Actual evidence from actual scientists.

[Image description: A patient holds bottles of medications for hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender-affirming care.]

    • alyaza [they/she]M
      272 years ago

      well, the benefit of studies like these is more for people who are just misinformed or don’t know that much about trans people and will be pushed to form a meaningful opinion on them. contrary to what conservatives fearmonger about, the median American isn’t constantly thinking about trans people–so a lot of people fall into this camp right now

    • ffmikeOP
      152 years ago

      I think one of the major benefits is that courts do take notice of science, even in this country. The more we get studies on the record, the harder it will be for transphobic laws to stand judicial challenges.

    • riskable
      82 years ago

      You can’t change someone’s mind with facts and logic if facts and logic weren’t used to make up their mind in the first place.

      You also can’t change someone’s mind about any given topic if their stance on that topic is part of their identity. To a conservative, their very core identity/belief is that everyone is made “by God” exactly the way they’re supposed to be. Before you could get them to believe that something like gender dysphoria is real you’d first have to make them believe that their religion is wrong.

      • rs5th
        82 years ago

        Conservatives don’t seem to have trouble with boob jobs, etc. I think this is an instance of using religion as an excuse when it’s convenient.

        • riskable
          72 years ago

          I’m going to take a guess here and say that the majority of evangelicals (which is the largest block of conservatives right now) do take issue with boob jobs. They also don’t like it when girls cut their hair short or wear non-feminine clothing, to give other related examples. At least, that’s the evangelicals here in Florida that I know.

          There’s varying degrees of just how much deviation from their cultural norms are allowed (I’d argue that’s what defines how “conservative” they are). This is why conservatives can get extremely upset when LGBTQ+ people are allowed to be themselves in public… Because it normalizes them.

          Conservatives know that if it becomes normal for their kids to see/meet gay dads/moms, trans people, or other non-binary people on a regular basis the very definition of what they believe to be “normal” will be swept right out from under them in the minds of their children. The very foundation of what they believe won’t be passed on to the next generation.

          That’s why conservatives are obsessed with children “being exposed” to LGBTQ+ topics/people in school. They know that if their kid grows up around completely harmless LGBTQ+ people that their kid will just naturally start to believe that these people are harmless (because they are), normal, and “no big deal”. That’s their worst nightmare!

          I’d go so far as to suggest that it is impossible (today) for someone to claim they’re a conservative while simultaneously claiming that LGBTQ+ people are born that way. There’s nothing conservative about that (it’s beyond cognitive dissonance). Furthermore, it goes completely against the Bible’s teachings that women are property! Property can’t just up and change itself into a man/actual thinking person!

    • Lupolo
      82 years ago

      I agree. Unfortunately this country has a big problem with education, intellectualism, and science.

      I’m not sure how we dig our way out of this hole since it’s decades in the making and there’s renewed vigor for opression.

      • riskable
        2 years ago

        The only time I’ve seen a super conservative person change their beliefs was when two of their fundamental beliefs came in conflict with each other and the conservative side became a problem: An empathy-free asshole I’m acquainted with had a grandchild that was immunocompromised (no idea if it was permanent or what caused it) when COVID hit.

        He wore masks everywhere except his house. He told me that that the people at his church “insulted him” and “practically kicked him out” for refusing to remove his mask. He basically made the decision at that point in his life that maybe these people weren’t the best people after all and he stopped going to church.

    • DocSophie
      82 years ago

      Yep, they’re gonna ignore this study and all this research just like the rest of it. :(

      • TheBurlapBandit
        102 years ago

        It’s worse than that. They know the study is correct- that’s why they are pushing the legislation. They want to hurt trans people.

    • darq
      72 years ago

      We’ve had mountains of evidence all pointing towards the same conclusion for many years. They aren’t interested in being convinced.