Right now I’m using Gyre to make it an “AoE” weapon with Cathode Grace/Rotorswell/Cathode Current, since this always crits, but single targets are intended to be killed by slash procs. I’m using a Panzer Vulpaphyla for Viral primer. I stacked base damage for the Hunter Munitions slash procs. I’m using Primary Merciless with the intention of bleed effect kills counting, but I’m not sure if they proc Primary Merciless or not. Incarnon mode feels like it shortens TTK but not by an extreme amount.

The riven’s effects on the current build are visible in the display.

Some specific questions:

Should I be using Hata-Satya here? What would you remove?

Thoughts on what I should subsume over Gyre’s 1? Tharros Strike seems redundant with the concept of slash procs even though it turns things into swiss cheese anyway. Roar is a staple (and I guess it would help rotorswell), but is there something else? Maybe Nourish for viral and using a sentinel companion for the vigilante set’s chance to enhance critical hits? Of course I don’t have Grendel yet so that’ll be a bit of a chore :)

Are there other warframes that might work better to make up for Soma’s single target style?

Should I swap out Critical Delay, since the riven on its own puts me at 93.4% crit (plus Cathode Grace), or is the extra 60% for 7.9x normal/8.8x incarnon worth it?

Is the riven as good as it seems, or would you re-roll? What would you look for?

I don’t think the status is high enough for the new cold procs to help, or I would consider those.

  • @TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee
    2 years ago

    riven ideally would have a third stat like FR or Tox, but it looks slotable

    rule of thumb with soma is hata saya OR critical delay. in your case, removing critical delay for riven is prob the way to go. you’ll hit 100% without it.

    dont mix serration with g.apt and merciless. remove serration. add primed shred if you have it, alternatively viral 6060s. def keep galv galv riven vital bane hm. gives you two slots to play with. panzer is insufficient for priming, but nourish can work. primed shred would be great but you’d lose one of the viral mods.

    • MarauderIICOP
      12 years ago

      I think I have primed shred. I don’t think viral 60/60s are the way to go due to the panzer. You think I should keep aptitude even though I don’t have a lot of status effects here?

      Dropping the serration will hurt the slash procs. But maybe not by much thanks to diminishing returns I guess?

      • @TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee
        2 years ago

        panzer is insufficient.

        gapt is better than serration. you’ll have 5 statuses (IPS viral electric), thats +400% damage isnt it?

        indeed the general principle is you dont want to use too much of one stat, unless the weapon really sucks at something.

        • MarauderIICOP
          2 years ago

          After testing, I definitely agree - panzer is insufficient. Epitaph fills the gap nicely, however. G.Apt is better even in this situation, I agree - I do manage enough statuses.

          Edit: turns out I don’t have primed shred. Arcane Acceleration seems to work well, though.

    • @TimewornTraveler@lemm.ee
      12 years ago

      as for gyre she benefits from strip since electric sucks against high armor. pillage is popular. nourish can work too. roar might lack survivability but could be fun for controlled settings