Last week Volt here

This is Mag, a force to be reckoned with. Mag is a team player, Tenno, and a worthy addition to any squad.

1st ability-Pull your enemies to a space nearby

2nd ability-Magnitize Tap to enclose an enemy in an orb of magnetic power and hold to protect yourself with a magnetic shield

3rd ability-Polarize Emit a wide orb of energy around the area that drains enemy shield and armor while restoring allies

4th ability-Crush Magnetize enemy bones, causing heavy damage in an area

Passive-Bullet jumping pulls items to Mag

Progenitor-Magnetic (surprise)

Released 10-25-2012

Mag is the last of the three starting frames alongside Excalibur and Volt. Her blueprint can be bought on the market, and parts from The Sergeant on Iliad, Phobos. She can also be bought fully built from Teshin once Typhoon rank in Conclave for 60,000 standing.

Mag was introduced in vanilla, originally replacing Volt as a starting frame 3/18/2013 then Volt came back 7/18/2014 replacing Loki. Since then, these three have been the beginner choices.

Mag received a prime variant 9/13/2013 Update 10, becoming the first female warframe to receive a prime

  • Dystopia
    1 year ago

    While I don’t play Mag very often, she tends to excel in endurance missions like Survival and Defense; everywhere else, enemies tend to die too quickly to really make use of her abilities.

    • A fairly useful grouping ability which briefly ragdolls enemies and groups them into a pile in front of Mag. Useful for separating fodder enemies away from Eximus Units (or anything else immune to ragdolls), so that you can focus on the more dangerous enemies. This ability is somewhat redundant as Magnetize generally does the same thing but better. This is the ability that the Helminth will get if you feed the Base Mag to it.
    • Spawns a bubble around a targeted enemy which will suck in other nearby enemies as long as the bubble exists. This is probably Mag’s best ability, but it does have some issues. This ability requires a lot of testing to find the weapons that really work well with it. Generally, you want a Projectile Weapon with good Punch Through/Infinite Punch Through and Status Chance. It works extremely well with Gas or Electricity because of overlapping damage.
    • If you’re noticing Magnetize not casting on an enemy, it is probably because the enemy is either currently being ragdolled or recovering from being knocked down. Give the enemy a chance to stand back up and Magnetize should function correctly on them.
    Some Weapons that work well with Magnetize
    Primary Weapons
    • Exergis
    • Arca Plasmor/Tenet Arca Plasmor
    • Penta/Secura Penta. Avoid using Napalm Grenades, and remember to manually detonate the Grenades with Alt-Fire if you aren’t using them anymore as there is a limit to the number of grenades you can have floating around at one time.
    • Lanka
    • Nataruk
    Secondary Weapons
    • Catchmoon
    • Epitaph
    • Zakti (modded for Gas or Electric)
    Melee Weapons
    • Stropha
    • Ghoul Saw (x12 Heavy Attack Build)
    • Tenet Grigori (An enemy can only be hit once by the projectile even though it is bouncing around and makes contact multiple times. This is the normal behaviour of the projectile, it’s just more noticeable when using Magnetize)
    • Corufell
    • Vitrica
    Weapons that do not work well

    This is the main reason you want to test how weapons interact with Magnetize as some of them have bugged interactions while others seem to act as if Magnetize was never cast in the first place.

    • Spearguns - The Scourge used to have a fun interaction with Mag’s bubble but since the Speargun rework is limited to only one instance of damage to each enemy.
    • Kompressa - *I don’t have a recording of this effect with Magnetize but it’s essentially the same bug with anything that redirects the Kompressa’s projectiles.
    • Exodia Contagion Zaw - Projectile not effected by Magnetize
    • Redeemer/Vastilok/Sarpa - Projectile not effected by Magnetize
    • A weak armor strip ability based on the damage dealt by the ability. Other Armor strip abilities work on a percentage of base armor making them more effective at higher levels. Useful for restoring Mag’s/Allies shields but is slow to expand. Its main use is creating shards which will orbit around within Magnetize damaging enemies and procing Slash and Puncture. Enemies that have no armor/shields are not affected by Polarize, try to avoid 100% armor strip if you want to make use of this ability, or cast before Striping Armor to create shards.
    Crush + Fracturing Crush
    • Another Shield Restore ability for Mag which will strip a percentage of enemy’s base armor if you use its Fracturing Crush Augment. While you generally don’t need to worry about armor stripping in lower level content, it does become very useful if you’re playing an endurance mission or Steel Path.