where they are just passively existing and you need to choose which species to just co-habitate with I’m choosing the monkey FOR SURE.
Any snake is going to be hard to spot, an ambush predator, specifically one (or 5!) as deadly and teritorial as a black mamba, is going to be nigh impossible to keep track of, sneaking around and catching prey off-guard is literally their whole thing. On top of that, while gorilla’s vary greatly in personality (just like humans) odds are decent that if you just leave them alone they will leave you alone.
Hell, maybe if you manage to find some fruit you might even be able to AT A GREAT DISTANCE establish some sort of basic report with the Silverback. Like, don’t pet the guy, but if they know you don’t have hostile intentions and occasionally provide snacks they probably will keep their “territory” reasonably small, letting you scavenge more areas.
But if the script is flipped and we are in a full blown survival setting? Where for one reason or another the animal(s) has our number from the moment we step foot in the mall? You are fucking insane if you choose the Silverback Gorilla.
Those things are ludicrously fast, Huge, have great senses, and will literally rip you in half. You would be dead within minutes of entering the mall no matter how far away that gorilla starts from you.
Snakes you can at the very least survive longer, if not outright just escape them and hide somewhere relatively hermeticly sealed. Maybe find a cabinet you can squeeze into and close the doors to let oxygen in but too small for snakes, maybe find a tall shelf or rafter and collapse the furniture used to climb on your way up to prevent the snakes climbing it as well.
A Silverback gorilla however is not only far faster both climbing and on land, but has enormous fucking gorilla arms to rip away any sort of door or cover you try to use to hide.
If we’re being generous and assuming this is taking place in the largest mall in the USA, The Mall of America, and the gorilla starts on the opposite side of the mall from where you enter. It would need to clear roughly 1 mile (assuming the 1 mile-ish exterior wall of the mall is circular (it’s not but just humor me), in order to get to you. A silverback gorilla’s top land speed is roughly 25mph, that means 2200 feet per minute, that means you have just over 2 minutes to get into a meat freezer or something equally tough before it catches you. So you not only need to know where one is, but it needs to be close enough to get to in such a short time. Hell no, I’m taking the snakes.
Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
And now I will sit back and watch how many people get mad at me because they don’t understand sarcasm.
Really getting worked up over that imaginary person you created huh? Lol
But if we are talking strictly biologically speaking then we’ve got two sexes.
Not really though, I mean intersex people kinda disprove that by themselves right? Unless we aren’t defining sex by what you have between your legs but instead more of just a genetic makeup, which would mean that the 2 sexes theory is disproven by any of the millions of people who have the “wrong” chromosome pair.
The 2 biological sexes thing works as a very broad generalization but it really doesn’t hold up under scrutiny. I used to say the exact same thing until I got a dump truck of examples thrown at me lol
Yeah licking random objects in your house is a little unsanitary.
Thanks SatansMagottyCumFart
20 Hit points for a car isn’t much if we’re going by traditional RPG metrics, but I suppose I’m not sure what the creators were using as a template when they made it.
I guess I just went to a really chill college?
All 4 years of my undergrad my best friend and roommate was a trans woman, we regularly hosted parties where most attendees were members (or even e-board members of) the pride club, i have severe ADHD and many of my closest friends are varying flavors of autistic. As a matter of fact I am still to this day part of a weekly DnD campaign with several of those dick heads.
All that is to say I have a pretty good idea what my college’s culture was like for LGBT and neuro divergent people. Probably the most common point of conversation whenever high-school came up was that college was so so so much better about bullying.
I think the only person i know of who got bullied by any stretch of the imagination, was one guy that people just actively avoided because he fucking sucked. Like real piece of shit energy radiating from this guy, and he smelled like 4 year old bottled up farts.
It’s so easy for the propagandists to convince western racists that DPRK is backwards and underdeveloped.
This you?
I can guarantee there is a significant number of people who do want more AI crap.
Hell I can understand why. If it was done ethically and with user privacy as a core tenant of its implementation I would probably love having convenient access to AI tools like that… But this is Microsoft so I think I’m gonna instead go the opposite direction and add this to the list of reasons my next PC will be Linux
Pretty sure they say wally in England/Australia.
That or I’m an idiot, that could be it too
This is… A weird spread of awards…
Like BG3 winning GOTY and story rich makes total sense.
But RDR2 won labor of love? What? Lol. Have they been putting out massive updates lately or something?
Atomic heart won visual style… Sure? I mean I guess it’s atmospheric but I wouldn’t call it particularly stylized.
Lethal company getting better with friends is a solid pick
Hogwarts Legacy is best on deck? The fuck? Lol I suppose i haven’t played this one but I was under the impression the game was like… Fine? Kinda boring after a while but still playable? It’s not horribly offensive but how does a game like that win an award for being the most beloved steam deck game lol
STARFIELD WON FUCKING WHAT??? Okay, I was not as big a starfield hater as some. I thought it was boring as shit for sure but I don’t think it’s completely without merit on the whole… But Innovative? Fucking LOL! Starfield innovated exactly 0 things, hell it retroactively made things from 2011 seem new by comparison. I don’t think theres a single fresh idea in that entire game. Starfield winning most innovative game paints a very uncomfortable picture of the steam awards. There is CLEAR tampering going on here, either by bots vote spamming, or just a behind the curtain dealings with Bethesda. To be honest every single other award here feels tenuous at best just by Starfield winning that specific award. If that boring ass rehash of 2007 gameplay can be called the most innovative game on steam then I’m not sure I can trust any of these games actually got nominated by real players for any of their respective awards. What a fucking joke
Okay but forcing someone to pay you $550k (averaging your values) to not die maybe is still incredibly fucking awful, so it’s really not hard to be better than that.
I can respect that developing a personalized vaccine might take a lot of work but I’m not a chemist. I don’t know how much work it actually takes, nor do I know how many vaccines a person would realistically need to cure their cancer be it stage 1 up to stage 4?
What I do know is that if this vaccine ends up being more effective than the traditional method then it is a wonderful discovery, but if it leads to life-long medical debt and subsequent financial ruin all the same your life is still fucked… I guess I’d rather be poor and alive, but I’d also rather not be destitute.
Correct, There is only 1 Dakota, stop gaslighting yourself into thinking there are 2