I was happily using this for a year or so now. Feels fairer than using an ad blocker. But now they apparently want more money out of people. Feels like some sort of internet video apocalypse is happening, where the services become extremely fragmented and expensive, like YouTube, netflix, hbo, Hulu, Disney+ and whatnot. Each wants some 10-20€ out of your pocket.
I guess that means back to ad blockers and piracy…
I was happily using Lite as well and them just announcing it’s discontinuing in a month feels really unfair. I don’t want the added functionality of youtube premium. I don’t want to pay €15 a month for the same thing I had before for half the money. Now I have to find an alternative, and I think for me it will also be ad blockers and piracy. I’ll miss casting youtube to my TV ad free though…