(approximately 10h after this post was made)

  • Keegen
    19 months ago

    No details yet, just confirmation that he’s getting a rework by Pablo. I hope they completely scrap his entire kit and re-make him from the beginning, the poor guy was only ever relevant as a loot frame, and even that was stolen from him by Khora, he deserves to have a good, fun and functional kit for once in his existence!

    • HidingCat
      19 months ago

      Yea, Khora was just better than Hydroid in every way. Once that augment came in he basically went from a B frame to a D frame. And even as a loot frame he just wasn’t fun.

    • TehPers
      19 months ago

      That sounds about right since the last time I played. Wow, he really needs a pretty major rework if looting is still his only strong suit. Pablo has been known to deliver, so here’s hoping he works his magic again!