Idk if this is the right community for this conversation, but it’s been on my mind and I want to share it with someone.

In the 00’s every new thing we heard about the internet was exciting. There were new protocols, new ways to communicate, new ways to share files, new ways to find each other. Every time we heard anything new about the internet, it was always progress.

That lasted into the early teens and then things started changing. Things started stagnating. Now we’re well into the phase where every new piece of news we hear is negative. New legislations, new privacy intrusions, new restrictions, new technologies to lock content away and keep us from sharing, or seeing the content we were looking for. New ways to force ads.

At one point the Internet was my most favorite thing in the world. Now I don’t know if I even like it anymore. I certainly don’t look forward to hearing news about it. It’s sad, man. We’ve lost a lot. The mega corps took the internet from us, changed it from a million small sites that people created because they had big ideas, or were passionate about small ones, and turned it into a few enormous sites with no new ideas, no passion, just an insatiable desire for money.

We’re at the end of an era, and unlike the last 20 years of progress, I don’t think most of us will like what the next era brings.

    21 year ago

    Could you elaborate, please? You have introduced the clichee of a homeless person. Your point only works if that person has such a tough life that they don’t have the time or mental energy to spend on vague ideas.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Could you elaborate, please?

      Your Patrick Bateman LARP got updated to 2020s techbro jargon, up to and including passive-aggressive contempt for homeless people because they didn’t hustlegrind or produce new tech toys for you to play with. bateman-ontological

      You have introduced the clichee of a homeless person.

      What is your entire post history but the cliches of a sociopathic techbro that sees other living beings as sources of profit or obstacles against profit?

      Your point only works if that person has such a tough life that they don’t have the time or mental energy to spend on vague ideas.

      What the fuck are you even trying to say here? Are you that high on your own ayahuasca-laced farts?

        21 year ago

        You are projecting. You asked about profits and you introduced homeless people as the ones who cannot handle this debate.

        Now you are derailing with more insults.

        Let’s stay on topic. You want profits and I suggested that you should try to build a platform to make money.

        Can you handle that thought?

        • TheCaconym [any]
          1 year ago

          He doesn’t want profits, quite obviously you do (and seem obsessed by it), you’re the only one doing the projecting here - along with posting pitiful platitudes that’d make a shitty linked-in life coach delete their post in shame

          What he did is ask you, literally, what you had in mind for the 99.99% of people that don’t win the tech innovation lottery

            21 year ago

            Winning in that context meant creating something exciting, for everybody.

            If he then asks what everybody but the winner gets, besides that new exciting technology, then what else does he expect but profits?

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Winning in that context meant creating something exciting, for everybody.

              The corporate surveillance police state that techbros and their bootlicking fandom (like yourself) have forcibly enclosed around most of the western world is certainly for everybody, isn’t it? bootlicker lord-bezos-amused

              If he then asks what everybody but the winner gets, besides that new exciting technology, then what else does he expect but profits?

              Your fixation is on profits. I said no such thing about such sacred holy profits. You’re a liar, or you’re so deep in your hustlegrind techbro cult that you can’t imagine motivations, or even life itself, without such sacred holy profits.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          161 year ago

          You are projecting.

          “NO U” would only apply if I was doing what you were doing. I was not.

          Now you are derailing with more insults.

          Your rails were going nowhere but through a circus. Of course I’m going to point and laugh at clowns.

          Let’s stay on topic.

          The topic of this fucking thread was, quote, “Internet developments have gone from exciting to dreadful.” And you brought your techbro hustlegrind clown circus. So you derailed the thread in this comment chain, clown. And now I’m pointing and laughing at the clown.

          You want profits

          Where did I make that request in this thread? Not everyone in the world is a Patrick Bateman LARPer like yourself.

          and I suggested that you should try to build a platform to make money.

          And I suggested you lay off on the techbro hustlegrind shit if you want me to stop laughing at the clown.

          Can you handle that thought?

          I’m laughing at the clown, so yes I’m handling it.

            21 year ago

            What’s the hustle? When I say that OP should try for himself or when I reply to your question, suggesting that the created things could become the reward?

            Don’t you believe that the fediverse will grow and that there are still many opportunities left?

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              1 year ago

              What’s the hustle?

              I sincerely think highly enough of you that I’m certain you’re just lying at this point. You’ve spent hours proselytizing about techbro innovation and even invoked your favorite billionaire pedophile as a patron saint of that innovation. That’s a hustle, or to be more exact and less flattering, a grift.

              When I say that OP

              Yes, that’s a derailment that invalidated everything they said by adding even more steaming techbro bullshit to the pile they were already saying they were dreading.

              Don’t you believe that the fediverse will grow and that there are still many opportunities left?

              That’s a bad-faith loaded question that is attempting to associate any activity here with your particular brand of corporate bootlickery and billionaire worship.

                21 year ago

                Rereading the text, I see something else. He complains about negativity and corporations stifling small initiatives. Look what you are spreading about my comment that reaffirms small initiatives.

                I hope that you can laugh about yourself, because I do, slightly.

                Can’t you stop being stuck at me mentioning BG? You made it clear that you don’t care about profits but about abuse. Let’s figure out something exciting.

                • UlyssesT [he/him]
                  111 year ago

                  He complains about negativity and corporations stifling small initiatives.

                  You’re seeing dollar signs and another profit vector to proselytize to. You missed the entire point because you forgot not everyone’s part of your cult.

                  I hope that you can laugh about yourself, because I do, slightly.

                  I’m too busy laughing at the hustlegrind techbro clown that keeps juggling bullshit while dodging every label possible.

                  Can’t you stop being stuck at me mentioning BG?

                  No. Because you brought him up and categorically he’s a monster, and not just the pedophilia parts. You’re so slimy that you even found a sophistic way to excuse his lobbying maneuvers to keep covid vaccines sealed under private ownership, and that was after your pretentious lies about how he shares the cake or whatever.

                  You made it clear that you don’t care about profits but about abuse.

                  Yes. I do care about abuse. Your billionaire saviors are abusing the planet and the life that still remains upon it and may well kill us all.

                  Let’s figure out something exciting.

                  This isn’t an office pizza party. Empty corpo bullshit like that is just calliope music to accompany your corpo clown act. corporate-art

                    21 year ago

                    I didn’t excuse the vaccine lobbying. You are stuck in your first judgment. If you want to nag me then it works because BG is no hero of mine.

                    You are right about me caring about profits though. Logistics is everything. How do you want to create something without a positive resource balance?

                    Still wondering, what’s the entire point of OP’s text? I guess you focus on the evil domination of evil corporations. How do you want to resolve it if not with small initiatives?