FRENCH Title: Putsch au Niger: Macron annonce que l’ambassadeur de France est “pris en otage”

Caption: French President Macron says French Ambassador to Niger Itte and other diplomatic staff being held “hostage” and forced to eat military rations at French Embassy in Niamey, Niger: News Outlet Photo via BFMTV.

    • Hangry
      2 years ago

      The article is a little weird. This is my interpretation, need to look for other sources.

      President says that the ambassador is “taken hostage, literally”.
      Military in Niger wants him out of the country, but French government says that his work is too valuable, he must stay.
      Military says " OK, but he can’t leave the embassy, Persona Non Grata".

      Technically the ambassador has either choice of leaving the country or staying inside the embassy. Food is not delivered anymore, leaving him with military rations to eat.