In the past few days, I’ve seen a number of people having trouble getting Lemmy set up on their own servers. That motivated me to create Lemmy-Easy-Deploy, a dead-simple solution to deploying Lemmy using Docker Compose under the hood.

To accommodate people new to Docker or self hosting, I’ve made it as simple as I possibly could. Edit the config file to specify your domain, then run the script. That’s it! No manual configuration is needed. Your self hosted Lemmy instance will be up and running in about a minute or less. Everything is taken care of for you. Random passwords are created for Lemmy’s microservices, and HTTPS is handled automatically by Caddy.

Updates are automatic too! Run the script again to detect and deploy updates to Lemmy automatically.

If you are an advanced user, plenty of config options are available. You can set this to compile Lemmy from source if you want, which is useful for trying out Release Candidate versions. You can also specify a Cloudflare API token, and if you do, HTTPS certificates will use the DNS challenge instead. This is helpful for Cloudflare proxy users, who can have issues with HTTPS certificates sometimes.

Try it out and let me know what you think!

    12 years ago

    A bit OT, but worth the shot: can anyone confirm whether instances deployed with this script can be found on Mastodon?

    I have tried both the ansible script provided by the developers and I’ve adapted the docker-compose files to get things running on Docker Swarm. Everything seems to be working well, object storage, federation… except that I can not find any user or community from my instance if I search from Mastodon.

    • God
      2 years ago

      I saw a bug

      I see this user who deployed using this script, I click the username link below his name which should lead to server.tld/u/username, but it leads to server.tld/users/username, maybe some kind of dbUser -> outside world configuration is broken?

      Also the Bio is different on his local instance and the federated instance?