Not sure how well-known this is, but there’s a fun interaction that happens in Circuit with certain abilities and the Deadly Decrees intrinsic.

Certain abilities are coded as projectiles, which you can check here: These abilities will scale off Deadly Decrees; they will also scale off “weapon enchant” type abilities, notably the Nourish helminth.

I’ve personally taken advantage of this with Final Stand on Styanax, Flechette Orb on Vauban, and Antimatter Drop/Antimatter Absorb on Nova.

  • Dystopia
    12 years ago

    I know Garuda’s 4 was pretty strong because of the Decree interactions. I wanted to try it with Hydroid as a meme to see if the same interaction happened with Tentacle Swarm/Corroding Barrage for some stupid damage numbers, but haven’t had any luck rolling him so far.