My wife and I are in the mood to watch something terrible. We just watched the langoliers and hackers so something in that vein would be fun.

What are y’all’s favorite shitty movies?

Edit: I have been corrected: hackers is a great movie. I’m sorry everyone.

    • DaveedMee
      12 years ago

      what a new one? is there a release date yet? is it another guy spoils the governments plan with throwing books against laptops? is it twisted pair 2? it’s a magical day the sequel? i can’t believe she commited suicide? can’t wait to torture my friends with his newest creation!

        12 years ago

        Cade: The Tortured Crossing

        he’s currently running some strange gamut of film festivals, think it’ll be about in the next few months. not having how he ai quantum shits and cums all over the corrupt politicians spoiled (he’s terminator btw)