Growth in german wind capacity is slowing. Soo… then the plan is to keep on with lignite and gas? Am I missing something?

Installed Wind Capacty - Germany

German Wind Capacity

  • Blake [he/him]
    102 years ago

    The difference between my comment and a COVID denial comment is that if you googled covid denial arguments you’d find that 99.999% of results refute their claims. If you do the same for my claims, you’ll find the exact same sources that I used to make my arguments on the top page of the search results. It’s not the same.

      92 years ago

      If you used sources to make your argument it’s not so hard to add them to your comment. Makes it just that much harder for people to call you out like what just happened.

      • Blake [he/him]
        22 years ago

        You know that I didn’t decide to just find out this stuff immediately before commenting, right? It’s not like I was searching this stuff up while I was writing my comment. I have learned about this over time by reading lots of sources, and I was trying to pass along what I have learned. That’s all.

        The information I shared is not under any serious debate. For example, if I told you about the theory of evolution, would you ask me to source my claims? It’s established science. While I understand that others don’t have the education, knowledge and experience that I do, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask people who are interested in discussing a topic to do the bare minimum to inform themselves?

        Unfortunately I haven’t kept notes and sources of everything I’ve read throughout the course of my life, but I can remember the findings, and I knew that I could find sources to back up my claims. Which, after being pushed for sources, I provided. Thereafter, the pro-nuclear trolls just start moving deckchairs around and continue to just spread disinformation.

        No one has “called me out”, what do you refer to? Which claim do you think I have been pushed on that I have not satisfactorily debunked? I’m happy to run another class if there’s something you don’t understand?