It came from early on in studying the brain. A scientist said that we only understand what 10 percent of the brain does, and everyone ran with a misunderstanding of that idea.
I understood it as “conscious thought”. Subconsciously your brain is still sending and receiving tons of information and signals to move muscles like pumping your heart or contracting your diaphragm.
Where did the myth come from?
It came from early on in studying the brain. A scientist said that we only understand what 10 percent of the brain does, and everyone ran with a misunderstanding of that idea.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson explains here.
Sidenote, why does everyone hate Neil these days?
He thinks he’s so smart about everything and there’s always this condescending tone.
Like no shit Neil?
Piling on…
Piling on, he totally misses the arguments and ideas being put forward by the interviewer
Oh god I forgot about that one lol.
Piling on
Okay well this is just trying to be funny. Did giggle a bit on the first one
The last one is perfection. We have !, maybe we can get a !fuck_sports somewhere?
I thought it was something about how much is active at any given time, but it doesn’t look like it’s that either.
It might be straight pulled out of thin air.
I understood it as “conscious thought”. Subconsciously your brain is still sending and receiving tons of information and signals to move muscles like pumping your heart or contracting your diaphragm.