Meme transcription:

Panel 1 of 3: A cute dog looks asks, “pls fix problem??”

Panel 2 of 3: The dog has become upset and says, “No Info!!”

Panel 3 of 3: The dog looks very angry and says “only fix”

  • ripcord
    2510 months ago

    Unfortunately, sometimes they can’t determine reproduction steps because it’s rare to happen and required multiple things, or they just didn’t catch it. I definitely don’t blame them, at least not in a lot of cases.

    And sometimes logs or crash dump or whatever is all you need to figure out the bug anyway. In fact, ideally it should be more often than not.

      710 months ago

      That’s true. I work in QA, so I’m all too familiar with the experience of “wait, wtf just happened”. I don’t fault users in that situation. My problem is when it’s “I crash every time on this level”, without any explanation