It’s the internet, there’s Nazis everywhere. I got to see how they work (on the internet) because they converted a long time acquaintance of mine. I’m going to start working on some mod tools to help shut their bullshit down once work stops being a shitnado.
Sorry to hear about your acquaintance. Fuck nazi and thank you we need people to make sure we keep them the fuck out. Fuck nazi and I believe it’s only time punching someone wouldn’t be considered violent since to me a nazi isn’t a person our worth being considered human. But fucking monsters.
There’s a difference between “I don’t respect this person’s humanity” based on traits they were born with versus active choices and decisions that person has made. I would define one of the core human traits as care and empathy for others, and I don’t think Nazis demonstrate that trait
They don’t. Neither do most CEO and all billionaires. They have no empathy and in some cases enjoy causing suffering. Especially on those they deem lesser than themselves.
To me that makes them not human. But nazis are whole other beast and I think it perfectly fine to shoot them into the sun.
I’m not going to join your ride on the slippery slope of dehumanization. You need to get to grips with the reallity that your rosy fiction of what humans should be is not what humans are. Your jump to dehumanization is a perfect illustration of a not so nice human trait that enabled some of the most horrible episodes of human history. Be better than that.
Are we dicussing the same thing here? I am talking about Nazis and no one except for nazis should disagree with me on how they should be treated and dealt with. Thank you very much. I don’t care if I hurt thier fucking fee fees. Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one. Punch a nazi in the face.
No we, are not. Because you use Nazi colloquially as a slur for people right of you who you don’t agree with. I use Nazi correctly to refer to NSDAP members. As you want Nazis dead, I can reassure you, because 99.999% are. The literal hand full of Nazis still living is 97+ years old.
It should be abundently clear from what I wrote, that I’m critizing dehumanizing generally and without exception.
Fuck █████ and only good one is a dead one. Punch a █████ in the face.
Fill in the blanks randomly and see what’s wrong with it. My point is, it’s always wrong. I’m not defending Nazi-ideology or neo-Nazis (I am very opposed to both), I’m critisizing you and others for participating in dehumanization. And I’m pointing out, that your way of talking about them is ironic (and tragic), because dehumanization was a core part of Nazi ideology and strategy.
Fyi: My quote of you with the blanks would be considered a call for violence and Volksverhetzung (hard to translate, but “incitement of the people” comes closest) in Germany. There just was a public case where leftists were convicted because their extreme words were followed by extreme actions.
And I’d really like to know, what you think the implementation of “Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one” could, would, or should be!? Hunt them down like animals? Just every citizen shooting them on sight? Putting them in concentration camps and create some Endlösung (final solution ⟶ gas chamber)?
Calling anyone living today a Nazi is wrong to begin with.
I appreciate that you started off your post with the stupidest possible thing you could say so that everybody knows they don’t need to waste time reading the rest.
You might want to look up the term neo-Nazi and learn why there is a distinction between it and the term Nazi. Your display of ignorance is indicative of that you really should read my “post” (it’s a comment) in its entirety.
I never said that the Nazis were socialists (as we would define socialist today). I said “social” was part of their name (NSDAP, S ⟶ Sozialistisch) and not just a hollow word at that, which is a historic fact, whether you like it or not.
If your take from what I wrote is “Nazis are socialists”, you should improve on your reading skills.
Nazis were a political movement and party in WW2 Germany. The people who hate black people and Jews these days do not align at all with that party. There’s actual terms like Neonazi which is rare as well, or White Supremacist. The problem with using Nazi to define anybody currently is that in most online spaces a Nazi is not somebody who wants to exterminate the Jews and create a white world, but somebody you just disagree with and think is mean.
Oh I’m sorry, does it hurt the feelings of neonazis and white supremacists if I call them Nazis? Thank goodness someone told me. I’ll be sure to keep calling them Nazis from now on
I will never tire of people who do not grasp the field of linguists trying to be pedantic about words.
Words mean what people use them to mean. Most people use Nazi to refer to both 1930s German National Socialists and modern day white supremacists. Therefore, that’s what it means. English is not a dead language like Latin, so stop trying to treat it like one with regards to this one word. It just makes you look like a Nazi.
And pro-Trump Republicans are neither of those things. There may be some white supremacists in their club but by no means is it a requirement. All I see from them is delusions and shitposting.
The entire republican party is currently lockstep saying all trans folk are trying to corrupt, if not molest, children. They’re promising national legislation to oppress and punish them if they win. Before them, it was Mexicans and Muslims. They always have a group of “others” to scapegoat, and given enough time and power they always eventually act on it.
“Never again” means we’re supposed to recognize and stop this behavior before it can harm anybody, not wait until it’s too late as we disingenuously quibble over definitions.
Bah… you can argue semantics all day long, I have no qualm calling these alt-right fucks nazis. Just look at the dumpsterfire that became. Nazis comes close enough to describe that.
I can tell you TheDonald didn’t like it either. That’s why they left. The free speech absolutist policies meant they got called out all the time and they couldn’t handle it.
So when men march wearing black balaclava and waving actual nazi flags, calling themselves nazis and intimidating vulnerable minorities with violence, you don’t call them Nazis? Really?
Edit: This is neither hypothetical nor a unique occurrence
More likely neo-Nazis than actual Nazis if not pure edge lords. I think the best way to refer to them is untermensch because the actual Nazis would have seen them as lesser which I find hilarious and should insult them thoroughly. They deserve mockery and derision.
as a jewish person… all i have to say is what the fuc
It’s the internet, there’s Nazis everywhere. I got to see how they work (on the internet) because they converted a long time acquaintance of mine. I’m going to start working on some mod tools to help shut their bullshit down once work stops being a shitnado.
Sorry to hear about your acquaintance. Fuck nazi and thank you we need people to make sure we keep them the fuck out. Fuck nazi and I believe it’s only time punching someone wouldn’t be considered violent since to me a nazi isn’t a person our worth being considered human. But fucking monsters.
Fyi: Dehumanizing humans was a core feature of the Nazi ideology.
There’s a difference between “I don’t respect this person’s humanity” based on traits they were born with versus active choices and decisions that person has made. I would define one of the core human traits as care and empathy for others, and I don’t think Nazis demonstrate that trait
They don’t. Neither do most CEO and all billionaires. They have no empathy and in some cases enjoy causing suffering. Especially on those they deem lesser than themselves.
To me that makes them not human. But nazis are whole other beast and I think it perfectly fine to shoot them into the sun.
I’m not going to join your ride on the slippery slope of dehumanization. You need to get to grips with the reallity that your rosy fiction of what humans should be is not what humans are. Your jump to dehumanization is a perfect illustration of a not so nice human trait that enabled some of the most horrible episodes of human history. Be better than that.
Are we dicussing the same thing here? I am talking about Nazis and no one except for nazis should disagree with me on how they should be treated and dealt with. Thank you very much. I don’t care if I hurt thier fucking fee fees. Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one. Punch a nazi in the face.
No we, are not. Because you use Nazi colloquially as a slur for people right of you who you don’t agree with. I use Nazi correctly to refer to NSDAP members. As you want Nazis dead, I can reassure you, because 99.999% are. The literal hand full of Nazis still living is 97+ years old.
It should be abundently clear from what I wrote, that I’m critizing dehumanizing generally and without exception.
Fill in the blanks randomly and see what’s wrong with it. My point is, it’s always wrong. I’m not defending Nazi-ideology or neo-Nazis (I am very opposed to both), I’m critisizing you and others for participating in dehumanization. And I’m pointing out, that your way of talking about them is ironic (and tragic), because dehumanization was a core part of Nazi ideology and strategy.
Fyi: My quote of you with the blanks would be considered a call for violence and Volksverhetzung (hard to translate, but “incitement of the people” comes closest) in Germany. There just was a public case where leftists were convicted because their extreme words were followed by extreme actions.
And I’d really like to know, what you think the implementation of “Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one” could, would, or should be!? Hunt them down like animals? Just every citizen shooting them on sight? Putting them in concentration camps and create some Endlösung (final solution ⟶ gas chamber)?
For some reason you brought up billionaires?
I think it’s important to remember that these monsters are all too human.
It’s still good to shoot them into the Sun.
Removed by mod
I appreciate that you started off your post with the stupidest possible thing you could say so that everybody knows they don’t need to waste time reading the rest.
You might want to look up the term neo-Nazi and learn why there is a distinction between it and the term Nazi. Your display of ignorance is indicative of that you really should read my “post” (it’s a comment) in its entirety.
Nazi colloquially includes neonazi. You’re being incredibly weird about this.
Good job using the bullshit “Nazis are socialists” lie, that way it’s easy to ignore you.
I never said that the Nazis were socialists (as we would define socialist today). I said “social” was part of their name (NSDAP, S ⟶ Sozialistisch) and not just a hollow word at that, which is a historic fact, whether you like it or not.
If your take from what I wrote is “Nazis are socialists”, you should improve on your reading skills.
But it’s ok to dehumanize someone who I disagree with. /s.
There’s not really nazis, at least not many. People on the internet view right leaning views as literal nazis these days.
Except they are
Nazis were a political movement and party in WW2 Germany. The people who hate black people and Jews these days do not align at all with that party. There’s actual terms like Neonazi which is rare as well, or White Supremacist. The problem with using Nazi to define anybody currently is that in most online spaces a Nazi is not somebody who wants to exterminate the Jews and create a white world, but somebody you just disagree with and think is mean.
Oh I’m sorry, does it hurt the feelings of neonazis and white supremacists if I call them Nazis? Thank goodness someone told me. I’ll be sure to keep calling them Nazis from now on
It hurts the power of labeling something as Nazis when it’s just somebody you don’t like.
I will never tire of people who do not grasp the field of linguists trying to be pedantic about words.
Words mean what people use them to mean. Most people use Nazi to refer to both 1930s German National Socialists and modern day white supremacists. Therefore, that’s what it means. English is not a dead language like Latin, so stop trying to treat it like one with regards to this one word. It just makes you look like a Nazi.
And pro-Trump Republicans are neither of those things. There may be some white supremacists in their club but by no means is it a requirement. All I see from them is delusions and shitposting.
The entire republican party is currently lockstep saying all trans folk are trying to corrupt, if not molest, children. They’re promising national legislation to oppress and punish them if they win. Before them, it was Mexicans and Muslims. They always have a group of “others” to scapegoat, and given enough time and power they always eventually act on it.
“Never again” means we’re supposed to recognize and stop this behavior before it can harm anybody, not wait until it’s too late as we disingenuously quibble over definitions.
Bah… you can argue semantics all day long, I have no qualm calling these alt-right fucks nazis. Just look at the dumpsterfire that became. Nazis comes close enough to describe that.
I can tell you TheDonald didn’t like it either. That’s why they left. The free speech absolutist policies meant they got called out all the time and they couldn’t handle it.
So when men march wearing black balaclava and waving actual nazi flags, calling themselves nazis and intimidating vulnerable minorities with violence, you don’t call them Nazis? Really?
Edit: This is neither hypothetical nor a unique occurrence
More likely neo-Nazis than actual Nazis if not pure edge lords. I think the best way to refer to them is untermensch because the actual Nazis would have seen them as lesser which I find hilarious and should insult them thoroughly. They deserve mockery and derision.
Agree to disagree
they really are not
Agree to disagree
Found the Nazi. Get the fuck out of here.
What are you, retarded?