The title would probably be confusing, but I could not make it better than this. I noticed that most programming languages are limited to the alphanumerical set along with the special characters present in a general keyboard. I wondered if this posed a barrier for developers on what characters they were limited to program in, or if it was intentional from the start that these keys would be the most optimal characters for a program to be coded in by a human and was later adopted as a standard for every user. Basically, are the modern keyboards built around programming languages or are programming languages built around these keyboards?

  • snoweM
    12 years ago

    Hmm Gboard on iphone doesn’t do that. Strange. I can hold plenty of other letters and numbers (like 0 to get °), but not 1-9.

      • snoweM
        12 years ago

        It did not. Cool to see federation between mastodon and lemmy though!

        • TerrorBite :veripawed3:
          12 years ago

          @snowe It’s got its quirks. For example, if I am replying to someone who’s not on then I have to make sure to tag @programming (or another account on the instance) in order for my post to still federate to your server, otherwise only the person I’m replying to would see my reply and it wouldn’t show in comments.

          I did discover that adding the tag as a trailing reply to a missing comment thread will cause the entire reply chain to federate, so that’s neat.