I guess now it just went from a subtle funny nod to actual canonical lore 😁

  • @erin@lemmy.sidh.bzh
    12 years ago

    Just like the Xeboblade/Monolith situation where fans expect Xenosaga to become cannon in the Xenoblade universe after a 1 minute video they over interpret without concerns about the legal and profit part (Xenoblade is owned by Nintendo, Xenosaga by Bandai and Nintendo would never share the benefit made on Xenoblade just to make fans happy), we have fans expecting the fusion of Dark Sector and Warframe with an over interpreted video of 5 minutes.

    Like you said DE can create something similar without it being Dark Sector. That would be a more logical thing they would do based on law.

    Unless we have a wall street news that announce that the IP change hands or that Tencent now own Deep Silver prior to that trailer (because not doing it in that order could be consider a market manipulation that would be sanctions by the FTC) the only possible outcome stay the same as before: Dark Sector and Warframe are 2 differents things.

    • @KaldoOP
      12 years ago

      What’s your source for Deep Silver owning the IP anyway? I can’t find anything online except DE owning it, same as Warframe.